Nudity, or lack thereof

Started by Faded_Grace, April 08, 2005, 08:12:17 AM

My question is simply this. From an in-game perspective, what are the "norms" regarding public nudity? I haven't noticed much in this respect, save for the occasional beggar too poor to procure anything more than spare rags with which to clothe himself. Would it be considered socially appropriate or even just acceptable to change clothes in a public area? Or in the extreme, such as in the case of catamites and so on, full-on public nudity? (For example, a prostitute positioning her "wares" to full advantage so that any potential "customer" can "peruse" at his or her leisure.)

If this is specific to geography (i.e., acceptable in Allanak but frowned upon further north, or vice versa), would there be significant societal mores for this type of behavior (or lack thereof), and if so, what precisely?

This thought suddenly popped into my head during the course of outfitting my character, and it suddenly dawned on me that if it is acceptable to parade about in some public avenue half- or three-quarters nude, there would be no real need to have privacy while changing.
ou know that shady guy in the corner with the black gem on him? Well, he's just called your mother an elf-loving kank-fekker.

I think it depends on who is changing the clothes.

If it is someone that is of note, I would not say it is common to see them naked.

If it is some a random person, well... His being naked, dressed, alive, dead, sick, missing a limb or dying would not matter... In my opinion that is.
some of my posts are serious stuff

There are some NPC's in the described as 'flashing a breast' in the north. Make of that what you will.
Quote from: BhagharvaWhat you don't know can kill you. What you do know, can kill others.

To the north
A lanky, brown-skinned gith is here, humping the rusty brown kank.
The rusty brown kank to the north bleats miserably.

A Zalanthan probably wouldnt want to expose too much of their skin to the harsh sunlight.

As for indoors, it would depend on the location. I doubt any of the gruff mercenary types in the Gaj would mind seeing a naked whore, but she'd better not complain about being dragged into an Alleyway afterwards.

In the more 'fancy' locations, I would expect a stripper who didnt specifically get permission to be part of a show to be thrown out.

I cant really speak for Tuluk, as I usually refuse to play there.

I think Akaramu is somewhat on the right track here..  People in the south tend to be more conservative with dress and the formality of things. I'd think that public nudity would be more of an embarrassment than anything else. Being tossed into the arena with just a loincloth would be not only very scary, but highly embarrassing as well.  That's not to say that there aren't strippers in Allanak, just that nudity and exposure of the body is not the norm for common people. That said I think you'd have a lot of sexual tension in the south as well.  

In the north however, skin is in.. The clothing is much freer flowing and there is a lot more exposed skin. There are even dancers in high-class bars that strip.  I am sure that nothing bad would be thought of a dancer that wore just a bunch of beads as a costume. I don't see people streaking down the streets in the buff as the norm, but a guy begging in a loincloth wouldn't get a second look.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

I dont think many commoners would have a stigma about changing infront of others in the sense that most share common barracks. I dont play my pcs thinking anything of stripping down infront of males or females in a situation where they sleep in the same room with them anyways. It sort of amuses me when a guy pc will step infront of my pc and turn to 'block' the view from others but usually that happens when the guy pc is involved or wants to be with my pc. Basically marking his grounds without the yellow stains.


Now, when I played a noble, she wouldnt have changed just anywhere but in her rooms. Granted, she had no trouble changing infront of slaves, npcs, vpcs or even pc servants that were there while she was getting a report. If they were in her bedroom then they were trusted and in her mind, just another servant. But she might wear risque clothes that showed everything or some things. But usually you see those types of things on concubines whom are dressed to show off the 'look what you cant touch' body.  *wink*
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Quote from: "Quetesh"There are even dancers in high-class bars that strip.

Low-class too  :twisted:
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

When it comes to nudity, I would say it's on a case by case basis, especially in the north.

As someone mentioned, Tuluki fashion does involve showing off skin.  Anyone can wear garments that show off some skin, even the nobility if they so choose.  There are strippers, and it's acceptable for whores to "show off their wares".  

However, your higher classes of society would always keep "the strategic locations" covered.  For example, it would be highly inappropriate for an aide to the nobility to walk around the city wearing something that left the breasts bare.  You also more than likely won't see a nobleman walking around the city naked from the waist up.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

As for changing in public, a few high-class shops indicate that they have private changing rooms but the rest don't say, and probably don't bother wasting space on changing rooms.  My guess is that classy people (nobles, wealthy merchants, wannabes and hangers on) don't do public nudity, but commoners aren't too shy.  Most commoners are not used to privacy, they don't expect it, because they probably grew up sharing sleeping quarters not only with their siblings, but also with their adult relatives.  Employers that provide living quarters at all seem to provide communal quarters to all but their most valuable employees.  I doubt that common people would flaunt nudity, but changing into your new leather pants in the armor shop (or just outside) wouldn't be a big deal.  

I think it is also ok to assume that your PC has virtual small clothes, non-coded underwear.  There is no way to wear coded underclothes and no reason to assume that no one wears them.  There are bras and things around, so people do wear them, unfortunately the way this code base works if you wore a bra and loincloth you wouldn't be able to wear a shirt.  You could wear a loincloth and pants or skirt, because most loincloths are worn on the waist location, but then even after you put on your skirt or pants everyone can still see your loincloth, which is silly.  (There is a Discworld MUD with code that allows you to wear layers of clothing, so you can wear socks and then when you put on your pants and boots your socks don't show.  That is cool, but not really necessary).  Sandcloth or cotton underclothes could be made from scraps of old clothes, so they aren't out of the question for poor people.  So I think it is ok to emote that you are not naked when you change your pants, instead you are flashing your grubby sandcloth undies.

Angela Christin
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Public nudity would be embaressing I believe.

Nobles however, likely have assistance dressing.  Slaves and servants like tend to lacing a corset, or applying cosmetics, things of that nature and it wouldn't be uncommon for them to see their noble's in the nude, thats just my thought.