re: Reboot? (from Ask the Staff)

Started by facehugger, December 29, 2004, 11:42:57 AM

Why *do* you want a reboot?  If there are systems that aren't refreshing/renewing themselves automagically without reboots, they should probably be fixed.

-- X

When you post a request without explaining the rationale for it, anyone who reads it will use logic to arrive at a conclusion.  The most obvious one was the shop code, which is not a self-renewing system.  As Xygax said, if you see an area that isn't automatically renewing itself, it should be examined to make sure there isn't a problem.  
I'm curious about this now.

Unless it has changed recently, I believe the public well at Luir's outpost only refills on a reboot, so if there is a long uptime it can become impossible to buy water there.  There are also a couple places in the wilderness where fruit, plants and water can be found that seems to only replenish after a reboot, should these things be bugged in-game?

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I really like the current reboot frequency, which is one reboot per RL week and half a month in game. Most of the time an unexpected crash happens and this doubles the planned frequency of reboots.

Some objects in the game, either the ones you can buy/sell at the shops or the ones you can find by foraging or by other means of scavenging, are supplied in really low amounts (no problem at all, this can happen and for sure there are good explanations). For shops, I always thought that it is because of the supply and demand problems in the economy. For other objects, I always thought that it is because of the weather conditions or some unknown problems.

Generally I didn't have any problems on this topic but sometimes, in my opininon, this reduces playability. Lets say that I need an object, which has low supply in the Zalanthas. This object can be found once per reboot. Also assume that there are other people who seeks that object. As a result of this, we all try to get that object but only the one who can log in right after the reboot can get it. Also lets assume that I don't have the chance (because of RL issues) to log in to be able fight for the object. The same happens when you want to sell some certain objects. Your life may depend on selling that object, but you have the same problem. You cannot log in and sell it before the shops get full of it. This happens because of pure OOC reasons (created by planned reboot and its expectations) that I explained above.

If you ask me this creates a rush to get/sell/buy objects, which is not realistic (people magically know when the shops are cleared or some objects just pop-uped). In addittion, people who cannot give this fight are automatically left out of this. Personally, I don't want to see both of this happening in game. I don't want to rush or fight for the object when the game reboots and I don't want to stay out because I don't have a chance to fight for it. To sum up, I think that these are not realistic and bad examples of roleplay.

Right now, I cannot think a better solution but I believe that this situation needs a little bit adjustment (not a high priority).

What do you think?
"A few warriors dare to challange me, if so one fewer."
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