Trustworthy, cheap money pouches

Started by John, May 24, 2005, 09:36:56 PM

Quote from: "The7DeadlyVenomz"Truthfully, if you get down to it, Staff needs to make a limit on how much you can hold in your hands when it comes to coins. This will enforce the idea of pouchs.

Then how will you buy any very expensive item from a shop?  More hardcoded pouches just means a lot more get, put, get, put, get, put, unless there are hardcoded shortcuts to make it easier (like withdraw coins 2.pouch), but that requires a lot of extra coding just so a more complex system can be managed as easily as the current one.  Hardcoded pouches -do- have their advantages, so it's nice to use them when possible.

gnorance is no excuse. Discipline cures all.

As long as you have the pouch in your hand, you can make the purchase.

>buy #16
You count 123 obsidian coins out of a small cloth sack and give it to a bald shopkeeper, who passes you a set of leather armbands.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


So... the game would let you buy things even with the money still inside the pouches?  Like they weren't there?  Sounds like virtual pouches to me, except maybe we have to pay for them.  :wink:

This underscores an entirely different problem.

The uneducated, unwashed, illiterate citizens of Zalanthas are capable of paying exactly 1573 for a purchase.  Every time, with no variation, because they count out exactly how many coins they need.  Pouches, or larger bricks would be a VERY good idea.  So you can keep the numbers smaller, without confusing the HalfGiant.. '2 bars, 1 cube, and 3 coins'  as opposed to '113 coins'.. It just sorta makes sense.. Even if its virtual, and Rp'd, it'd be nice if it was documented, and played that way.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

That's what the virtual pouches are for.  People could seperate their coins into pouches of 100 each (a small stack, as many already say), count out what they need and add some loose change to fill the rest.

Even if the people are uneducated, I am quite sure they are very well at counting.  Especially when it comes down to counting coins.  In a harsh world, where the coins are hard to come by, people are not going to lose them easily.  So it makes sense for the average dirt to be capable of counting exactly 123 coins and pay them exactly.
some of my posts are serious stuff