Time - length of a week

Started by moab, February 13, 2005, 11:11:14 AM

Here's a question:

Once upon a time (before there was an accurate way to measure time) many people referred to time in phrases like "a ten day" or "a score of days."  These phrases generally meant "a while - but not too long" and sorta "by the next reboot."

Now, though, we have an accurate representation of time and we know that each month is 231 days - so how long is a week?  Is it the cycle of once around the 11 day names, giving us 21 weeks a month?

Instead of using the terms above - I never hear "ten day" any longer, what's the common way of referring to the chunks of time?  Simply "weeks" "half-months" or "months"?  What about a 1/4 month?

Does anyone know if the lunar cycles have gotten in sync with the time change?

The reason I'm asking this is that I'm writing a conversion tool that converts RL Time to Armageddon Time and I want to be sure I'm not just assuming usage based on what I, personally, use.

quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

From Help Time:

Zalanthan Time -> Real Time
         1 ZT hour       = 10 RL mins
         1 ZT day        = 90 RL mins
         1 ZT week       = 16.5 RL hours
         1 ZT month      = ~2 RL weeks
         1 ZT year       = ~43 RL days

Nowadays, people refer to one RL week as half month, and two RL weeks as a month.