
Started by Revelations, May 05, 2005, 01:00:40 AM

As the subject heading says, what are some greetings that a Zalanthan would use to greet each other besides the common ones? I'm sure there are as many greetings in Zalanthas as there are in RL...I think. Also new and different curses if possible. Need to spice up the variety of language when speeching IMO.
Here is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen.  -   Sean O'Faolain

If you haven't check this out yet, here are the common list for curses in Zalanthas:

Curses  (Character)  

A variety of expressive perjorative terms exists on Zalanthas, with every culture contributing its own, ranging from the mild to the outrageous. You should feel free to have your character make up his or her own terms, but some commonly known ones are included here for easy reference.

Drov - Hell. e.g. What the Drov just happened here?

Feck - same as fuck.

Green - Used in military organizations as a mildly offensive term for a new recruit that doesn't know what they're doing.

Kank-Fucker - Similar to mother fucker.

Bitch - A female gortok.

Krath - Pretty much means God.

Highlord - Used by people who live in Allanak. Means God.

Sharpear/Longneck/Skinny/Slant-eye - Mildly offensive names for elves.

Roundear - Offensive term for humans that elves use when they want to piss humans off. They probably have lots of other names they use privately.

Stumpy/Stubby/Shorty/Baldy - Quasi-offensive derogative for dwarves.

Sands - Similar to 'Zoinks!'

Sewer Horror - Something horrible that lives in the sewers. e.g. Prove your mother's not a feral sewer horror!

Falish - Used to describe something/someone that is flamboyant. e.g. Those pants make you look awefully Falish.

Tighter than a Templar's asshole - Used to describe something that is stuck, or closed shut, or secure.

Hung like an Inix - See help Inix for more details.

Hellpits of Suk-Krath - Hell.

Send <the person's name> to Drov - kill them. e.g. Send Bom to Drov

Utep's teeth - Mildly offensive curse. Could be used when told something bad.

Utep's balls - Same as Utep's teeth, only a lot more offensive. A favourite in Allanak.

Tek's Balls - See Utep's Balls.

Tek's whiskers - See Utep's teeth.

Son of a Gortok - Same as son of a bitch.

"A few warriors dare to challange me, if so one fewer."
"Train yourself to let go everything you fear to lose." Master Yoda
"A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone." Lt. Worf

Other than specific tribals greetings, there arent many other greetings that I would say differ from the norm all too much.

When you greet nobles, you'd add a Chosen Lord/ My Lord, with a deep bow/ or respectful nod.

As for exact wordings? Hello? 'ey thar.... you get my point

Im not sure there have been too many "zalanthan" greetings.

Please elaborate for me people, im on codeine.
your mother is an elf.

Chosen and faithful are only appropriate in the north. In the south My Lord/Lady or Lord/Lady Templar is correct.

Ask me if I'm a tree

There are no standard Zalanthan greetings.

This means that if you can come up with something cool, you'll get to call yourself a trend starter. :)
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Koala"

Sands - Similar to 'Zoinks!'

Heh, a favorite of mine. [/derailment]

From what I've seen, Zalanthan greetings are similar to Earth greetings. Usually announcing the time of day is casual. ex "morning, evening, etc."

Other than that, most people drop/dip/incline a nod. This is okay most of the time, but gets somewhat annoying if its overused.  :wink:

I'll be ananymous, since I've used alot of these greetings over time, but here's a list of what I've been using and have heard before, and a couple that I've thought up recently.

"To Drov with you."
"By Drov"
"Krath/Highlord/Sunking curse it" (variation of "Krathdamn")
"Go to Drov"
"Burn in Krath"
"By the unholy shadows..." (for thoughs who rely on shadows)
"In the Highlord's/Sunking's name! blah blah blah."
"May the Highlord/Sunking curse your name" (for the loyal citizens to use)
"By the four winds" (good for hunters)
"By all that is good"
"May Drov take you"

Goodwill: (most are my personal favorites, if you've heard them from a character alot, good chance it was me, but it doesn't seem many people have picked up on these yet)
"Krath be merciful"
"Walk in Lirathu's light" (considering that some cultures take Lirathu as a sign of prosperity and peace)
"In good will, I depart" (not used very often by me since it doesn't have a 'Zalanthan' feel to it, IMO)
"May good fortune abide with you"
"May the winds be on your back" (since going against the wind make a journey difficult, this would be wishing safe and good travels)

Hope these are good enough to be used more often, if they aren't already. Feel free to add other ones and various sayings like the one that physicians say when referring to amputation, which I can't recall from the top of my head. Have fun! :)

Combining Revelations' and Koala's input, I have come up with a hypothetical.

The firm-faced man says, in sirihish:
  "Tek's balls, how are you, you filthy kank-fucker!"

The wrinkly-faced man says, in sirihish:
  "Pardon me?  I..."

The firm-faced man asks, in sirihish:
  "By the Highlord's balls, hung like an inix, what the Drov just happened here?'

The firm-faced man points to the corpse of the gangly teen.

The wrinkly-faced man says, in sirihish:
   "Zoinks!  What the Drov just... I mean what the bitch!"

The wrinkly-faced man says, out of character:
  "Er... Sands!"

His face becoming firmer, the firm-faced man says, in sirihish:
  "Utep's balls -and- teeth, this is -murder-..."

The wrinkly-faced man says, in sirihish:
  "Murderers... by the whiskers of..."

His face becoming soft again, the firm-faced man says, in sirihish:
  "I knew him.  He was a brash lad and a tough son of a gortok."

The fat greasy man has arrived from the east.

The fat greasy man says, in sirihish:

Sounds like some Hunter S. Thompson dialog.

I like it.

Quote from: "Koala"Green - Used in military organizations as a mildly offensive term for a new recruit that doesn't know what they're doing.

Hmm.. this seems like the type of term to me that should be limited to the Northlands, at most. The term comes from uncured/undried (ie unusable) wood. Probably not something the average Southerner would have experience with.

And since Green is one of Allanaks color and only light green is unlucky.
Jade green is supposedly good luck and it also meants life, I believe.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "facehugger"
Quote from: "Koala"Green - Used in military organizations as a mildly offensive term for a new recruit that doesn't know what they're doing.

Hmm.. this seems like the type of term to me that should be limited to the Northlands, at most. The term comes from uncured/undried (ie unusable) wood. Probably not something the average Southerner would have experience with.

Last I knew, "green" also refers to unripe fruit.