Depositers must have 3 forms of ID and a full body shot

Started by halfhuman, January 30, 2005, 12:48:22 AM

Since there was a topic about bank accounts in here, I decided to voice a question that I've been sitting on for a few weeks.  HOW DO THE PEOPLE AT THE BANK REMEMBER YOU!?!?!

If I deposit some sids and come back a month later to make a withdrawal, are they just gonna take my word for it that I'm the dude? How do they know it's me?  Am I just supposed to show up and be like "Hi, I'm Bob. I wanna withdraw ALL my sid" and they'll be like "But, you're Tom!"

In real life we need booklets to withdraw money from a bank account, so I'm thinking why not have some sort of vellum ticket for the bank, like you do when you're having clothing resized?  Then, you can just bring it in, and they'll look at it, and it'll have a sort of number or symbol on it, and they'll be like, "Ah! You, have 600 sid in your account."

Also, this'd be pretty cool, cause if you PK'd someone you could get all their sid from the bank. ;) I do love a good PK! :twisted:
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

I'd rather assume that Nenyuk has some sort of number they give you or you have a password that their scribes keep with their account.

I think Nenyuk probably wouldn't come up with any solution which saw them making it easy for someone else to get a dead person's account.  That's Nenyuk's job.

Damn good nitpicky question.

QuoteI think Nenyuk probably wouldn't come up with any solution which saw them making it easy for someone else to get a dead person's account. That's Nenyuk's job.

The password would make it fairly easy. Any better explanations?

*hides at the bank and starts eavesdropping*

I always assumed Nenyuk kept records of people's description, name, and some kind of password.  They might not really care if someone is withdrawing 100 sid, but if they're coming to make a big withdraw, i'm sure they'd check.  Remember they can also use the way to determine who you are, as well as contact other branch offices where you did business to find out the 'scoop' on you.  If the branch office in allanak says your dead, and you try and withdraw from Tuluk, there will be problems.  So for all you people who fake your own death (i've done it, its fun) make sure to have your bank account cleared by the imms afterwards :-p

Nenyuk could realistically have one of the slaves draw a sketch of the character when they open their accounts, and then work off of that.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Kalden"The password would make it fairly easy. Any better explanations?

*hides at the bank and starts eavesdropping*
Think realistically.  How many people are going to be able to successfully hide at the bank and eavesdrop?  Most of the people in a city are just regular dudes without super stealth powers and canine hearing.

Now, how many people are going to be able to reach into a dead man's backpack and get a ticket?

My point isn't that Nenyuk asks for passwords, it's that Nenyuk is, in my opinion, highly unlikely to employ any sort of identification method that makes it easy for someone else to walk off with money that could otherwise be theirs.


Not quite barcodes, but something.   (although thats not current icly, unless you wish to leave such vaugeness open for interpretation)
Veteran Newbie

Nenyuk is actually the premiere employer of mindbenders, who with a single look into your eyes, can identify you, your family background, your history, what you're hiding in your closed backpack, whether or not you're thinking about robbing them RIGHT THIS MINUTE, can tell if you lost a single pube and how it ended up missing, and whether or not your footfungus was caused by too-loose boots or from kinky sex with an unclean prostitute.

Happy now?

Yeah. I'm happy. Just one question though.

What if it's fungus on a different part of the body? ....  :roll:  :oops:
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

I've always assumed that most Nenyuk employees were at least somewhat literate. After all, they're bankers and aside from counting there are records to keep straight, even at the lowest levels. Even if they don't know how to read a book or write an epic poem, I would think they have at least a basic ability to write a few letters or sketch a few things.

So, if Sergeant Dick, the one legged Bynner with the mohawk started an account, I'd think that the Nenyuki Employee would make some kind of record of him, even if it's just a few 'characters', like a one-legged stick figure with a spike on its head, alongside a coin with a sword through it. Just enough for them to say, yes, this guy DOES have one leg, he sports a mohawk, and he is in a shitty brown Byn aba. It must be him.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Its probably easier/cheaper to teach slaves to be good at memorizing names and faces than to teach them to read.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"Its probably easier/cheaper to teach slaves to be good at memorizing names and faces than to teach them to read.

I disagree. Nenyuk sees thousands of people every day. From the fabulously wealthy Merchants and nobles, to the fifty sid acounts of whores and Bynners. That's alot of faces to remember.

Now, remembering that a coin with a sword through it means Byn, a blue streak above the head of that stick figure means they have blue hair, an X over the eye means one-eyed, a crooked slash across their face means a scar, a scorpion means Tor.... A few crude symbols memorized across the board seem much more feasible than the Nenyuk slaves/employees simply remembering every face out of the thousandsof accounts they keep in each city.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

QuoteHow many people are going to be able to successfully hide at the bank and eavesdrop?

They don't appear to bring you into a closed room. I've had characters who can listen through doors - they could hear it from the doorway, probably.

QuoteMost of the people in a city are just regular dudes without super stealth powers and canine hearing.

I guess... so you're saying PCs are uber and special, like in DnD? Or are most just of the merchant class? (I see a lot of NPCs and echoes that seem to suggest pickpockets.) :roll:

QuoteNow, how many people are going to be able to reach into a dead man's backpack and get a ticket?

Ticket+password=fairly secure. However.... what happens if you lose your ticket? Why don't we have tickets in-game?

If it was only a password, it would not be that secure. I think this stuff might be worth thinking about and making allowances for. The banks are important.

Yeah, but matching people to written descriptions doesn't work that well.  Besides, slaves and most unemployed commoners won't use the bank at all, so it really only serves a small portion of the city's population.  Also if you're a slave who get whipped everytime you misremember a face I bet you'll get REALLY good at remembering faces.  I bet a group of 100 or so (working in shifts) dedicated remembering slaves could do the job pretty well, and you wouldnt need to teach all of them to read, just a few scribes to match names to accounts.

The population of Tuluk and Allanak is around half a million people each, if memory serves me. Now, let's say that only 1/10th of the people in the city have enough sid to need to use the bank. This means that there are roughly 50,000 customers, per branch. That's alot of faces.

So, slaves and unemployed commoners aside, remebering that many faces is just not gonna happen unless there are 1000 Nenyuki slaves, in each city, assigned to memorize the faces of the 50 accounts they handle. This puts the two branches combined a bare minimum 2k slaves, not to mention smaller branches, commoner employees, and the higher members of House Nenyuk itself. That's alot of fuckers for one House to handle, given the cost of feeding slaves and free employees alike, clothing them, frivolous Agents, running the day to day business of the banks, etc etc etc. Teaching a slave to decipher a rough set of symbols seems much more likely to me than keeping that many slaves, simply for the fact that they would be an enormous drain on Nenyuk coffers with little gain, aside from keeping the average slave illierate. Reading and writing aside, they're slaves and unlikely to run off and start a revolution of the mind if given a set of one hundred 'glyphs' or something to memorize, and simply applying them to the accounts as they come.

Simply remembering faces just doesn't seem feasible to me, at all. But, I could see them matching descriptions with a few crude symbols and the name... *shrugs* Mebbe we could get a staffer to chime in and settle it.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

You simply can't flawlessly identify someone from a short written description, though, unless they have especially outstanding features.

How House Nenyuk identifies people might be one of those mysteries better left mysterious, though.  I'm not sure any explanation will fully satisfy all the nitpickers like us.  :P

Nenyuke are Mindbenders

Nenyuke also know's the merchant tounge Cavalish

Cavilish speakers know how to write basic numbers and simple nouns and adjectives

So there you have it...

Fill out these colums and store in the valts under today's date

Name Noteable-feature today's-date Money-in-account
Bob--grey hair---322 59th year of osama's revenge $3349

"Hi, I'd like to withdraw 300 sid"

>mindbender moves and secret stuff

This is bob, he has grey hair and last came in here on the 322nd of the 59th year.

>mind bender stuff into the vaults to read a scroll
Bob--grey hair---322 59th year of osama's revenge $3349

>get 300 bank
>Talk have 3049 sid left in the account
>write Bob--grey hair---12 60th year of osama's revenge $3049

>say Here ya go...I hope your fungus heals
>think Hopefully he dies of it so I get all his money.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict