Sun Legionnaires

Started by Pantoufle, November 22, 2004, 06:45:18 PM

This is an excerpt regarding House Winrothol I dug up:

QuoteCombined with a large number of slaves of various other humanoid races, Winrothol quickly began to focus the training regimen of these slaves towards military discipline. They have provided the Rebellion and the Lirathans with a dedicated, almost fanatical, regiment of troops ready to die for their Liege.

Does this mean Tuluk now employs slave-soldiers as they once did before the Liberation?  This quote is written in present perfect tense, which insinuates this custom is still happening today.  But I was of the impression that Tuluk could no longer afford to limit its militia to born-and-bred stock due to the war and, as such, began recruiting from amongst the common.  I sort of liked the old school days when any soldier of Tuluk you met was a brainwashed slave, it gave the city-state distinction from the corrupt Allanak (not that Tuluk isn't corrupt) where one can potentially bribe a soldier with spice to get out of jail.  So anyways, my question is: does Tuluk still raise soldier-slaves (or, for that matter have they revamped this old tradition)?

quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Oh, hah!  Petra is my former GDB login name.  I got tired of gender bending and decided it was time for a change :D.

I forgot I ever wrote that though, but I never did get a chance to notice Myrdryn's reply.  Thanks for the links.  So, by the looks of it, there are both slave-bred Sun Legnionnaires as well as common recruits.  I wonder if there is any distinction between the two, either in rank limitation, wage, insignia, etc.  No doubt there would be vast differences in terms of individual psyche between the two, as well as the fact that any commoner recruited to the Legions would have the mental capacity for betrayal that a slave-bred soldier would likely never have.

Lazloth, man, you're just the king of finding old threads, aren't you?  :shock:

I didn't intend to waylay your discussion; it's an interesting topic.  Tuluk has been liberated for fewer than forty years, so even if the old system was fully resurrected, it'd presumably remain a hybrid today.

..however, as you painted originally, unlike what's purported here, Tuluki law & order may be moving [back to] the up & up.  Time will tell.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]