-The- Raiding post.

Started by Moofassa, January 20, 2005, 02:22:54 PM

Strange, I thought this thread was about the raider outpost full of muls.  Gosh darn it, how do those muls survive year after year without being able to reproduce?  /derail
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Sounds like somebody needs to work on their archery skill, and merely grazed said target's chest or head because they didn't aim well enough.

Not that I'm sticking up for twinks, but just because you land a hit with an arrow doesn't mean they now have fletching sticking out from between their ribs.

When you get good with that bow.. you'll know. Heh.

Especially when your arrows are tipped with agate, flint, and other pure crap. And then what if the guy is wearing -bone- cuirass? Flint would shatter in my opinion.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Delirium"Sounds like somebody needs to work on their archery skill, and merely grazed said target's chest or head because they didn't aim well enough.

Not that I'm sticking up for twinks, but just because you land a hit with an arrow doesn't mean they now have fletching sticking out from between their ribs.

When you get good with that bow.. you'll know. Heh.

No, this character was quite a good archer, why X didn't fall down dead after 3 hits still amazes me, why X still rode on as an arrow struck the back of his head amazes me as well.

How do you know it was the back of his head? Was he wearing a helmet? A bone helmet maybe? An oiled up leather helmet? A holy sandcloth wrap?
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"How do you know it was the back of his head? Was he wearing a helmet? A bone helmet maybe? An oiled up leather helmet? A holy sandcloth wrap?

Very good question, before the shooting, I snuck up on X, took a good look at X and snuck away at good shooting range. No helmet, no neckwear, nadda, mainly sandcloth. I know I shot X in the back of the head because I shot X in the head while he rode away from me. Whether or not my character was an astounding archer or a new-shooter, being struck in the back of the head while riding will have concequences other than remaining to ride, especially with 3 more arrows in X's body.

Where were the other arrows?
If he didn't die from an arrow to the head, then I would say it grazed at best. and would expect that person to RP a graze.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Missile weapons don't have THAT much stopping power (least not till the era of smokless powder).

Quote"Geronimo joined a group of Apaches. They were called the Chiricahuas. They raided in northern Mexico.  They crossed the border into New Mexico and Arizona. Then Geronimo had a dream.

He dreamed he could not be killed by a white man's bullet.  He dreamed he could not be killed by a Mexican's bullet. He charged an army armed with only a knife.  No matter how many bullets were shot at him, he was not hit. The soldiers cried to St. Jerome for mercy.  So Goyathlay was renamed "Geronimo."


Kind of amazing what some people can shrug off....  I do think they way Armageddon works kind of disses missle weapons for PC's  but I've still a lot to learn.
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"Where were the other arrows?
If he didn't die from an arrow to the head, then I would say it grazed at best. and would expect that person to RP a graze.

Alrighdy then. Obviously, these were hard hits, seeing there were no misses against X. Not one.

If one is impaled by arrows, I might find it hard to leap back onto a kank and ride away. What I would find even harder is being shot in the back of the head and ignoring it completely. In fact, ignoring any arrow striking against your body, whether it be a 'graze' or a thick hit, is bad form.

What do you mean where were the other arrows? And just because X isn't dead doesn't mean X can't role-play that X is lightly injured to being very badly hurt. And this person did not RP a graze, they didn't even RP it hitting them, they ignored the facts completely and just kept on riding.


QuoteWhat do you mean where were the other arrows? And just because X isn't dead doesn't mean X can't role-play that X is lightly injured to being very badly hurt. And this person did not RP a graze, they didn't even RP it hitting them, they ignored the facts completely and just kept on riding.


And You are in charge of combat RP since when?
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Quote from: "HardCarbon"
QuoteWhat do you mean where were the other arrows? And just because X isn't dead doesn't mean X can't role-play that X is lightly injured to being very badly hurt. And this person did not RP a graze, they didn't even RP it hitting them, they ignored the facts completely and just kept on riding.


And You are in charge of combat RP since when?

HC, you don't need to attack. I'm not saying I'm in charge of combat RP, I didn't even have any intentions of the like. I'm saying that if one is hit by an arrow, they should probably play out being hit by an arrow instead of ignoring it. If this is in any way making my in charge of combat RP, I suppose I'm guilty as charged.

It depends on how much armor I'm wearing as to how I Rp being hit by an arrow.  

In a past human character who wore only light, thin leathers, I rode through a certain gith arrow storm and ended up with a rather serious body-shot and neck-shot.   Serious in that it took me down, well, below the magic regen point.   For that I Rp'd out the disorientation, the slowness, and the "not quite up to full fightin'" aspect.

In another, more sturdy character, where I was armored up like a bank vault and was peppered by arrows.  Even though I was hit several times. . . none of which hurt me very much. . . I played it off as minor scratches that mostly affected the armor.

Archery is a very, very powerful skill once it is at its full potential.  A good archer will kill you dead in three or four arrows - and that is without all the nifty poisons out there designed to take the gas out of your get-away car.  If they haven't killed me, I'm not going to lay down and feign a sucking chest wound just so they can walk up and pump 10-15 more arrows in me, then draw their sword in frustration and attempt to finish me off.   I'm Boromir, baby.  How many steel-tipped arrows did it take to finish him off?

I believe what my dear Rhyden is trying to say is that. This man was hit with multiple arrows, in multiple areas. Areas that would probably hurt. hurt to the point of some sort of RP being needed. Such as. Well krath! There seems to be an arrow sticking out of my chest! oh well. (Thats ok thats possible) Oh hey! One just glances off my head, and theres blood running over my face... wow! That one went IN my head! HAh! im not dead awesome! lets keep riding!

Well yeah, that was pointless. He just is trying to get across the point, that this man didnt even react to the fact that he was hit, grazed or not, no arrows, or one arrow. He just spam walked away. X is a twink.
your mother is an elf.

Quote from: "Moofassa"I believe what my dear Rhyden is trying to say is that. This man was hit with multiple arrows, in multiple areas. Areas that would probably hurt. hurt to the point of some sort of RP being needed. Such as. Well krath! There seems to be an arrow sticking out of my chest! oh well. (Thats ok thats possible) Oh hey! One just glances off my head, and theres blood running over my face... wow! That one went IN my head! HAh! im not dead awesome! lets keep riding!

Well yeah, that was pointless. He just is trying to get across the point, that this man didnt even react to the fact that he was hit, grazed or not, no arrows, or one arrow. He just spam walked away. X is a twink.

And if he had taken the time out to type out an emote of crawling aboard his kank and riding off slumped over its back he would have been spam shot several more times..
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

I really dont think you can "spam shoot" Someone.. there are all the delays in it. Im very confident in Rhyden's roleplaying, and i dont believe he would do anything that would be considering twinkish, abusing the code, or unfair to any other player. And im sure the reason that X got away, was because he was counting on some RP'ing from him.

Like really, take this to real life, you've got an arrow's in your chest, and possibly in your head, i mean are you going to be able to jump on your kank, and just walk away leisurly like nothing is wrong?

Shit i have arrows in my chest and head... Hey joe! Wanna go for a walk back to X-City?         Eh? Sure bob, you're not looking too great, and there are some nasty looking elves following us. We better take it real slow so we dont get too tired.                 Eh? Good idea Joe! Just lemme pretend i never got hit, and we can make it back fine.    Eh? Good idea Bob.

It's just... well, i have very strong opinions, the only reason im arguing is because im sure X didnt play his part properly.
your mother is an elf.

Quote from: "Moofassa"I really dont think you can "spam shoot" Someone.. there are all the delays in it.

Crafting, foraging, and a zillion other commands all have delays, but we all know about spamcrafting and spamforaging.  Pounding in commands as fast as you can isn't okay just because there is a brief code delay.

Quote from: "Rhyden"Shot one arrow into X's body, X stood up, shot another arrow into X's body, X mounts X's Y, shot another arrow into X's body then X rides away. Chase after X and shot another arrow this time in X's helmless head.

So, you got an arrow into a sitting opponent.  In the time it takes him to stand, you pump ANOTHER one into him?  Sounds like spam archery to me.  Imagine something like this:

An arrow hits you in the body!
You stand up.

>emote swaying unsteadily, @ rises to h
An arrow hits you in the body!
(Oh shit)

>mount kank
An arrow hits you in the body!
(Double shit!)

An arrow hits you in the head!

I wouldn't really blame him.

If said victim twink was spamming to get away, getting FOUR arrows in him in this time can only be spam archery.  Stand, mount kank, and east are THREE commands.  Draw arrow; shoot arrow times 4 is EIGHT commands PLUS delays.  And this is assuming NO emotes on the part of the archer.  If the archer was emoting or threatening, I highly doubt they would have any chance of hitting more than once or twice.  If the victim didn't get away within the first two archery delays, I would be tempted to suspect that he was TRYING to emote, but turning into a pincushion too quickly for it to be worth it.

Of course, I don't know what happened, I wasn't there.  But there are two sides to every coin, gentlemen.  Also, fight or flight is a powerful response, for players and characters alike.

Quote from: "Rhyden"
Quote from: "Maybe42or54"Where were the other arrows?
If he didn't die from an arrow to the head, then I would say it grazed at best. and would expect that person to RP a graze.

Alrighdy then. Obviously, these were hard hits, seeing there were no misses against X. Not one.

If one is impaled by arrows, I might find it hard to leap back onto a kank and ride away. What I would find even harder is being shot in the back of the head and ignoring it completely. In fact, ignoring any arrow striking against your body, whether it be a 'graze' or a thick hit, is bad form.

What do you mean where were the other arrows? And just because X isn't dead doesn't mean X can't role-play that X is lightly injured to being very badly hurt. And this person did not RP a graze, they didn't even RP it hitting them, they ignored the facts completely and just kept on riding.


It sounds to me like you are a twink. Since you are, in effect, Forcing the guy to be hit square in the back of the head with an arrow from what, three screens away? Let's take an M-16. Maximum effective range is what, 1200 feet? And you shot the arrow from what, 2 or three leagues away? And let us say you were using the basic cheap arrows, a slender wooden flight arrow. I have been shot with a sharpened stick from a potatoe launcher in the shoulder. Hell -yes- it did hurt. But it didn't do any real damage.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

QuoteIf said victim twink was spamming to get away, getting FOUR arrows in him in this time can only be spam archery. Stand, mount kank, and east are THREE commands. Draw arrow; shoot arrow times 4 is EIGHT commands PLUS delays. And this is assuming NO emotes on the part of the archer. If the archer was emoting or threatening, I highly doubt they would have any chance of hitting more than once or twice. If the victim didn't get away within the first two archery delays, I would be tempted to suspect that he was TRYING to emote, but turning into a pincushion too quickly for it to be worth it.

And how much can one emote for pulling out an arrow, nocking it taking him...letting the code say you do the same again...it's pretty redundant. In that situation emoting does little to nothing to add to the scene.
Is them just pulling and shooting arrows realistic? Hell yes.

Is the victim acting like nothing happened and just hopping on their mount and walking away after being drilled with arrows? Fuck no.

You all have to remember that the advantage (which is an unfair advantage) is on the side of the victims...cut the attackers a little slack and I'm sure more will be willing to roleplay attacks out without having to resort to drilling people with arrows right away or whatever.

I plan that when I do a raider in the future sometime...I will give the opportunity to RP it out first...you fuck me...I kill your character.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "Moofassa"I really dont think you can "spam shoot" Someone.. there are all the delays in it. Im very confident in Rhyden's roleplaying, and i dont believe he would do anything that would be considering twinkish, abusing the code, or unfair to any other player. And im sure the reason that X got away, was because he was counting on some RP'ing from him.

Like really, take this to real life, you've got an arrow's in your chest, and possibly in your head, i mean are you going to be able to jump on your kank, and just walk away leisurly like nothing is wrong?

Shit i have arrows in my chest and head... Hey joe! Wanna go for a walk back to X-City?         Eh? Sure bob, you're not looking too great, and there are some nasty looking elves following us. We better take it real slow so we dont get too tired.                 Eh? Good idea Joe! Just lemme pretend i never got hit, and we can make it back fine.    Eh? Good idea Bob.

It's just... well, i have very strong opinions, the only reason im arguing is because im sure X didnt play his part properly.

Lol, that was hilarious, Moofassa. If some of you still don't think this is twink, I may as well just stop right there because there's just no convincing you. Sheesh.

As I am probably the one he is talking about, I did RP out a graze. I did emote quite a few times, along with every time I moved, I looked in each direction. I contacted my attackers and wayed them some words. I was armed in full shell and thick leather, except for my head and neck. I "think"ed a few times. I said a few things to my travel partners as I "Spammed away." I aimed a knife back towards my attackers as I watched them and they stopped notching their arrows and left my sight. I charged them and then they ran south, then north, and then north again, spamming. I charged my attackers and they stopping notching and left. I engaged one and they fled away and then ran away from my sight before I got over the kill lag.
After that, I could give a shit less.

As for when I was sitting down and you shot at me, I "said" something as I climbed onto my kank, emote-said something again as one of my partners pulled and arrow from my shoulder with a hefty wince. And -watching- my attackers the whole time, they never emoted. Looked like they aliased "pull quiver" to something easier to type, because my screen was filling with that spam. Then, I said something as I rode off. Gave a pained laugh as I flipped off my attackers in my say-emote.

And I forgot to mention, all those arrows didn't drop me past the point where I could stand and regenarate to full health.

Quote from: "joyofdiscord"
Quote from: "Moofassa"I really dont think you can "spam shoot" Someone.. there are all the delays in it.

Crafting, foraging, and a zillion other commands all have delays, but we all know about spamcrafting and spamforaging.  Pounding in commands as fast as you can isn't okay just because there is a brief code delay.

Quote from: "Rhyden"Shot one arrow into X's body, X stood up, shot another arrow into X's body, X mounts X's Y, shot another arrow into X's body then X rides away. Chase after X and shot another arrow this time in X's helmless head.

So, you got an arrow into a sitting opponent.  In the time it takes him to stand, you pump ANOTHER one into him?  Sounds like spam archery to me.  Imagine something like this:

An arrow hits you in the body!
You stand up.

>emote swaying unsteadily, @ rises to h
An arrow hits you in the body!
(Oh shit)

>mount kank
An arrow hits you in the body!
(Double shit!)

An arrow hits you in the head!

I wouldn't really blame him.

If said victim twink was spamming to get away, getting FOUR arrows in him in this time can only be spam archery.  Stand, mount kank, and east are THREE commands.  Draw arrow; shoot arrow times 4 is EIGHT commands PLUS delays.  And this is assuming NO emotes on the part of the archer.  If the archer was emoting or threatening, I highly doubt they would have any chance of hitting more than once or twice.  If the victim didn't get away within the first two archery delays, I would be tempted to suspect that he was TRYING to emote, but turning into a pincushion too quickly for it to be worth it.

Of course, I don't know what happened, I wasn't there.  But there are two sides to every coin, gentlemen.  Also, fight or flight is a powerful response, for players and characters alike.


My character was fast, he was an archer. He was good. Ever seen Legolas pump out a few arrows??? Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam *magically respawn some more arrows in quiver, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam...

My guy would be quite a bit slower than that, but still fast for one in Zalanthas.

What I'm saying here, Discord, is that my character was doing nothing other than whipping out arrows and firing away. My character wasn't thinking of anything else than shooting this guy. There was no need for emotes, because quite frankly, he wasn't -doing- anything else. This is not spamming, spamming would be something like, hmmm...

<mount kank
<hitch kank

(while four arrows have hit you)

Oddly I can't remember...but can you even see emotes when watching another room?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

You can see emotes, but I don't believe you can see says and that sorta shit.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "The one"As I am probably the one he is talking about, I did RP out a graze. I did emote quite a few times, along with every time I moved, I looked in each direction. I contacted my attackers and wayed them some words. I was armed in full shell and thick leather, except for my head and neck. I "think"ed a few times. I said a few things to my travel partners as I "Spammed away." I aimed a knife back towards my attackers as I watched them and they stopped notching their arrows and left my sight. I charged them and then they ran south, then north, and then north again, spamming. I charged my attackers and they stopping notching and left. I engaged one and they fled away and then ran away from my sight before I got over the kill lag.
After that, I could give a shit less.

As for when I was sitting down and you shot at me, I "said" something as I climbed onto my kank, emote-said something again as one of my partners pulled and arrow from my shoulder with a hefty wince. And -watching- my attackers the whole time, they never emoted. Looked like they aliased "pull quiver" to something easier to type, because my screen was filling with that spam. Then, I said something as I rode off. Gave a pained laugh as I flipped off my attackers in my say-emote.

Attackers? Knife? Charged? Sorry to bust your bubble, but I don't think you're the correct victim here, sorry! This victim didn't do anything but spam theirself away from direct conflict that needed a certain amount of role-playing to be realistic.