
Started by Raesanos, March 24, 2005, 07:54:59 PM

YAY! I love reading Sanvean's stuff, but I'd love to see more of yaz. And that includes staffers who already have blogs on there but who haven't posted anything in MONTHS!

March 24th, 2005

8:41 P.M.

Hey everybody,

Been awhile since I posted, thought I'd catch you guys up on whats been happening lately in my life.

I just took a monstrous shit. A flotilla of crap was unleashed upon the seven seas of my toilet. It was -awesome-.

I'll keep you guys informed. PAAAAAAAAAAAYCE.

Sweet stuff there Raisin', I liked the article on "Hitchhiker's Guide".

You know, Forest Junkie makes a joke of it, but you have to admit there is just nothing better than a good healthy dump.  I mean, anything beyond an orgasm quite as satisfying as purging that filth from your system during a good healthy 'posting up'?  There is of course, the rare instances when you drop ass and the sheer impressiveness of it requires grabbing a coat-hanger or something to break it apart because it wont flush properly... *glances nervously from side to side* Ok...maybe I went too far...

Just so ya'all know - some of our blogs have been busted for awhile.  I went to post a couple months ago, and found that it wouldn't go through.  I have no clue how long it's been like that, heh.  A couple other staffers have this issue as well.

Gack! Now we won't know when the imms have taken a crap! :(

Thanks to Sanvean who got our blogs working again.  I posted - check jan for my previous post and today's.  Those of you who enjoy hearing about bowel movements will be sated somewhat.

I noticed that the blogs by default don't have links to the RSS / Atom feeds. If you are interested in them they are at /blogs/staffmembername/index.xml and /blogs/staffmembername/atom.xml respectively. If you're not sure what I'm talking about I have a brief explanation and screenshot here.