
Started by Omen, April 10, 2005, 03:59:06 AM

Well, I was just sitting around thinking about items and they're color, and I was thinking, hmm ive seen people with honey colored hair before, but wait, is that RL honey colored, or is that green, being the color on zalanthas, so, in pcs short desc, does the items they refer to reflect the color of the item in game, or the color of it realistically.

Was just wonderin...

ourage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway.
-John Wayne
"Dont worry, he wont bother us...."
Your vision goes black

That's an interesting question. It's probably safe to assume, though, that most people using that term in their descriptions haven't considered that, unless of course it's otherwise noted. So when they're saying their character has honey-colored hair or skin, they likely just mean bee honey.
ou know that shady guy in the corner with the black gem on him? Well, he's just called your mother an elf-loving kank-fekker.

It's good to bring this up once in awhile, for new players to see. It was mentioned in the first post, but it bears repeating: just so's ya know-- Honey, in Zalanthas, is green.

Quote from: "Omen"Well, I was just sitting around thinking about items and they're color, and I was thinking, hmm ive seen people with honey colored hair before, but wait, is that RL honey colored, or is that green, being the color on zalanthas, so, in pcs short desc, does the items they refer to reflect the color of the item in game, or the color of it realistically.

Was just wonderin...


Sometimes you have to read into their emotes or further into their desc. I realise some people don't know the true color of honey IG, but some do, sometimes you just have to look into it yourself, there might be more than one pcs IG that have it in their descs.

You also have to realise that there is a distinction between zalanthan and terran terminology.  When two PCs look at one another, they don't see words, really.  They see people.  So imagine that we, here on earth, were all actually entries in some cosmic mud database.  When I look at my friend, I don't see a bunch of words.  I see skin, and hair and whatnot.  The words are for us - the users, to be able to form a mental image.  It's really up to you to decide how much of a crossover you're going to have in your description, though it's my feeling that you should pick words that are common to both realities.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

My personal take has always been similar to Tamarin's, in that a description is really for the players' sake.  So, if someone says they have honey-colored hair, I assume they mean the honey-bee (I love Honey Nut Cheerios!) color, unless they specifically say green.

Having said that, we still like to not let people use overtly non-Zalanthan terms so as not to "kill the flavor" of the game, even though those descriptions are more for the players' sake.  I.e. We frown on "His hair is red like that cherry-tree George Washington chopped down", or "This woman has hair the color of Kermit the Frog's skin".
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Generally you can tell from reading the main description, and usually they mean a golden yellow, not green.  Usually, for IC purposes, they are blond.

However, for OOC shits and giggles I like to imagine the honey-haired women actually have hair that is both green and sticky.  But I try not to let that influence my roleplay.   :wink:
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

If you are going to use something that could be more than one color, PLEASE elaborate in your mdesc so that we know what color you mean!
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".