What You Do and Don't Like about the Website

Started by Sanvean, December 10, 2004, 05:36:11 PM

One thing that might be nice, and help in the off chance that someone views the non-flashy page design as an indicator that Armageddon is not a going concern is to augment the last booted counter to also include how many people are logged in right now.

1.  The three things I like best about the website are:

Clean, simple, loads fast, informative.

I like the lack of frames, frames can cause more problems then the fix.  For example http://www.retromud.org has a lot of information on it, just like Arm, and the frames help navigate that information, but they actually make it MORE difficult to read the information because the frame for the the actual information takes up less than 1/4 of the screen.  Ugh.  A single line of drop down menus is ok, but a big old vanity frame along the top serves no useful purpose . . . despite the fact that nearly every website uses it.

2.  The three things I like least about the website are:

Information seems to be spread out in an arbitrary fasion.  It isn't obvious whether a particular bit of information will be in Introductory Information, General Information, or Roleplaying Information.  More cross-linking could help.

http://www.armageddon.org/general/races.html The elf section here could have links to
other sections on elves:


And perhaps even relevent tribal documentation since elves are supposed to be in tribes,
and having these links would emphasize that.

The documents on Tuluk could also all link to eachother.  That way if you find one page
on Tuluk you also find links to everything there is to know about Tuluk.


Plus they could each link (but not link back) to pages that are more distantly connected
Tuluki life, like:

3.  I have had trouble finding ________ on the website.

I don't remember exactly.  Usually I find what I'm looking for eventually.

4.  One thing that isn't documented and should be:

Dunno.  Whether dwarves get acne or not, maybe.

5.  One thing that is documented and shouldn't be:

I don't know about anything that shouldn't be documented, though some of the magick flavour text is misleading.

The names of the powers, old folklore has it, are the seven great horns of God, and their names call the spirits to service.

God, what God?

The magick system itself is good to have documented, as it provides a teaser for people who like mages and shows how arm's magick system differs from stock.

7.  If I were designing the website, my main consideration would be:

Clairty and usefulness.

9.  I would/wouldn't like to see more artwork on the website along the lines of...
I don't know about more artwork.  Artwork is nice, but it does slow down loading times.  Rather than sprinkling art through the pages, I'd prefer a section called "Visual inspirations" or something, that would provide links to pages of art and photography that are useful.  There could be links to the mars pictures that look sort of like the red desert, pictures of afganistan, Darksun artwork, and so on.  Since these would link into the original pages, you wouldn't need to pay for them the way you might to use the art inside the Arm website.

Pictures of people and animals would be good, landscapes are easy to find.

10.  If I were rating the website, I'd give it a ___ out of 10.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I just want to say it's better than the SoI website.

Cheers! We're on the right track!