flamming people

Started by killa, November 25, 2004, 11:53:58 AM

Some people on this forum flame to much, I have notice people getting pissed at a spellin errors and taking this forum and game to serious.

I am not point fingers  but i find how people treat each other very offensive and want to know why people insult, yell and put down each other.

A lot of people are spelling nazis here (it's "flaming", btw) because they appreciate good spelling in-game.  Bad spelling or bad grammar can be exceptionally unpleasant, when encountered in the game.  It makes reading what you've said harder, which makes keeping up with all the activity in a busy room harder, which is very frustrating.

Worse still, bad spelling, bad grammar, etc. can cause misunderstanding that don't make IC sense...  misunderstandings that really stem from an OOC misreading of your text, when the meaning would have been clear in a verbalized conversation.

Another reason people on boards like this may become upset when they encounter bad spelling or bad grammar is because it feels as though you don't care enough (can't show US enough respect) to spend the time to make your posts readable.  It is a common courtesy and an important skill, so it's worth your effort to spend some extra time double- and triple-checking your posts for readability.  You'll notice a lot of people make follow-up posts to their own entries, immediately correcting or improving some comment or another.  This is because they are taking the time to read and re-read what they've written.  They're showing -you- respect and courtesy by striving to improve their writing.

When you fail to show that same courtesy, sometimes people become offended.  I find that I, personally, wind up simply devaluing your feedback (sometimes to the point of ignoring poorly written posts entirely).

Incidentally, I'm aware that some of our players and posters do not speak English as their first language.  However, I'm also aware that a large majority of them take great pains to polish their language.  It's much appreciated.  For those that are still simply struggling to learn, that effort too is appreciated.  Usually you can tell a non-native speaker from someone who is simply being lazy and inconsiderate.

some times is shear habbit for the usage of poor english. I admit i do use U 2 and no g on ing ending words but i do try to break the habbit on this forum and this one alone. kinda hard tho when msn is also on.

The beauty of the GDB is that you can take as long as you like before hitting the submit button, giving you plenty of time to proofread your posts and make corrections for proper spelling and grammer.  

My opinion: Using things like "u" and leaving the "g" off of words ending in "ing" just reeks of AOL chatrooms (or something equally inane.)  If you want to be taken seriously by serious roleplayers, you could at least make an effort to use proper grammar and spelling rather than just being lazy about the way you type.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Correct capitalization and spelling couldn't hurt either.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "killa"Some people on this forum flame to much, I have notice people getting pissed at a spellin errors and taking this forum and game to serious.

I am not point fingers  but i find how people treat each other very offensive and want to know why people insult, yell and put down each other.

***Responding to the underlined text***

That should be a hint to most people who read the boards.
These kinds of things(or should I say "These kinds of people") tend to mess up roleplaying enviorments and the people who do this are usually twinks.  :evil:  Using slang and numbers to subsitute for letters is not what people want to see. It is confusing and sometimes hard to figure out what those people are trying to say, wich makes it so annoying.

Most of the people who read the boards see people get flammed for spelling and grammatical errors, and tend to go behind them and make the same mistake. Maybe its ignorance or stupidity. ~shrugs~ Sometimes it makes me think/feel that they are just doing it just to anger some of the people who gets sick to the stomach, whenever they see such errors.

Yes, I agree with Xygax.
You should be able to determine those who do not know/speak english well from those who are just plain annoying.

Thats just my two obsidian.

Edit: ... and the people who do this are usually twinks.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

I hait stoopid peepel hoo allwees spel thingz rong an hav vary bad litter-achure.  :D

Quote from: "Yokunama"Most of the people who read the boards see people get flammed for spelling and grammatical errors, and tend to go behind them and make the same mistake. Maybe its ignorance or stupidity. ~shrugs~ Sometimes it makes me think/feel that they are just doing it just to anger some of the people who gets sick to the stomach, whenever they see such errors.
Most of the people who read the boards see people get flamed for spelling and grammatical errors. The people who do get flamed tend to repeat their errors continuously. Perhaps it's ignorance or stupidity. I do not know. Sometimes it makes me think (or perhaps a more fitting word would be feel) that they are out to anger those who are more sensitive to the errors they make.

I did that because you made the following mistakes in your post:
* Used en emote. The "~shrugs~" is not a proper way to express how you feel, I did demonstrate how you are able to express how you feel in a much more articular manner.
* Made at least two spelling errors.
* Used fairly long sentences, I think the proper term is a "run on sentence." I don't know, I am hopeless when it comes to the proper rules with writing in English.
* Used a / to denote that your reaction can be either interchangeable with the two words and you really do not care which word, or that how you react differs between the two. This is a lazy way in which to express yourself and shows that you do not care about your post enough. This in turn makes me feel that you are wasting my time because I do not see why I should read a post you do not care about enough to express yourself without using shortcuts.
* Used the paragraph or new line tools that we have in the English language in an improper manner. You said one sentence and then had a line break. Using a new line in such a manner is incorrect, it is possible you meant for the sentence itself to be a paragraph on it's own, which would then be an impoper use as paragraphs should be more then one single sentence.
* Used a smiley. In English there is no such thing as a smiley and this is a product of the internet. By using such a tool in your writing you are expressing yourself in a juvenile manner.
* Forgot to employ a space between two words.
* I am 80% certain you used a comma incorrectly at least once.
* Used an ellipses in an incorrect manner.

[/mode arrogant pompous bastard]

That was just me (with my tongue firmly planted in cheek) demonstrating how being an elitist is rude and inconsiderate. This board has a no flaming policy with no exceptions. People should not be getting flamed for any reason, including spelling errors. If you do not like how someone expresses themself, then either ignore it or PM them if you must. I know I try, but I am not perfect. And some people do it on purpose. This is how they express themself. As you express yourself with smileys, which not everyone actually likes. I know several people who dislike them with a passion. Should you get flamed for employing them?

Quote from: "Yokunama"and the people who do this are usually twinks.
I have seen no evidence to support this and I believe you said it as an ad hominem attack.

Ahem...for all your flaming needs.

Veteran Newbie

Poor spelling is inconsiderate?? Rude??  I think it might be a little embarrassing at times and a bit lazy, but.. Rude?? If you are insulted/hurt by poor spelling you need to take a valium. I am a poor speller and I do proof read and edit my posts. I'm still a bad speller and my grammar sucks. I would hope that people aren't skipping over me because I still have poor spelling. I think jhunter, though a bit "flammey"  :D  (Oooh.. look a smiley) proves a good point with his post. Which is to say lighten up, it's a discussion board not an essay contest.

As for why people are so flamey? Well, I will say this. I try to keep a cool head most of the time. Most, not -all-, it's hard not to get touchy when people challenge your ideas and you always scrutinize those post that do.  Everyone has different sensitivity levels. Some people have thicker skin and can take a lot. Some people can't. Some people see a post that does not support their ideas as a personal slight.  Some people just like to cause tension. Some people, I won't name names, are just angry all the time.    

Also you can't inflect tone very well in written form. Its very easy for someone to mean something in a light hearted way, and for it to be taken as an insult.

Our board is pretty tame for the most part. There seems to be periods of time where people get really riled up, and then the IMM's come in, throw down and lock a few posts. Then there is a peaceful time before the next uprising.

But these are my opinions. I hope that answers your question.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

I agree with sarah (as usual).

I would say though - that "lazy" writing isn't the same as poor spelling. Sarah believes she has trouble spelling things sometimes, so she -tries- to check her posts before hitting that submit button. Many other people do the same.

My grammar, when I am writing conversationally or speaking out loud, sucks. You wouldn't believe how many times I say "Me and him are goin' there" and similar phrases which would make me cringe to read in an essay.

It's important to remember though, that what we post here doesn't reflect how our characters behave in the game. I might say "I really can't stand it when people roleplay this way" - but that is ME, Roberta, opining on a subject in an OOC forum. My character isn't going to treat your character badly JUST because I happen to hate the way you roleplay. My character will treat your character however my character should treat your character. And for all you know, it could end up meaning that our characters become best friends.

There are very few situations where I will go out of my way to avoid RPing with someone in the game. One of them is those forced accents that are impossible to decipher. I just don't have the patience for it. I can only imagine how hard it is for people who don't speak English as a first language to have to pick out what the player is trying to say, when the player is intentionally making his character difficult to understand.

As for posts here, we have tools for spellchecking, all languages that use the same or similar written alphabet capitalize the first letter of their sentences and end them with punctuation. If you are neglecting these -very- simple and easy things, AND if English (or French, or any other language that uses a similar alphabet) is your first language, then you ARE a lazy writer. When I encounter a lazy writer, I ask myself: Does this person respect his audience enough to make the attempt? No? Then I'm not going to give him the respect that I would give to someone who does.

If you don't try to be understood, then why should I try to understand you? As I and others have written in various other threads, all we ask is that each of us try.

Lots uv people who uz this board r cri-babis.  im not singling u out killa, cuz i dont hardl-e no u or nothin but if you even sugjest someth1ng mildl-e negativ3 about som-1, they start crying.  its sad n they shuld gro up.  

i herd 1 person  say that pe-ple shul gro thick-r skins, n i find this 2 be tru.
'm helpful to noobs, ask me questions, totally noob friendly.

"Mail mud@ginka.armageddon.org if you think you've crashed the game."


Quote from: "Rhyden"Aye agrie

Screw uu stoopid dumb idiot!
u dont belon on amr

Ah heh..personally..I think a little flaming is good. It's amusing...long as it's kept comical...but hey...*shrug*
Veteran Newbie

Take it seriously or don't post.  If you feel obliged to be an idiot, particularly a lazy one, or one who also thinks they are funny, on this board but can do so without breaking the other rules of the board, take it to OOC Chatter.


i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

[/quote] Ah heh..personally..I think a little flaming is good. It's amusing...long as it's kept comical...but hey...*shrug*[/quote]

but not to much is  good