blinding sands

Started by Label, March 09, 2005, 06:08:56 PM

In my opinion, sandstorms are occasionally a fair amount of bullshit, and a detriment to me, as a player, rather than something helpful. I've never had a storm enhance an experience for me, but I have had it irritate me from an OOC standpoint. Aside from minor irritation, though, I've never put much thought into it...

But, I say that if there's an RPT involving more than five players that it shouldn't be a 'no no' for the staff to come in and give the storm a small 'tweak' to improve playability. Sometimes biting your lip and rescheduling is the way to go, but is the storm blowing itself out a little early REALLY going to hurt anyone? As AC said, if the storm was brought about because of a PC or a plot-affecting action, by all means let it stay, but if you're into the third RL day of a random, code-generated sandstorm, is it going to damage anything if a staff gently eases the winds? I think we can all agree that it would HELP players, plots, and playability, whereas sitting in the fucking tavern for another three hours is exactly that, sandstorm or no.

The RPT example is an excellent one. I myself don't have alot of time to piss away, idling in the tavern on the RPT night that I set aside, waiting for the storm to subside. If I'm on for a set purpose, I want to get things done. Sure, Zalanthas is harsh, but I think that having to postpone something that a number of people worked on just because of some random sandstorm is OOCly hurtful to the playerbase, and not really all that helpful in building an atmosphere, which I assumed was the purpose of those raging, shrieking storms...

A 'backup date' is a good idea, but once again, some people can only manage to set one full night a week aside. Cancelling that RPT could cheat a player out of a fantastic experience, and for what? So a few other players get a few sandstorm echoes?

I like the idea of raging sandstorms, but do I like the reality of a storm causing me to tavern-sit for another two hours when I could be out doing something exciting and new? No. In fact, I hate the thought of that.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Not only that, but what happens when your backup date shows up and...

it's a raging terrible horrendous sandstorm?

"Bring a ranger" only goes so far. An RPT filled with (for example) Tor Academy recruits, of which one is a ranger, isn't gonna amount to shit for anyone other than that ranger. Everyone else might as well just join the ranger and leave their computer to watch TV for the next hour, because they'll find more entertainment there than watching the "You can't see dick" echo for the next hour.

I think the blinding storms that you can't even see your own room should be one a week, or two at the most.

But when you go outside and you can't see shit? For days and days?

As for how the storms are beneficial, when you can't go into the storm to hunt, do you log out? or do you go to the bar? If you log out, it is your own fault.

But as it is now, I only see Terrible winds and blinding storms, or nothing at all.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime