What if...

Started by Solas, April 02, 2005, 04:24:18 PM

Since preparation of your actions before a problem happens is always helpful, I was wondering how you guys would react if you found a gith sleeping in your bed...or a metal sword lying in the street...

...and the list continues...

I don't quite understand the point of this thread.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Cut it's throat or run.
Pick it up or run.

Then make a minor wish up for ooc wtf-ness.
Veteran Newbie

I'd roll over, kiss my wife. Then make a new years resolution to stop smoking spice and drinking flame at the same time.

After that, I'd use that metal sword to kill my wife and sell her skull for fifty coins to a pc because I really need the money.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Well, 'What If' you posted this in the OOC chatter forum intead of here, since this entire thread basically has little to do with the game.

Or, 'What If' Sanvean logged in and kicked your ass for starting yet another pointless thread of endless babble to clutter up the GDB archives?

- Praetorian (who is bitter because everyone forgot his birthday)

It depends, how hott is the gith, and how lonely is your PC?   :twisted:  Ahem.

If you find something really, really odd it is a good idea to wish up or send a quick email to the mud account.  With luck they can quickly let you know if there has been a quirk in space time, or the odd thing is supposed to be that way.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I apologize, waste of space and time.

First, I would very quietly and sneakily grab/snatch up any weapons the gith might have lying around, if possible.. and run really fast to go get that steal sword lying in the street, dropping the extra nasty old gith weapons in place.  AND THEN... I would run really fast back to my house, wield the steel sword TWO HANDED - AH HA! - and then proceed to brutally slice the gith with such, having an extra shield or weapon ready just in case the gith survived and tried to fight me.  But me, being the king of hack and slash, would surely win.   :lol:  AND THEN... I would either live a very secret life, as a self-employed mercenary, concealing my steel sword at all times and keeping it at my side at all times(concealed, mind you)... OR... if that were not possible, I would sell the steel sword to the highest bidder and live a rich life of noble-babes, spice, and bubble baths with little rubber duckies/tregils.  The end.

You wouldn't be able to sell the steel sword. No one could afford it, and someone would just kill you and take it.

What you do is find the very highest noble or templar or important person you can find, and give it to them as a gift. Then they'll probably reward you, and even if you don't get a whole lot, hey, you're not dead and someone important probably likes you.

Quote from: "ale six"You wouldn't be able to sell the steel sword. No one could afford it, and someone would just kill you and take it.

Heh, that's why you sell it to a noble or rich merchant for however much you can get from them.  As long as you did it subtly and wisely, you'd most likely be able to do it no problem, depending on how smart your character is and if it is IC for them to do so, etc etc etc...  But yeah, thankfully this is Armageddon and there's always a chance of getting robbed, killed, or abused in some other exciting manner. ;) No, not in a sexual way, you preverts.

QuoteWhat you do is find the very highest noble or templar or important person you can find, and give it to them as a gift. Then they'll probably reward you, and even if you don't get a whole lot, hey, you're not dead and someone important probably likes you

Lol!  Spoken like a true, run of the mill, 'good citizen'.  Too many 'good citizens' in this harsh world, nowadays, in my opinion. No offense, alot of that is within character and probably wise for your characters to do so.  Fortunately for me, (or unfortunate, however you may see it..) those types of character usually bore me, (but I don't mind playing them from time to time, so don't get too one-sided on me)... I usually tend to play lots of rebellious, murderous, loner, 'fight-the-system', THE-MAN-is-trying-to-keep-me-down, type of characters.

So thanks.. but I'll stick to my original, likely-to-get-myself-killed, type of plan... I just find it much more fun and exciting in general. "Someone important probably likes you", although probably a wise thing to accomplish, usually isn't in my wild plans.  :?

This thread may actually be worth something after all, if anyone cares to comment on how they see these differing views on playing characters in the world of Zalanthas.  Even though I tend to play more raider/loner type characters, it is usually because of time constraints.  I actually would love to get into a leadership position within a larger clan or merchant/noble house.  Not even necessarily a leadership position, but just one that is more involved in the inner-workings of the world politics and such...  

Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to be taking notes, forming complex relationships within the game, and mulling over the actions of my character.  I have enough trouble with that sort of thing in RL.. Heh.  So I tend to play characters that speak with a blade, instead.  Now, this may be a little less in-depth than alot of serious players would like, but I try to do so as realistically as possible.  But I tend to try and make things happen on my own, quickly, rather than slowly over long periods of time.  

I crave the action, and have taken alot of flak over the years, within the game and from immortals on occasion, about how I play, and I'm sure I've made some mistakes.. as everyone does.  This is why I try to stick to the types of characters that would act in such a way, ICly.

Anyway... this question of how people view these differing playing styles in the game stems from the question of "what would you do?" that started the thread.  I said my character would take actions that would benefit them immediately (or maybe just benefit my craving for action, however wrong or right it may be.. again - time is a big issue for me).  And Ale Six said his character would likely take an action that would, for the most part, benefit him mainly in the long run.

So, this is my attempt at making this thread... uh.. on topic.

Quote from: "Sokotra"
....... I usually tend to play lots of rebellious, murderous, loner, 'fight-the-system', THE-MAN-is-trying-to-keep-me-down, type of characters.

This thread may actually be worth something after all, if anyone cares to comment on how they see these differing views on playing characters in the world of Zalanthas.  Even though I tend to play more raider/loner type characters, it is usually because of time constraints.  I actually would love to get into a leadership position within a larger clan or merchant/noble house.  Not even necessarily a leadership position, but just one that is more involved in the inner-workings of the world politics and such...

The man will have you killed if you ever spoke out like this in the city. It is only given the templarate don't want you to be rich and powerful and smart.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime