Desert Elf Tribes

Started by Bhagharva, May 15, 2005, 12:10:38 AM

To a desert elf, the tribe is everything.

It seems that many of our players only have a vague notion of the tribes available to play so below is a full list of open, coded tribes that you -now MUST put into your background if you are making a desert elf. Any smallish, made-up tribes need to go through me as a special application if you wish to have this as your background. Tribeless desert elves are not to be put into a background at all and they will either be rejected or the imm approving you might put you into the closest fitting tribe if they are feeling generous.

Akei'ta Var - Must email me for access to the clan webpage and forum.
Soh Lanah Kah - Also must email for forum
Dune Stalkers - Email me for setup to receive dagger and tattoo
Sun Runners -
Silt Winds - Closed for play
Red Fangs -
Sand Jakhals -

I want to stress that this is a definate change in application policies in regards to how we are handling desert elf applications, and how you as a player can work this into your background. To reiterate, You MUST pick a tribe from one of the coded clans if you wish to enter the game quickly and avoid a special application. If you want to get your creative juices flowing and make your own small tribe, or join a small tribe. Correspond with me in email and we will work something out. Again, NO TRIBELESS DESERT ELVES! See? It's really simple.

If you have the karma;
You can make a desert elf in a coded clan.
You can make a delf magicker. (please email me if you do, regardless since diffrent tribes have diffrent beliefs and you may or may not be aware of them).

If you lack the karma, you need to apply with Brixius. He handles general special applications. If he approves your application, then email me and I will go over it with you.  

All of the small tribes that have been created and aknowledged so far, are still valid, but if you wish to join one of these tribes. Please email me with your full desc and background as a special app.

The above link gives some sparse information on the lesser known tribes, but the contact info on all of this page is old, so please disregard all of that.
Any questions regarding any of this can be directed at me,
Bhagharva the Purulent Carcass

Just wanted to note that these rules are still in place.

We strongly encourage you to play in the two fully supported, coded tribes with documentation and camps, which are also pointable in the Hall of Kings.

They are the SLK and ATV.

The others are available as well.
Many have specific restrictions on magickers, so if you're unsure, please email Bhagharva and myself.


February 11, 2010, 12:13:09 PM #2 Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 07:35:13 PM by Niamh
Bumping this as a reminder.  All desert elves must be a part of one of the coded tribes.  As of now, the tribes open for play are the Akei'ta Var, Red Fangs, and Sun Runners.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to desert elf staff.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!