What you would know

Started by jmordetsky, January 17, 2005, 03:44:54 PM

noobs I encounter tend to not read the docs....and tend to know nada.

I think when you first point to something in the hall of kings, the game should force you to do a

help what_you_would_know_allanak

or a

help what_you_would_know_tulluk

so that noobs ateast get a mouthful of what the dilly is.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


I thought the existing docs did a pretty good job of that.  You think perhaps it should be more like an faq, a shortcut to cut down on reading time before people get started?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I think he just means.  The first an account points to a certain locale, it will automatically scroll the screen with the helpfile.

I can see it being useful, especially having seen some of the questions of people who actually use the helper's list. Now, the what you docs are really useful, so, it's a good idea.

*thumbs up*
Veteran Newbie

I don't know.. I wouldn't want new players to mix up a Fact sheet with the Actual docs..
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

It sounds nice, and I've seen a few games that do this, but it really doesn't work.  I've seen games that won't let you proceed until you read certain helpfiles, and then ask you to confirm that you did actually read the helpfiles once or twice or that you have read, understand and agree to the rules (by typing in "yes") and _still_ people don't read or don't retain the helpfiles.  It is easy to keep hitting enter untill you get to the end, without reading anything.  In the end I think it is more of an irritation than anything, because the people that will read those files have probably already read them and resent being told to do it again, and those that won't read them are irritated by being told what to do.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I don't really like the idea of forcing it onto people who are just starting.

Still being a new player, I have to confess that I - gasp! - did not read all the documentation before starting. It's an awful lot of information, most of it makes little to no sense without some experience and general understanding of the game world, and the organization could probably use a little work. The fact that there is just so much info to deal with makes it just as hard to read as it is to organize appropriately. :)

Anyway, while I played my first character I went through the documentation as things came up. Each one would leave me with a few more questions, until eventually we got to now: I have read the vast majority of the documentation.

I guess my point is that dedicated or genuinely interested newbies will learn about the game on their own terms, and that newbies who aren't interested in the docs won't last very long anyway.

I agree. I would be far more influenced by a line or two of text saying, "There are some things you will need to know in order to survive in this city, and you can read them at -url-."
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

I saw recently on another Mud that they have tips come up for new players for the few hours.

The tips give basic n00b information, and pop up every so often for first few hours of play time.

You can toggle them off, and it says so right when you first log in, with how to do so.

Seemed kinda handy...
Amor Fati

I've seen a lot of muds that have those newbie tips. Hated them, because they'd always pop up JUST as I was trying to pay attention to something, and the only options were to shut them off entirely, or let them show up at the wrong time.

Thing is, there really isn't any way to make SURE people read enough of the docs before they play. There is, however, one thing I know that would help...

When a player submits their first character, if they can't come up with a background, don't make one up for them. If their description refers to things that aren't possible in Zalanthas (like someone whose eyes are as blue as the ocean) don't accept the app with modifications made. Reject it, and explain that they need to go back to the docs, read them, and create an application that fits the game.

The only reason why someone would be unable to come up with a background would be that they didn't read the docs. The only reason why someone would talk about the color of a blue ocean in reference to their eyes would be that they didn't read the docs.

I understand that we don't want to scare off new players. But new players also need to understand that we have some -minimum- standards, and those include - reading the docs.

I don't like the idea of rejecting newb applications flat out for a lack of knowledge of the docs. I read a few of the docs while waiting for approval, but even so I had problems. My first character's description had ink-stains on his fingertips, and his bg was that he was from a temple near the shield-wall that was dedicated to compiling the history of the Known World. Well, needless to say there was a problem.

The Imm who read it saw that I was a newb, though, and helpfully edited a few things to make my char fit a bit better. Then, in the approval note, the Imm pointed out that the common fuck is illiterate, and that I might want to peruse the docs a bit more. I did just that, but I'm 100% positive that had I been rejected flat out and been forced to wait another ten hours for someone to review the app, I wouldn't have come back.

I don't really like 'newbie tips' at other muds. Useless spam for the most part, they just seem to me like somone is holding your hand, and that's not what we're about here...

Maybe a reminder on your first char approval, and possibly in the Hall of Kings that says,"WARNING[/u] :: ArmageddonMud is probably drastically different from any game you have ever played. www.armageddon.org has an extensive library of documentation that is extremely helpful to those just starting out in our world."

Maybe put the helper address in there, or throw together a 'newbie' webpage with links to the things that are absolutely necessary. This way new players could glance through the most important things, and then learn the small stuff as they go.

I have still never read a good portion of the docs, but when I play my browser sits on the helpfile page, ready to take care of business if I have trouble.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: "moreweeds"

Anyway, while I played my first character I went through the documentation as things came up. Each one would leave me with a few more questions, until eventually we got to now: I have read the vast majority of the documentation.

I guess my point is that dedicated or genuinely interested newbies will learn about the game on their own terms, and that newbies who aren't interested in the docs won't last very long anyway.

Here's a great example of why I think forcing them to read it is a bad idea:  they'll just ignore it, and it may turn them off.  Moreweeds is absolutely right.

Yeah, so, sometimes your char runs into some guy who seems daft and clueless, who doesn't even know what the heck a templar is (obvious noob).  It's ok.  You'll live, and still enjoy the game.  Just roll with it, and help them learn.  They'll read the documentation soon enough, because they'll be sick of not knowing what the heck is going on, or they'll stop playing.

Just my opinion at least.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev