Borsail Position Open

Started by Naiona, January 16, 2005, 04:28:37 PM

The richest and most powerful house in the known world is taking applications for one noble character.

If conniving, sneaky, power-hungry, catty, backstabbing roleplay in the traditions of Mario Puzo and George R.R. Martin appeal to you and you are able to log in -very- reguarly, are not involved in any current plotlines -and- have a good account history, please send your application to with a cc: to

Each application should include your account name and a proposal for your new character. A few hints as to Borsail characters:

Borsail nobles -know- they are the best people in the world.

Borsail nobles do not participate in martial activities (sparring), but they on very rare occasions may have ambitions to lead troops. However - the VAST majority of Borsaili look down upon military characters.  -This- position will not be directly involved in military activities.

Borsail nobles may have an interest in slaving (the business side of slaving), commerce or both.

Borsail nobles often take a great interest in politics and social climbing.

Borsail nobles can be ambitious characters or lazy socialites, either is permissable. However - no matter the character's personality - they must interact with other PCs, keep underlings busy and spend time with other PCs regularly.

This character must be a full human and can be any non-magicker guild.

Lastly, this position comes with a lot of responsibility. You -must- be willing to play regularly and must be involved in keeping other PCs occupied. Some understanding of Allanaki social structure and politics is a must. Positions in Borsail are always filled quickly. Send in your applications or even your intent to submit one soon.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

Borsail is once again accepting applications for a noble.  Please see post above.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

One Borsail noble position remains open.  I am looking for a player that can be on during peak times and is interested in the business side of slavery operations (not the clubbing poor saps over the head and dragging them back to Allanak in chains side - we have people for that). Borsail has a lot of active PCs and you must be ready and willing to interact with them and keep them busy.

I am willing to consider unusual or new ideas for noble concepts for this position, so long as they are suitably noble and don't involve magicks.  Please submit your basic idea along with your account name to with a cc: to
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

Accepting applications for one Borsail noble through Saturday, February 19th.  Please read previous posts for requirements and suggestions.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.