Caravaner skillz?

Started by dont want to be a ranger, December 02, 2004, 02:30:41 PM

From the subclass helpfiles
QuoteCaravan guides are skilled in desert travel

I was thinking that it would be neat if this particular sublcass had the coded advantage of being able to make their way through a sandstorm without getting lost. Not to the same degree as a ranger, but just something that takes the edge off.

Of course this subguild allready gets a boosted ride skill, haggle, bendune and wagon driving. So, it might be a bad idea if it becomes a bit over powered.


I'd say that IF the PC was actively driving a wagon, THEN and only then would it make good sense to have a better shot at not getting lost in storms. You shouldn't need a ranger to drive a wagon, afterall.

There are a lot of subguilds, guilds and racial bonuses that could be stretched to allow some relief from stormblindness.

Caravans were generally pack animals and not vehicles.  Just to stir the pot on this topic.

Tough call.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

I dont think this should be given to caravan guides. After all, part of being a caravan guide is knowing when to travel and when not to travel. Its simple, dont travel in storms. If its a high wind, best wait a day or two until the weather is more favorable. I know some of you will say "But storms last rl days some times" for this, charge more for your services all of you caravan guides out there. Then you will have the sid to sit and wait out the storms.  

Note: You should never boost or add skills when you can always just rp around the problem.

I agree that a caravaner should either sit out the storm, or not travel in a storm.  If you're taking a big long trip you should probably have a ranger in there somewhere anyway.  

Also, is there some way to predict the weather? Like, a skill that lets you know when a storm will likely hit? If not, I think a meteorology skill would totally kick.  One of my characters was going to go out and scavenge salt with someone and she said to wait a day because there were storms due later that day or something.  Is there some way that a player could know when to expect a storm?
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

Quote from: "halfhuman"Also, is there some way to predict the weather? Like, a skill that lets you know when a storm will likely hit? If not, I think a meteorology skill would totally kick.  One of my characters was going to go out and scavenge salt with someone and she said to wait a day because there were storms due later that day or something.  Is there some way that a player could know when to expect a storm?'s called the farmer sense...

Hard to explain, but it even applies IG.

Anyways...I think playing an actuall merteorologist would be way fun RP. Plus you could work on the side as a Astrologist, patterning the sun and moons.

Nobleman asks you: Blue Rhino, what do you suspect the weather will be like tomorrow? I'm planning to make a trip, however I don't know weather or not there will be storm or not..

weather s

it is a cool day
the wind is as silent as the sands

You tell the nobleman: You better believe it..gonna be a storm commin'.

And actually if you memorize some of the order the weather goes in, you can get a general guess on what it'll be like the next day, and sometimes the following day.

Zalanthan Meterologists could probably only give you a day to day weather repo
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

If you pay attention to general weather patterns and wind now, you can generally predict when and where the storms will be.

More than that I'll refrain from saying; and I would still love to see a more realistic weather system, though I don't think that the patterns we have now are entirely unrealistic. In fact they're pretty good. If you get to know the land and the wind and weather patterns well, you have about an 80% chance of accurately predicting where the sands are going to be the worst and where they'll be the calmest.