MUD Clients - Triggers, plugins, aliases and more

Started by John, April 26, 2005, 08:02:58 AM

A while ago AC suggested we upload our colour-trigger files and post a link to them. Well it didn't happen so here's my attempt at starting a thread with people doing it ;)

Some useful posts are:
* Zmud mapping
* Colour triggers

It'd be preferable though to upload the files instead ;)

To start off, here's a trigger plugin for Mushclient that I edited from here. It lets you type "VoteArm" and it will vote for Armageddon for you, if you haven't done so in the last 12 hours already. It can be found here.

I've done a plugin completely from scratch (with lots of help from the MUSHClient forum ;)). Shopkeeper tracker (you need to right-click and select "save as" on the link provided on that page).

What it does is it grabs a shopkeeper's inventory and displays it in a notepad window inside MUSHClient. You can then reposition the window anywhere you want on the screen.

I wanted it because it often gets spammy when I look at quite a few items, I'm constantly having to re-type "list". There is one limitation, you can't have [MORE] appear when you type list, so you need to set your pagelength to a sufficient size. It will only display the latest shopkeeper's inventory, so if you type "list short" and then "list tall" the first list will dissapear.

Also, your prompt has to be ">" or else it doesn't work properly. If your prompt is something, then you can edit the prompt it needs here:
Quote<!DOCTYPE muclient [
   <!ENTITY prompt ">" >
Change ">" to "whateveryourpromptis" so if your prompt is "12/200 hp 12/200 mp" you would type "*/* hp */* mp" (* stands for anything can go here).

I'd love to hear some feedback, and whether or not people find it useful :)

[EDIT]: Fixed problem with downloading plugin.

Here's another plugin to have everything that's "talk"ed at your table appear in a seperate window. That way you can keep track of your conversation much easier in a spam-filled tavern ;)

No special things you have to do, just go to the page, right click and select save as on the link and then use it :) Again, I'd love to hear any feedback :)


Does your color triggers also change your "enemy" words when they are said by someone?

I always found annoying.

Do you know a way around that?
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Didn't take a look at John's scripts, but my workaround would most likely be:
trigger 'says', 'exclaims', 'asks' etc to disable the color trigger
trigger your prompt to re-enable the color trigger
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

Quote from: "moab"Does your color triggers also change your "enemy" words when they are said by someone?
If you're talking about the posts in my original, they aren't my triggers. But the bottom words in this post would. For example if you have "Hello my Lord Templar I saw a gith yesterday attack a beetle." Then Templar, gith and beetle will be colored.

As for a way around it, sure. You could have a trigger that matches on:

With the box ticked that makes it non-case sensitive. However that will make the entire line highlighted. Also, if in the room of the desc it says "the templars on this road" then it will highlight that line. It will also make emotes such as "walking through the room, the Templar inspects the soldiers" or "at your table, the templar says" non-highlighted, because those lines don't start with "the" or "a".

Here is two colour triggers, for who and time. So when you type who or time, the result appears in a color. I've got the colors as green and orange, but you can change that (the triggers are named who, who2, who3 and time, time2 so just change each trigger's colour).

Ah, now you inspired me.
I went and fired up my regex tool (I love the plugin that comes with Komodo) and set up color triggers for room exits (dull yellow), room titles (white) and [Very far] [Far] [Near].

I might have to set something up for time and weater.  Hrm.

Is Moab moving away from his standard grey on black background?  Hrm. Perhaps?
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"I went and fired up my regex tool (I love the plugin that comes with Komodo) and set up color triggers for room exits (dull yellow), room titles (white) and [Very far] [Far] [Near].
Cool. If Komodo lets you save export them and other people import them post him up here ;)

Oh, and I didn't see Aneal's post, that's a much better way to do it :) (although it's more complex).

Here are the color triggers I used to color code room titles, room exits ([NSEWUD]) and the [Very far][Far][Near] bracketed statements when looking off a few rooms.  I prefer a pretty blah display (ya'll RP so well, the colors are fantasic in my mind) so I am only using white (room titles) grey (default text) and yellow (exits, and far looking) against a black background.

If you use these, remember to set zmud to use Perl Regex syntax, otherwise it will default to Zmud language which is a bit different.

Zmud Color Triggers

Room Title Trigger:
(^.*) \[\w{1,4}\]
#color bold,white

Room Exit Trigger:
#cw yellow

Near, Far, Very Far Trigger:
\[Very far]|\[Far]|\[Near]
#cw yellow
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]