Emote Somemore!

Started by mansa, January 15, 2005, 08:07:36 PM

Quote from: "[url=http://www.armageddon.org/cgi-bin/help_index/show_help?command_emotesCommand Emote Helpfile[/url]"]
Command Emotes     (General)

Several commands allow you to provide an additional emote to the output of the command.

   <command> [pre-emote] <arguments> [post-emote]

   > sit -nodding with dwarf (his eyes glancing towards ~elf)
   Nodding, you sit at a long table, his eyes glancing towards the elf.

   Both the pre-emote and post-emote are optional.

   Multiple options exist for specifying a command emote. A one-word
   emote, like "nodding", can be specified with a preceding dash, like
   -nodding. More complex emotes can be enclosed in parantheses (),
   square brackets [], or asterisks **.


   > say -gruffly Got any spice?
   Gruffly, you ask, in sirihish, 'Got any spice?"
   > say [in a low voice] You got any spice?
   In a low voice, you ask, in sirihish: 'You got any spice?'
   > north *limping heavily*

The following commands allow both pre and post emotes:

   rest    sit    sleep    stand

The following commands allow only pre emotes:

   say    shout    sing    talk
   tell    whisper

The following commands allow only post emotes:

   down    east    north    south
   up    west

   The movement commands do not allow you to include references to other
   objects and players with the ~ syntax.

   See Also:
   emote, emote_examples, pemote

This is AWESOME.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Holy crap! That's sweet. I'm so using that from now on!


These new coding changes are unbelieveably good.  'Tis beautiful.  Major kudos!
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Okay...so am I the only one having a problem getting the rest ones to work at all?
I've even tried the exact examples given and still cannot get it to work.

Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Bugged it, along with a few other speaking/emoting bugs. I believe the coders are fixing stuff as we speak.

QuoteSYSTEM: We realize there are general issues with the new emote command, we apologize for the inconvenience.  We are working on a fix now.

Looks cool. Once its rebooted gonna have to try em out.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Dracul"Looks cool. Once its rebooted gonna have to try em out.

Fer shizzle. I've already isolated myself with a few items and NPC's to try this stuff out.

Everybody panic! This is a secret plot to convert Armageddon to a pay-per-play hack 'n slash, headed by Wizards of the Coast, the Commies, the liberal media, and brain-eating immz!
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Quote from: "FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit"THEY BROKE EMOTE!
Everybody panic! This is a secret plot to convert Armageddon to a pay-per-play hack 'n slash, headed by Wizards of the Coast, the Commies, the liberal media, and brain-eating immz!

Give us back emotes! For the love of Krath and everything holy. Without it we're a bunch of twinkish hack-n'-slashers!!!

When I try to do a single emote at a table, directing it at a person, it tells me that person isn't there.  Am I doing something wrong?

talk (giving ~woman a curious look) So how do you like this new system?

You do not see 'woman:' here.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I'm also having trouble EMOTEing with items I'm wearing or have in my inventory. I'm also not able to use the new 'stand at' command, the prompt claiming something to the effect of 'there is no space at that table'. However, if I look at the table, I learn that 'there are a few spaces there'.
Clearly, something got misplaced with EMOTEing and the new table code. I'm sure the Imms are aware of it (I'd hate to pester them with further wishes). Personally, I'm just to going to sign off, sit back, and try again later.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

The most common problem, which we're aware of and are fixing, is that you cannot put a period immediately after a targetted emote.  I think this is where many of the problems you're seeing come from.

For example:  "emote holds up ~key."  will give you an error.
However:  "emote holds up ~key"  will give you the correct output.

A similar problem occurs with "talk", when targetting someone in a talk emote, if immediately prior to a closing parentheses.

For example: "talk (pointing at ~tregil) Hahahah!" will give you an error.
However: "talk (pointing at ~tregil and laughing) I can't stop laughing!" will give you the correct output.

Please don't wish about these; if you think what you're finding does not fit into these categories, please "bug" it, as specifically as possible.  If you ABSOLUTELY MUST, email Morgenes & MUD with more detail.

Additionally, the new 'stand at' code may not be fully implemented on certain -specific items-.  But the capability is there for us to use as builders.

Apologies for the miscues, but once settled in this should be a groovy update.

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

Thankyou for the additions.

Personally I don't mind it being a little buggy. First thing I did was get an npcs auto command. (when I went through a clanned door) And then typoed it because it came out wrong. Guess I was wrong ;)

Then the emotes started to get a little funky with a dude I was talking to, and we just ignored it. No problem.

But I even got a nice sit bar (blah blah blah) in tonight and I was happy.

Veteran Newbie

I was going to make my pc say -Very cool- when I tried it out, but here will do as well.
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

I already found the old system complex enough... my poor blonde head  :?

Dont worry, I'll learn it. Give me a year or so  :wink:

I've figured out something about the ~ bug.

If the person or thing you emote about using ~ is the last word in the emote, it won't work.

Example: emote draws ~sword.

If the ~ is not the last word, it will work.

Example: emote draws ~sword, testing the weight.

Hope that helps until it's fixed.
Amor Fati

The next fix should go in next time we reboot/crash.

For now, Fnord's suggestion is good.  Another thing you can do is remove the period or add a space:

instead of "emote draws ~sword."
"emote draws ~sword"

instead of "talk (drawing ~sword) Blah."
"talk (drawing ~sword ) Blah."
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Thanks for all the great feedback folks.  The suggestions from the other staff will hold you over until we reboot.  Just shows when I tested I was too lazy to add a '.' to the end of my emotes, kudos to you guys for being on the ball.

Armageddon Staff

Why am I the only person that seemed to miss this thread until AFTER bugging things in game?  :roll:

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "Xamminy"Why am I the only person that seemed to miss this thread until AFTER bugging things in game?  :roll:

Because you are still a N00b!!!!Damn Burned :-D
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Actually, Xamminy is not alone in this.  But I'm pretty sure I was the first to find some of these bugs.  So there.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Um... anyone else still having problems after the most recent reboot? I can EMOTE with all those pretty ~ and ! just fine, but if I try to add an EMOTE to a change in position, like "sit leaning against the wall", I get a message that "you don't see "leaning" here".
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Hey, make sure you read help command emotes.  In there it specifies that you must use indicators like when you speak or move to emote in a position change.  So to do what you wanted:

> sit (leaning against a wall)

Depending on how you position that with the arguments (say if you were sitting at a table) it'll come out either before or after the normal emote for sitting, ie:

> sit (nodding to ~noble) with noble


Nodding to the noble, you sit at a long, low table near the door.

Armageddon Staff

Note that this was mainly to handle the inconsitency with which typos were handled.  (But also provide more functionality and flexibility to your emotes)  Before this code change, if you did 'sit at tbale'  (typoing table) you would do:

You sit, at tbale.

Embarassing huh?

Now you get a nice message letting you know that it couldn't find the 'tbale' to sit at.

Armageddon Staff

Oh, right, duh. Thanks Morgenes. Among the bugs and whatnot, I forgot the coolness of the change.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."