Are newbies afraid of helpers, or simply unaware?

Started by Cuusardo, June 04, 2005, 12:40:42 PM

There seems to be quite a few posts lately from new players asking how to do this or that, how does this work, or how do I get from here to there.  

For those who are unaware of the helpers, here is the link to the helpers list:  Each has an area of expertise listed, and you can pick one based on the questions that you have.  You can even pick several if you need to.  They don't bite, unless you ask nicely.  :wink:

Don't be shy!  As far as helpers are concerned, there are no stupid questions.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

When I was new, not only was I unaware of the Helpers, but I was unaware of the GDB.

Among the newbie postings on the GDB, though, it seems more likely to me that they simply didn't know about the Helpers.  The link to the helper page isn't on the Armageddon homepage, and between General Information, Roleplaying and Community Resources (and all the links in between), it can take a long while for a new player to actually realize we're waiting for them to contact us.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Man, when I started there where no helpers, I had to learn most through trial and error.  lots and lots of errors.  Thank god I had a good friend to help me along the way.

If I see a character in-game who seems like they desperately need help, I'll usually OOC with: "OOC: Hi there. Sorry if I'm being pushy, but you seem very new. Alot of people find that the helpers make things alot easier when you're new. If you have any questions, you can find them at..." This one lieelt ooc comment is far less distracting than a newb struggling over syntax for an hour, so I think it's usually the right thing to do.

Perhaps we could make the helper link in the MOTD a little more noticeable with something like: **HEY! FUCKER! THE HELPERS, WHO ARE WONDERFULLY EFFICIENT AT HELPING NEW PLAYERS, CAN BE FOUND AT **

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Maybe they don't want to be treated like a Newbie?
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

For me it was laziness. Why bother e-mailing ONE person, when I can post on the GDB, and have several people able to offer me an answer? For IC stuff that's not a good solution, but as I said. I was lazy ;)

Regarding Helpers:

Not to mention, I am curious as to the validity of the helpers page.  Are all of those people listed still active armageddon players?  Do they ever even log into those email accounts or use their instant messengers?  Perhaps the helper accounts are already reviewed frequently for legitimacy, but if not
it might be of benefit for an immortal to go down the list, email each listing
person listed as a helper and re-establish the helper list based on responsiveness.  Those that simply never respond could then be removed from the list.

I'd hate to be a newbie, pick someone from the list, email them, and wait a few days hoping for a response never to get one.  Thats discouraging.

- Praetorian

I actually enjoyed muddling my way through my first month or so without the help of Helpers or what have you. In hinsight a lot of stress and trouble could have been avoided, but then again the character would not have been so developed.

In short, it is really up to the player whether they ask for help or not, and there are pros and cons going for any option you take.

I'm with Tuannon. I basically figured everything out on my own, using helpfiles, arm pages and sometimes the GDB even. But I remember that I just didn't want to bore hotshot players called helpers with little questions that everybody probably knew. Although it probably took a little more work than just asking a helper directly, I found out most of my questions on my own.

Helpers volunteer for the job.  If they were really that bored by questions about the game, they wouldn't have asked to have their names put on the list.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

The Helper list is up-to-date.

When a new account is approved for play in the game (first character) the player is usually sent a link to the helpers page.

I also add in my own little comment to encourage them to contact one of the helpers for guidance.
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.

Well, being a newbie, there are a few reasons why I might post on the boards instead of emailing a helper or contacting them via AIM:

emailing someone takes forever, you don't even know whether or nor you'll ever receive an answer
AIM is nice - when ppl are online. I've talked to a few helpers over AIM, but the aren't always there, exspecially if you have funny online times.

There is this 'ask the players'-board, and it says something about newbie questions, so why not ask there where you will probably get a quicker response than when writing an email? Posting seemed a pretty obvious thing to do for me..
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Email isn't always slower, actually.
I have an email checker program, as does nearly everyone nowadays.  Whenever I get an email, I read it either immediately or as soon as I finish whatever pressing things I have on Armageddon.  More often than not, I will reply to the email in ten minutes or less since receiving it.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Perhaps adding a small note to the helpers list saying when is helper X usually available on AIM/MSN/whatever might help?

Being an offpeaker I had hard time finding a helper online. Once I found one sharing my times, I bugged them a lot.

Helpers are here to help. They volunteer for the task, and all of those I ever contacted in past were extremly... helpful. Thank you, folks.
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

I get questions in email every so often, I myself rarely post on the GDB. Always happy to answer questions usually and use IM as well to help out... hehehehe got some odd requests/questions out there too sometimes.

Amish Overlord  8)
i hao I am a sid and karma farmer! Send PM for details!

I don't know if this is useful information or not, but here's my thoughts, from my own perspective when I first started playing.

I came from a game where people designated as "newbie helpers" (mentors, guides, whatever the games called them) were primarily in-game entities.. who would "poof" to your location and talk to you OOCly (without any ooc command), know your name automagickally, not roleplay at all, and give you free cheap gear to help get you started.

Another game had helpers who would help in their OOC section of the game, sometimes giving out stat and number-crunching info, recommending how to train, what skills to learn and in which order, telling them who they played so they could hook up, etc. etc. etc...

When I came to Arm, I didn't -want- that kind of help. I wasn't a newbie to gaming, I didn't need number-cruncher help or assistance in setting up triggers and scripts. And so, not knowing that any other 'kind' of help could be possible, I avoided the helpers.

I did end up getting help from helpers along the line, after I'd played awhile. Most of them really were awesome.

I think past experiences from other games can give people bad impressions of the *concept* of "newbie helpers" and spoil them against getting help in Arm. It's unfortunate, but that's how it was for me and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for some other players.

Quote from: "inkhore"Man, when I started there where no helpers, I had to learn most through trial and error.  lots and lots of errors.  Thank god I had a good friend to help me along the way.

haha  i learned the game by always playing with an experinced person

then i made alot of mistakes

i was completely new to text base games omg i didn't know how to move around let alone talk...

i never knew there where forums or help files becuase i logged on threw zmud back then
dd my msn if you want,

A ton of newbies IM me, and occasionally someone who isn't a newbie, but has a few questions about a character type they haven't played.

Even I occasionaly pick out a newbie helper to ask a few questions of.

I'm all for any ideas there are to increas it too though.
Veteran Newbie

Check it out: (I'll email the mud later, but for now)

I went through the newbie helper list and loaded all the aim screen names onto a buddylist. Saved it, and uploaded it. Geocities sucks balls (not only did they delete the little website I had, it was a whole 5 megs or something...due to too few people visiting it. *Growl*...but they wouldn't even let me upload the buddylist file. .blt is invalid) so...its in an archive file. .zip, every windows computer can open that.

1) Download
2) Unzip
3) Run Aim
4) Go to _My Aim, scroll down _Load buddylist
5) Load this file

Also, I don't know who updates those webpages, but last time I was emailed, someone was double checking on whos still an active helper, I included my msn and yahoo, but they weren't added. I'll email the mud, but anyways.


Hope that helps (although it's only for the aim screennames as of now), but now you can download and open one file and have a bunch of helpers on your buddylist. Will help to cut down on just adding a bunch of people that just aren't online.
Veteran Newbie

Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I'd love to use the helpers, but I don't have AIM, so I generally figure things out on my own eventually.

Quote from: "Guido"I'd love to use the helpers, but I don't have AIM, so I generally figure things out on my own eventually.

Most of us also use ICQ, Yahoo, MSN or all three, in addition to email. :)
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Sending a private message on the GDB to one of the helpers is also a viable option.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Guido"I'd love to use the helpers, but I don't have AIM, so I generally figure things out on my own eventually.

I don't have AIM either.  If you have MSN you can IM me, otherwise you can PM me or E-mail me.  The E-mail I use for these purposes is (please don't use this E-mail if you're not playing a character in my clan or a newbie who wants to ask for help).
Back from a long retirement

And I am still scared of Helpers.
I did work up my courage and I asked a couple somethings though, if that counts. Just a week or so ago!
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.