Lets get rid of that pesky scan echo for the new year!

Started by kiddgoth, January 01, 2005, 02:31:19 PM

Should the scan echo be removed?

23 (50%)
23 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 45

Voting closed: January 01, 2005, 02:31:19 PM

Being naturally attentive doesn't mean you're going to be able to see that outline of a transparent figure crouching behind a table fifteen feet away, first of all.  Scanning does not reveal people who are naturally elusive, but rather people who use specific abilities, skills, in order to be hidden.
Shadowing someone can be a lot more complex than just walking by someone and hoping they don't notice.

Now, about stalking people and having time to react, I give you this scenario:
A trained and highly capable half-elf assassin is shadowing a rich commoner who walks around with no bodyguards.  He walks twenty paces behind the commoner and uses his height advantage to keep an eye on him.
Suddenly this commoner begins turning around and looking through the crowd of maybe a hundred people that's walking down the street.  Assuming that this half-elf is not a complete idiot, wouldn't he be able to see him just starting to look and then go the other way before he's noticed?

Another example: A burglar is hiding inside a noble's wardrobe and waiting to pop out when she and Lord Fancyskirts (Faleish, naturally) start getting their groove on.  A smart burglar would leave means to look out the wardrobe, maybe drilling a tiny hole or whatever.  This burglar would probably be able to notice that this noble is starting to look under the bed and inside the furniture and everywhere else, and could use the time to run away, jump out prematurely or use the Way and call for help.

Both of these are realistic scenarios, I think.  Scan is a little overpowered and pretty frustrating for people who don't get that skill as it is, and I don't think it should be made even stronger.  Also, let's not forget that people have been waiting for Listen to be toned down a little for a long while, as that skill is also unrealistically powerful and discriminating.
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