Arm down?

Started by brianhartman, May 25, 2005, 07:37:31 PM

Has anyone else noticed that they cannot connect to arm?  or is it just me?
hat frikking signature?

It happens. Just got to be patient. It's on now, so don't panic.  :lol:
Here is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen.  -   Sean O'Faolain

Quote from: "brianhartman"Has anyone else noticed that they cannot connect to arm?  or is it just me?

You should find something else to do while the mud is down. Just because you can not connect to the world doesn't mean the real world is about to end.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Veteran Newbie

It's a big deal, because I haven't played in quite a while on an important char(real life).  The one time I try to get on, it crashes while I am walking.
hat frikking signature?

I get this error message:

#ses ses11 4050
#Trying to connect..
WinSock error 10022: Invalid argument
hat frikking signature?

/me impales Yokunama on a friendly bone spike ^_^
Murder your darlings.

Quote from: "brianhartman"I get this error message:

#ses ses11 4050
#Trying to connect..
WinSock error 10022: Invalid argument

I had a problem that looked alot like that. Tried to connect to any other muds, or is it only Armageddon you can't get to?

Have you run adaware, Virus Scan, or anything like that? I had trouble with Zmud once and it turns out that Adaware had wiped one of Zmud's required files, WSARV, I think it was. Hopefully you didn't delete your quarantined files, if this is your problem. If you did, and this is what's wrong, you may be in trouble. I reinstalled zmud a half-dozen times and exhausted Zugg's tech support, all to no avail. I eventually had to wipe my HD and format, because of the outrageous virus and popup problems I was having, after that Zmud worked fine, so...

Hope it helps.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

The website and the GDB used to give the status of the mud, saying it was not running when it crashed.  Now the best you can do is refresh the main index of the site every so often to see the timer reset.

Could we get the nifty status thing back, pretty please?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I think the status thing was making the GDB load slower than snails whenever the game would go down.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Quote from: "JollyGreenGiant"I think the status thing was making the GDB load slower than snails whenever the game would go down.
Actually, I think the GDB was completely inaccessible when the mud went down.

I've noticed lately that when the game crashes, the main page doesn't say as much, however the timer does freeze. So if the timer's stopped changing, it's down.

The timer on the main index keeps going until the mud comes back up, then it resets and starts all over again.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "John"
Quote from: "JollyGreenGiant"I think the status thing was making the GDB load slower than snails whenever the game would go down.
Actually, I think the GDB was completely inaccessible when the mud went down.

Not complety no, just on the order of a few minutes before the script querying the mud status times out.  This was on each page load.  I think they did the right thing by removing the script until they had the time/inclination to tweak it to avoid that problem.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Why don't they just put in a php tag to check if port 4050 is up or down and then echo back 'down' or 'up'

Here's how to do it.




$fp fsockopen&#40;$who, $hport, &$errno, &$errstr, 10&#41;;

if &#40;!$fp&#41;&#123;
$data "<strong><font color=\"FF0000\">Armageddon MUD is Down</font></strong>";

else &#123;
$data "<strong><font color=\"#00CCFF\">Armageddon MUD is Running</font> </strong>";

return $data;

Put that in the top of your page or before the actual include.

Wherever on the page you want this to be displayed, put this.

<?php echo lookup&#40;"4050","Mud Server","$domain"&#41;?>

I'll mail it to mud and see what they think.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

There sure do seem to be a lot of crashes this week with the AIM going on.

Having to redrop stuff in a room three or four times a day sucks.   :cry:

Quote from: "Crashed Kank"There sure do seem to be a lot of crashes this week with the AIM going on.

Having to redrop stuff in a room three or four times a day sucks.   :cry:

yeah.. on my third crash today :(    in the middle of something important.. in a place I can't leave on my own :)    

But I'm not an addict.. I can stop ANY time I want  reall

Connected to host

Wups.. gotta run....
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

All 3 of today's crashes were for the same reason, which has now been fixed.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Yay!  *happydance*

See, Halaster kills bugs too.  Kind of like Raid.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Yeah... I noticed that some of them weren't even crashes, it was like Arm lost it's connection to the internet, but came back, so everyone just reconnected to where we were, it happened three times last night all around 2-3 a.m. CST.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

Quote from: "cyberpatrol_735"Why don't they just put in a php tag to check if port 4050 is up or down and then echo back 'down' or 'up'

We don't do this for the following reasons:

a) When you connect to the website, having to wait 30 seconds for a socket connection to timeout because ginka is unreachable is no fun.  We used to have a CGI (non-PHP, mind) which did this but I believe it has been removed for this very reason.

b) You can check whether the mud is up for yourself simply by connecting.  Not everyone on the GDB is necessarily interested in whether the mud is up at that exact moment.

c) You can get even MORE info about the mud's uptime by simply going to and looking at the bottom of that page.

-- X