
Started by Anonymous, April 24, 2005, 12:04:03 PM

Does anyone else have a feeling that there's alot of half-elves around?
Maybe we need to stress the hardships that being a half-elf is alittle more?
And how should we treat half-elf now and in the future?

Treat them like half breed scum.... dont trust them because of their elven heritage... and dont take them seriously because they are human until they prove themselves....

Once you do take them seriously. Never let them fully fit in, you know, dont treat them exaclty like your best pal in the world. Keep them at a bit of a distance.

Thats just a bit, I could think of more, but its tooo freakin early in the morning right now.

COME ON PEOPLE LETS SEE SOME RACISM HERE (remember its just a game though dont let it carry over to rl thats just stupid)

eel my squirrely wrath!!!!!!!

Malifaxis wrote:
Hizzle, shizzle, fabizzle mechakizzle will probably force my fingers to autorespond with subdue target and the nearest directions for the top of the Shield Wall. Lets see if you can flizzle, bizzle.

*shrugs*  Racial populations go up and down.  Sometimes there are a thousand half-elves, sometimes there are only a few.  Just a fluctuation.

Treat them like half- ELVES.
some of my posts are serious stuff

A little intolerance from others always makes playing a half-elf a bit more spicy, and that's a good thing; but, if you are playing a mixed blood properly, you will be beating your own self up -plenty-.  

Certain realistically coded NPC reactions and anything the other player's do is just gravy on the taters after that.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Playing a halfbreed is like playing that really unpopular kid in high school. The one that always tried hard to be liked but just never could quite manage it and was likely to be laughed at or beaten up for the attempt.
The one you could make do your homework for you.

My last breed was one of the best and worst times on Arm. The highs and lows were dizzying.

For those who knew him, my husband Jay, known as Becklee from time to time on Arm, died August 17th, 2008, from complications of muscular dystrophy.

Treat them how your character would.  And if you don't know how this is, go read the docs and synthesize something appropriate for your character's situation.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

humans consider them  a lesser race and treat them like elfs almost but not as bad

city elfs will make friends with them and turn on them..

desert elfs consider then half bloods and ignore or kill them from what i seen... or do the same as city elfs.
dd my msn if you want, longvaladrien@hotmail.com


Thanks to Delirium for pointing out the other threads.  Please contribute to those instead.

-- X