Small Enhancement Request

Started by moab, December 08, 2004, 04:16:49 PM

I get annoyed (easily, lately, due to my lack beer intake, I think) when players post on the GDB things like "oooh, that red-skinned gith blaa blaa."  The next thing you know me, you and everyone else out there knows OOCly what a particular npc is capable of.

From reading the GDB soley I know now there is some red-skinned gith near some "hole" in the ground off the North road.

While this whole spreading of IC information bothers me (maybe I'm too tight-assed, I dunno) one thing I would like to see added would be have gith and other important NPC mobs spawn with random sdescs and maybe even random locations with a particular zone.

Suddenly the red-skinned gith you were looking out for is a weathered gith or the wusy-looking gith and maybe he spawned four leagues south of where you saw him last, hrm?

Sounds like fun and danger to me!

Anyway, just trying to offer a solution to an annoying problem I see more and more lately on the GDB.

In some ways I think the old GDB was easier to police for the staff - but maybe I'm mistaken.  Certainly, there seems to have been a relaxing of policy of late.

Dunno.  Cya in the sands.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

I remember gleaming useful OOC/IC information from the gdb as a newbie. But it was hard...HARD.

It has slackened though...I dont like seeing it either now...
Maybe they could just make helpers mini-mods ;)...nah. jk on that one.

*Just my vote of support*
Veteran Newbie

I've always thought that the advent of the new GDB has given way to more things being openly shared that could just as well be learned in game, to greater benefit, as well as the occasional dropping of information that shouldn't be learned except in game.

I'd like to see things go back to the way it was on the old GDB.  I don't think I'm being curmudgeonly or having rose-colored glasses when I say that there was less sharing of IC information on the old board than this one.

I'll say this, though, I haven't seen anything that appears to be intentional.  I've been guilty myself of having once said something I shouldn't have just through being careless.

Having random sdesc gith would be great.

I totally want to see

The curvaceous, raven-haired gith woman crouches here.


The limp-wristed high-coiffed gith dandy leans against the shield wall.

Obviously the word-combination possibilities would be listed appropriately for gith sdescs.

The large-headed, hunchbacked gith crouches here.
The fanged, yellow-skinned gith crouches here.
The feral-eyed, brown-scaled gith crouches here.
The brown-skinned, fanged gith crouches here.

Tell me that would not be cooler than seeing..

The purple-skinned gith stands here.
The purple-skinned gith stands here.
The purple-skinned gith stands here.
The pink-skinned gith stands here.

"Uh oh, those purple-skinned gith sure are nasty. Warrior-dude, you take those out, I'll get the pink one."

Just to let you know, such is completely possible. In fact, the code I have worked on the most actually has this feature. With the coders we have, such things should actually not be too hard to do at all. You can also do this with objects.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.
