Sandstorm Pics

Started by LBO, April 27, 2005, 04:59:39 PM

Wouldn't like to be out in the sands and see this coming at me at 60mph...

And that is why I can't believe people on Zalanthas go hunting in sandstorms!  I mean come on people...
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

It looks beautiful...

but also horendous.

Wonder what it will be like dealing with that.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Dracul"It looks beautiful...

but also horendous.

Wonder what it will be like dealing with that.

We get these occasionaly out in Arizona.  The technical term is a "haboob".  Mostly they feel like really gritty fog.  The dust gets into everything, your face feels gritty, your teeth feel gritty.  When the bursts blow really hard, 40+ miles per hour or more, the sand hitting your skin stings a bit.  Often there is a light drizzle of rain before, getting the cars lightly wet, then this cloud hits, generally makes a big mess.

Example Picture 1
Example Picture 2
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Tamarin"A female defiler having her period

I wish I could unleash that type of fury when I'm feeling all crazy like that. :twisted:
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

It coule be a male defiler having his period.  You never know what those creepy karma types are up to.
Kofi Annan said you were cool.  Are you cool?

You know. I had never thought of the storms as that bad...

It does provide a forceful argument for the current storm code.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Yeah, it does - but playability is an issue.

If I'm a warrior and get caught out in the desert in a sandstorm and have to get to work or an appointment - but can't walk ten feet then I have to quit regardless.

<unexpected derailment attempt>
Of course - perhaps this is less of a sandstorm code issue and more of an "everyone should be able to quit wherever they are argument."
</unexpected derailment attempt>
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Thank god for the BBC.

*cue dambusters music* na na naaaa naaaaa.....

Quote from: "Cuusardo"And that is why I can't believe people on Zalanthas go hunting in sandstorms!  I mean come on people...
That's like posting a picture of a flash-flood and then saying "This is why I can't believe people go driving when it's raining." ;) This does provide a very strong argument for not going hunting during extremely bad thunderstorms (such as storms that only rangers can see in or just a point or two below that). But I wouldn't say ALL sandstorms should stop people from hunting (if you didn't mean that, sorry).

Quote from: "jmordetsky"You know. I had never thought of the storms as that bad...

It does provide a forceful argument for the current storm code.
I think Mars has really really bad sandstorms that can last for days on end.

Beautiful, all beautiful pictures...I wonder if Zalanthas has that much art in nature.  :wink:  ...although I agree it would really ruin someones day to be actually -in- one. Reminds me of the storm in 'The Mummy Returns' with Dwayne Johnson (the Rock)...abit off tangent.

About hunting in that kind of weather...or in any weather that limits your visibility to only one room...not very realistic in my opinion to be hunting with that kind of visibility. It would be like hunting within a fog, but with the added advantage of having sand blowing in your face. I don't think many animals would stay out in that kind of weather anyway, unless sand in Zalanthas are equivelent to rain to animals. And if your using a form of ranged weapon, definitely wouldn't help very much in any adverse weather...(which I feel people should use more often than melee when hunting).

...unless your a defiler having some problems.  :roll:
Here is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen.  -   Sean O'Faolain

Oooh. I can think of one exception to the no-hunting rule in extreme weather. Rukkian (hunter subguild)? Perhaps they'd enjoy such a bad sandstorm?

Quote from: "Revelations"I don't think many animals would stay out in that kind of weather anyway, unless sand in Zalanthas are equivelent to rain to animals.  

Insectoid animals with exoskeletons and weird segmented eyes could have some advantages over wet, fleshy mamals in sandstorms.  There would still be a visibility problem for them because sand is a physical barrier to vision, but it might not be quite so unpleasant for them to just stand around in the storm.  Likewise, some lizards have tough hides and extra translucent eyelids, so they might remain minimally active even durring storms.

Most birds and mammals would seek shelter.  Tortoise-like animals would probably pull into their shells to wait it out.  Fish wouldn't care, because the sandstorm wouldn't affect creatures in the non-existant water.

Yeah, hunting in storms is pretty dodgy.  Most creatures will be where they always are because NPCs are dumb, but the majority of them shouldn't be there.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

sandstorms are cool, why because even high karma chars and super chars can die fast   sry just being sarcastic
dd my msn if you want,

Damn. These are nice. Imagine how cool it would be to see them in-game from a distance, approaching.

Maybe we could get an echo when a sandstorm sweeps onto you, instead of just plain blindness.
The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing." -- Shunryu Suzuki

I don't know how long this link will work, but it's a nice video of a sandstorm rolling through town, courtesy of

Quote from: "adrien"sandstorms are cool, why because even high karma chars and super chars can die fast   sry just being sarcastic

 Be a ranger... just dig in and wait it out.. :)
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Is it Lohan, like Lindsay Lohan?
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Anonymous"

I don't know how long this link will work, but it's a nice video of a sandstorm rolling through town, courtesy of

Well, I suppose that does a good job of justifying the whole getting lost in a sandstorm in Zalanthas concept.

Quote from: "LBO"Wouldn't like to be out in the sands and see this coming at me at 60mph...

Actually, shows multiple frames of this same sandstorm.  It is somewhat of an unfair reference however, since this particular sandstorm was apparently far worse than typical, and it lasted 45 minutes.  The sandstorms on arm often last several days/weeks game time... a source of unending aggrevation I assure you.  Additionally, someone mentioned people shouldn't hunt during a sandstorm - look at it this way... if a single storm lasts from say, monday until wednesday RL time, how many days is that game time?  I'd think alot of people would be virtually starving, and creatures as well, if they didn't simply brave the storm and try to survive.

- Praetorian