Experienced players prefer....

Started by Fnord, December 16, 2004, 02:29:13 PM

Experienced players prefer...

Independent characters
31 (36.9%)
Playing in House Kurac
15 (17.9%)
Other coded clans
30 (35.7%)
I'm a n00b but wanted to vote
8 (9.5%)

Total Members Voted: 83

Voting closed: December 16, 2004, 02:29:13 PM

Is it true that after being around for a while most experienced players (let's say those with ~1 year of experience or more) either like to play independants or in Kurac as opposed to other coded clans? Just curious.
Amor Fati

Not necessarily.

Oddly a great many old players enjoy The Byn in particular. Go figure.

Ask me if I'm a tree

It's hard to say.  I probably have ten independents for every clanned character. But my clanned characters last about ten times as long as any given independent.

Oh, and I hate House Kurac.  Completely and unreasonably.
Back from a long retirement

The Byn is actually really cool to revisit as an oldbie. You can impress the newbies with your l33t RP ski11z and turn them into your minions, rather than kick spamming twinkers.

...Many other reasons that I suddenly realized I'm too lazy to type out.

I like them all.  Indies, Kurac, other clans - all that.
Well, except for Tuluki clans.  Yuck!

I prefer playing for diversity among my characters.

Edit to add:

I didn't vote because there was not option for "an equal distribution of both indy and clans" and no option for "who would play in a Tuluki clan anyway"
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

I like Kurac and all, but it's not -the- clan I like to play in as an experienced player.  Like someone else said...variety is pretty essential, or else you'll get bored pretty quick.

Personally...my favorite to play in recently has been the Haruch Kemad.  If you can pull it off.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Clans. I dislike playing independent characters for some reason.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

IMO experienced players usually prefer templarate or noble Houses.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Favorite character I had was in the guild.

And he was a fekk-up. *grin*
Veteran Newbie

I've been around +1 year.

I never want to do the same thing twice until i've done every other option available.

This goes for clans, starting cities, races, guilds, and subguilds.

The only exception to this is the Byn. I'll happily have repeat time in the Byn.

I've also recently learned that i hate independents. I find they don't make sense ICly very often, and I also OOCly despise their lack of background scenery.

You asked, now you know. For me, at least.

I doubt many 'experienced' players actually play in Kurac, maybe one or ... 1.5 - that's why it's such a piece of shit (my opinion).



Yeah.. there should be a "more experienced players prefer anything other than Tuluk" option. Its such a damn useless detraction from the magick of Allanak.

I love having nasty, perverted, alcoholic, spice-addicted, Hopefully will die anyday sorta PC's that die in a brawl, not that uber-gith of 7331 burn you by by that they coulda died to.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Hmmm.... "more experienced players prefer Tuluk"?  :twisted:

I enjoy clanned characters.  I might make another indie or two one of these days, but I enjoy the politics and the backstabbing and that sort of thing too much.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I'd say I'm inbetween. Clans can be fun but so can independence. Though...I don't think I've had a character recently that was completely independent or purely clanned either.

I'm here for about one year.. All my long living characters preferred to be independent. And died just for a shit, just before getting hired by Kurac. Now I'm in a clan again, but not Kurac. It seems I'll never work for Kurac. If this one will live long, I hope Kurac never tries to hire my character. :P
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

You think:
"No! Please leave me be whoever you are."

You sense a foreign presence withdraw from your mind.

I don't know to be honest.. I like to play independants mostly.. You cannot beat the freedom of being able to go where you want when you want instead of having to tavern sit. Although, if you can get yourself into a House or clan that is reasonable on its rules and such.. Then I think the clan could be fun. I voted for independance.
We shall step up preparations for possible military struggle and enhance our capabilities to cope with crises, safeguard peace, prevent wars and win the wars if any," Hu

I give this man much respect for this comment.

I'm a total newb so that's what I voted. :)

I'd like to muse, however, at the high number of experienced players voting on preferring to be independant.  Going through the forums a lot, I notice one of the big things that keeps getting brought up over and over again by various people is that the clans are dwindling and that the roleplay behind them is slinking off into the past.

And this, quite possibly, may be why.  A clan full of newbies is..well, a clan full of newbies.  Not the greatest thing to be in control of a certain aspect of the world you live in, no?  

But at the same time, I am assuming that there is just something about clans that turns oldbies off to them.  Some of the before-mentioned reasons was the lack of freedom, but, being the newbie that I am, I find it wonderous that oldbies would prefer the freedom of wandering around like any unwise newbie to the "thrilling" (or not quite so) roleplay of leader positions or advanced options.
e odeo interfice te cochleare

Independents, and the Guild are my choices.

But, I think, playing a Templar should rock as well, if one has enough spare time to give on.
some of my posts are serious stuff

I've been playing about 2.5 years now, and still greatly prefer to RP within the structure of a clan. With some of the basics of a clan in place, I find that I can better focus my efforts on achieving my character's goals (usually involving wealth, power, and sex... and plenty of all of them!) rather than collecting enough wood to make yet another small, wooden box to sell for 8 'sid, if the shop doesn't have too many already, so that I can buy enough flour to make a couple travel cakes and not starve.

I think that some people who have been around longer tend to have less patience, (which is why you see a group of them on the GDB that will actively slander the existing clans despite the high probability that they haven't made an honest effort to RP in one for quite a long time) partially because they develop a "been there, done that" approach to their characters. These people prefer to run independent characters because they'd rather do new things, and rather not have to wait for other people to do things (and with very good reason). It's a tradeoff - being in a clan means getting benefits for that membership, but having to interact with people in that clan and sometimes having to WAIT until the other person or people are online. As an independent, you need to find your own food, your own RP, your own place to stay/train/study/etc, but you can do it on your own time, and can be as impatient as you like about it. For myself, I'd rather take some time where I'm on and there's not much to do than have to be on and performing mindless repetitive tasks just to keep my character alive. If I wanted that, I'd play Everquest.  :wink:

IMHO, people tend to create the kind of character they want to play based on why they're playing in the first place. For many, the idea of doing something dull while online because it's what your character would do is contrary to why they play. It's more important to be stimulated and have fun (fun is, in fact, why we all play after all) than to be rigidly true to all the tiny details of your character's existance, particularly if by playing a different kind of character you can avoid some of the things you don't enjoy doing. For others, the fact that you're playing out the dull parts of your character's life makes the "exciting" parts that much more rewarding, because you've developed a character that has considerably more dimensions than might otherwise have been achieved.

As for the "thrilling" RP of a leader position, again - patience is required. LOTS of patience. More patience than should be required of anything. Including being tortured on the rack while waiting desperately for rescue. I've been in leadership positions, both here and on other games - it can be incredibly rewarding, or it can be terrible. But it's never IMMEDIATE. And you never, EVER, EVER get to simply do what you really want. But sometimes, you get to do stuff that's just plain cool.  :wink:

I've been playing for around three years now and I prefer to play in well-established clans in cities as they provide the most interesting RP for me with all the inter- and intra-clan relations. I like to have the instant credibility that the clans can give you too - try extorting somebody as a independent 'rinther and then try it as a Guilder. I like as well having a structure that I can fall back on when I run out of ideas for things to do. I've played a few independent characters but haven't enjoyed them that much. I've played d-elf in a coded tribe too but maybe because of my playing times and clan inactivity it was the most boring role yet and the only character I've ever retired. I haven't played in Kurac yet and don't plan on doing so for a while as I've got other things in mind. I think I'd like to give the Byn a shot next as I've never played in it before and after that another clanned gemmed magicker.
You can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink" Dydactylos' philosophical mix of the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans (Small Gods, Terry Pratchett)

I just wanted to say that Indy characters are the best and many experienced players play as them. Even if indy characters only live maximum 10 days, they're still sweet to play. For some reason, I hate house Kurac. Seems like a big waste of time. Some other coded clans are sweet, especially the smaller ones.

I'm not sure how much time you feel Kurac would waste, Rhyden - you haven't really been here all that long. Perhaps if you had a few fairly long-lived characters under your belt (fairly being almost anything more than a month or two real-life each), you might see things from a different perspective.

Edited to actually contribute to the topic; sorry! Contribution follows:

I've played a fairly wide variety of character types. Some weren't exactly what you'd call "clanned" - they were templars' aides, with no access to training or barracks or estates or anything of the sort. I've played in Kurac, I've played in noble houses as guards/aides/spies, I've gone the tribal route, and I played a merchant house family member. I've also tried a completely independant, who unfortunately got whacked on my 2nd day by someone who typed "kill elf" not realizing that I had just walked in and it was the -other- elf he was trying to kill.

In all, I've only played 12 or 13 characters total, and each was a unique experience that I enjoyed. Only one I didn't like at all, but that was my mistake by picking a guild that didn't match the location and clan she ended up in. Her personality probably would've done better in the other city too.

I like both equally - clanned and unclanned.  But I like them for different reasons.

Clanned - having someone else be the responsible one (your noble boss or sergeant for example) and you just follow orders and kick back and enjoy the RP on your day off...plus all that awesome training gets you a LOT more skilled a lot quicker than playing a tribal. Not to mention free food and water.

Unclanned (tribal since the tribal was a semi-iso clan) - Freedom to do almost anything I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it.

Semi-clanned (templar's aide) The best of both worlds. Someone else is responsible for things, you just follow orders, but you -also- aren't stuck with schedules and sparring so most of your time is your own, and you're free to pretty much come and go as you please. Plus you get paid for it.

I'm not sure which I like more. I'll normally make a few indies, then a clanned charcter or two when I'm sick of the wilderness. Sometimes more than the other, depends on how I'm feeling that day :D
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

Quote from: "Bestatte"I'm not sure how much time you feel Kurac would waste, Rhyden - you haven't really been here all that long. Perhaps if you had a few fairly long-lived characters under your belt (fairly being almost anything more than a month or two real-life each), you might see things from a different perspective.

Just cause my GDB account was made a few months ago doesn't mean I'm a noob, Bestatte. For the record, I've been playing or over a year and a half now and I have been with Kurac with more than one character and still, I think it's a waste of time for characters (OOCly of course). And also, I have had quite a few long-lived characters under my belt. I'm pretty experienced at this game guys, quit thinking that everybody makes GDB accounts within the same week they make their real Armageddon accounts, sheesh.

It's not a game Rhyden, it's an ever-evolving novel.

edited: I guess I should contribute too.

I prefer independant characters, and I don't really know why. I think it's the challenge of surviving with them or something, when it comes to clans you're handed everything, especially nowadays, you get all these restrctions, can't do this, can't do that, but you can do this and that. I don't like all that, I prefer to do my own thing with a character, and my character's don't live long because of that.  I have been playing for around seven years or so, and I took a 2 year break recently, but I am back and still I like independant characters even though there are new clans and new imms, it's still the same, you join a clan and you're restricted to certain things, and it's as if you have the imms working with you to better your character, rather then playing independant you have only yourself to better your character, not the hand-outs that you get from an imm-played NPC or PC, and all that free food and water.

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"It's not a game Rhyden, it's an ever-evolving novel.

Of course it is RM, this is just my personal opinion OOCly. My appropriate characters would probably think joining Kurac would be a great honour and a good job, but OOCly, meaning I, myself, not thinking of our ever-evolving novel, don't.

Oh wait, you meant when I said 'game', lol, I just call it a game still. Well, it is a game. It's fictional, you kill stuff, RPG, I guess it's a game. Is it? If it was a novel, it'd all have to be written down though. God, I'm derailing. Anyways, game or novel, whatever, I choose indy characters over clanned characters being an experienced player myself despite the date when I joined this GDB as this account.  :D

You don't...write like an experienced player. No offense. But it just seems like you're still new. I get that new-stench coming through the ethernet cables..I don't know. I have never played with you, and I don't think I want to at this point.  If you want to speak more on it, message my yahoo.

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

I suppose I have no business joining in with the derailment of this thread, but I feel this needs to be said.

Just because you use an informal tone in writing or write as if you were talking on a GDB, or even actually roleplay that way, doesn't mean you're a freaking newbie.  It means that you have a casual side, and you're probably not afraid to use it.  It doesn't mean you can't write, or are inexperienced, or have no imagination with which to roleplay with.

Using stuck-up perfect writing doesn't mean you can roleplay, or that you have experience.  It simply means you have a mastery (somewhat) of the English langauge and you want to flaunt it around as much as possible or you have simply made a habit of writing like that.

That being said, please do not write in leet-speak. :)  That is just plain malicious.

Further apologies for continuing the derailment, but I've already contributed my two cents on the topic.
e odeo interfice te cochleare

Quote from: "Steel Leopard"

Just because you use an informal tone in writing or write as if you were talking on a GDB, or even actually roleplay that way, doesn't mean you're a freaking newbie.  It means that you have a casual side, and you're probably not afraid to use it.  It doesn't mean you can't write, or are inexperienced, or have no imagination with which to roleplay with.

Damn Spelling Nazis

Quote from: "RunningMountain"You don't...write like an experienced player. No offense. But it just seems like you're still new. I get that new-stench coming through the ethernet cables..I don't know. I have never played with you, and I don't think I want to at this point.  If you want to speak more on it, message my yahoo.


You don't know that, Rm. I could have been in several plots with your characters, only immortals would know. And as for the informal slanged language I tend to use, I think Steel Leopard spelled it out beautifully. It just means I'm more laid back with speaking about this little novel of ours. I'm not some strict, by the book, spelling-nazi. And just because somebody on this board writes more formally than somebody else means absolutely nothing!!! As for not wanting to play with my characters, that's a pretty harsh statement. You don't even know the type of characters I play! Maybe if you thought outside the nutshell, you'd realize that all the nazis on this board aren't always the greatest players out there! I rest my case. (Sorry to derail so much but it's not like we're gonna make a Roast Rhyden thread, or we could)  :wink:

What does your perception of someone's experience matter?  There are PCs whose players seemed new to the rules but had a better grip on character than I did in a much shorter timeframe than I did, and there are PCs whose players who have a rock-solid knowledge of the gameworld and rules who strike me as cheesy as hell.

Back to the topic, I prefer Independent PCs, though my only turn at a Kuraci PC went well as did my many PCs that dealt with Kurac in one form or another.  I'm not sure why Kurac gets panned around here.

I prefer indy PCs because I can't stand the rules a clan PC gets imposed on them which can often mean that if nobody else is around you are going to be bored.  The only times I like being in a clan are with a PC who wouldn't be going outdoors anyways, which is rare.

Quote from: "CRW"I prefer indy PCs because I can't stand the rules a clan PC gets imposed on them which can often mean that if nobody else is around you are going to be bored.  The only times I like being in a clan are with a PC who wouldn't be going outdoors anyways, which is rare.

My sentiments exactly.

I'm curious. Why do you get bored?  Can't you loose yourself in the world just cleaning your armor, fixing a few things around the barracks, doing patrols (even if its just around a small area?

Can't you loose yourself in observations your character makes?

It seems to me that the think command is useful for times like these.  When you are alone with your character start thinking - like he would think - about things that are around him or assumed around him or things that a person like s/he would think about?

Sorry for the derailment.  But it's hard for me to undestand boring...or at least when I start to get bored (as I have with slave characters) I find something to make them more exciting for me.

What's wrong with playing a bad clanny anyway?  Whose to say you have to play by the rules of the clan?  You don't HAVE to stay near the areas that you've been assigned.  They aren't going to know by magick you've violated the rules.

I once saw a clanned character (played by an Imm, I think) who was a drunk, always fell asleep on guard duty and was a real bad apple.  He was totally believable.  

If you're bored, it's not because you are playing a clanned character, I don't think.

But - I'm derailing (as I mentioned earlier) sorry.  :-)
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"What's wrong with playing a bad clanny anyway?  Whose to say you have to play by the rules of the clan?  You don't HAVE to stay near the areas that you've been assigned.  They aren't going to know by magick you've violated the rules.

Yes they can.  If you are supposed to be somewhere training but don't show up then it's not that hard for your superiors, virtual or not, to notice you aren't there.

So you end up hitting a training dummy for 20 minutes.

QuoteI once saw a clanned character (played by an Imm, I think) who was a drunk, always fell asleep on guard duty and was a real bad apple.  He was totally believable.

I've played clanmembers who didn't obey the rules, but I don't want to do that with every clanmember I have.

QuoteIf you're bored, it's not because you are playing a clanned character, I don't think.

You think wrong.  I'm bored because in order to play according to a rule-abiding character's personality I'm stuck attending a 20 minute armor-cleaning session with only VNPCs around me.  Then dusk comes with a half-hour reprieve at a tavern you hope isn't empty.  Lather -> Rinse -> Repeat the next day.

So what's the answer?  To recognize that playing a structured role in a clan doesn't work for me.  I don't have a problem with the way clans are run because there are some people who really enjoy it.

Maybe, just maybe, you can recognize that people are different instead of implying that I have no right to feel bored by a given situation.

Quote from: "CRW"Maybe, just maybe, you can recognize that people are different instead of implying that I have no right to feel bored by a given situation.

I didn't mean to suggest you have to right to feel a particular way.  I didn't mean to give the impression that I was invalidating your feelings. Sorry about that!    :?  Sincerely.

However, you say they are boring for you and I was offering ideas on how maybe they could be made "not boring."
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

QuoteI'm curious. Why do you get bored? Can't you loose yourself in the world just cleaning your armor, fixing a few things around the barracks, doing patrols (even if its just around a small area?

Yes, for approximately one day. The question should be, instead, can you?




That's a silly question.  Why would I post such a thing if I couldn't?
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]