Whats bringing you here?

Started by jmordetsky, May 18, 2005, 04:54:28 PM


The only thing I don't like about permadeath is the griefers that it brings.  The people who are only out to find anyone with an interesting character and kill it on them..  

 "Oh look.. someone having fun.... "   ::SLASH::

I have been called a "greifer" before, but I think that Armageddon will have an interesting effect on me. I play warriors, all of my characters in every game have existed for a solitary goal, that of being the best that they can be. Be it a merchant, a scholar, or even a killer. I think that Arm has a certain beauty to it that discourages all but the most dedicated and prepared of fighters, the fact that griefers cant last long without facing consequences. Here murder has its price. You kill someone on a crowded street, and then die, you arent gonna come back ten minutes later to beat them back down.

Every conflict carries a risk here, an ever present reminder that heralds back to the perils of life itself, the impermenancy of life, the risks inherant to choice, the dangers of bucking the system versus the gains it entails. Armageddon, like no other MUD is a philosophical breeding ground, giving its players both a concious and unconcious lesson in life, and its value, every time they play. The lessons learned here can apply to dealing with the harsh realities outside of the game, with issues like mortality, the limitations one has, and living in a world with no obligation to coddle someone. Having grown up on the rougher side of American society, the contents of this game resonate deeply with my experiences as an adolescent and young adult.

Some people live their entire lives unable to cope with the concept that one day, they too will die. The contrasting fragility of life, as well as the extreme resiliance of it in other cases is immanant in no other game so much as Armageddon. How our characters justify their existance lends to our own perceptions of ourselves, our life goals, and what we wish to achieve in life, as well as the greatest hurdle of all human beings, the choice of either coming to terms with one's mortality, or struggling all ones life for the vague, slipping, and neigh impossible hope that maybe, just maybe, your time will never come.

It is this philosophical nature that every character presents, every conflict, and every situation, that draws me to the game. Armageddon is more akin to real life, not in the actual environment of the game, but rather the metaphysical realization, the philosophies core to it, and the way in which we as characters, players, and humans learn to cope with the brutal realities with which we find ourselves. Those who can become grandly successful in Armageddon will find that the application of the same principals will gain success in life. This game is not so much a pastime but rather a training ground. To adapt it to a metaphor, whereas we may not have the memory of reincarnation, we can gain the experiences of countless lives through our experiences here. Armageddon provides a route to the wisdom that can only be achieved through gruelingly painful experience, trial, error, success, and failure.

I think we neew a Newbie of the Month award.  I nominate Ak.

For any of you students whose parents refuse to let you play Arm just print out Ak's piece and hand it to them. Arm.. its a schooling all by itself.

QuoteArmageddon, like no other MUD is a philosophical breeding ground

If you think you're impressed now, just wait until you log in.  :twisted:

My Brother.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

What Ak wrote was gold. Just pure gold.  :D

Tlaloc kidnapped me. I remember the beating distinctly.
I woke in a closet two weeks later with nothing but eight hundred coins in newbie money, a pair of Byn training swords, and an Internet modem feeding Zalanthas intravenously into my arm 24/7.
I've been Armaddicted ever since.
Oh, and by the way, Ak? Welcome to Armageddon.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."