Spice Addictions and withdraws/habits.

Started by Anonymous, April 13, 2005, 12:48:03 AM

I am curious as to something, is it coded that there are long term affects for Spice addiction, or is there not, if not, I am curious as to what some could be.

I mean depending on the different types of spice and such, just a little feedback and such. I can think of a few but it always helps to have more.


Yes there is coded support.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Never noticed anything long-term, like chills and shakes, and I've smoked/snorted a fair amount of spice with some characters.
The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The real answer is: "Find out IC."

Well, if there are no extra echos, and there are no docs...how the hell do you find out IC?  :roll:
The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

By playing a character that uses spice at a high rate, long term. This is a question that could, and should, in my opinion, be easily found out in-game.

Edited to add: To answer part of the original posters question, which was asking what sort of IC effects (I suppose to RP out those effects) - its difficult to say, without knowing which spice your character might be using, or giving away IC knowledge about the effects of spice.

In general, I would do reseach on what happens to junkies of all kinds, and base your RP around that. ;)

Quote from: "Tlaloc"In general, I would do reseach on what happens to junkies of all kinds, and base your RP around that. ;)

That's what interests me.

I've tried playing the child of a spice-addicted mother. Though he himself carries no addiction, he exhibits the symptoms of what a normal junkie would likely have:

1) A stutter or slur/drawl in his/her speech.
2) Varying degrees of mental instability.
3) Strange behavioral patterns.

Such research might prove to be a nice addition to the documentation on the game...maybe I'll write something up.

Start by using the coded message that you get when the spice wears off.  Then take it from there as far as deciding what the symptoms would be.  It could well vary from person to person, as it would with any drug.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Tlaloc"The real answer is: "Find out IC."
The pale man asks at the bar "Hey, does anyone know if there are any coded effects for spice? I took spice once a week when I was down in Red Storm for a year before stopping a month ago when I came up here to Allanak. I haven't had any echoes yet about suffering from withdrawal. Am I being a twink by not roleplaying out withdrawal symptoms? Hey.. why are you all leaving?"

I'm guessing that yes, there is coded long-term withdrawal echoes, and if not, then spice has no long-term withdrawal effects.

Quote from: "John"The pale man asks at the bar "Hey, does anyone know if there are any coded effects for spice? I took spice once a week when I was down in Red Storm for a year before stopping a month ago when I came up here to Allanak. I haven't had any echoes yet about suffering from withdrawal. Am I being a twink by not roleplaying out withdrawal symptoms? Hey.. why are you all leaving?"

You're right, the most absurd way possible to find things out ICly is the only way.  It is unthinkable that to find out what the dangers of spice abuse may or may not be in the game that players would wait till they had a character predisposed to such and indulge to see what happens.  Something that would be a new experience.  

It's much better to hash out the details on a discussion board.