The common figure in a hooded cloak

Started by Rhyden, November 03, 2004, 03:10:39 PM

This post has much in similarity with a more recent one concerning temporary main description changes for minor physical traits seen on the character for a temporary time. This is an awesome idea and I'm completely for it but while we're on the subject of changing temp ldesc's, I have an idea as well...So, here it is:

:idea: When wearing a cloak/facewrap/mask which can be worn to hide one's sdesc, all or partial main description should be hidden as well.

:arrow: I've had characters before in the past who, for a variety of reasons, didn't want to be seen at any costs in or out of public areas. So, I'd have a hooded cloak which transformed my sdesc into the figure in the hooded (blah blah blah) cloak. This is great and it works really well, but your main description remains when looked at, detailing every single trait to be possibly seen of your character...but they're nearly 100% hidden! Doesn't make much sense to me and probably many others. This idea is so general and obvious, I've concluded that I'm not the first to rant about this -problem- .

-Write any ideas, suggestions or anything at all that comes to mind :!:


I've said this before, I'll say it again.  Visual cues are not the only means you use to identify people.  Unfortunately, on Armageddon, the amount of information out there for you to compare and pattern match against is limited because it's all text.  I can't hear you talk, which means I can't say, "Oh, right, that guy's the same one I talked to just last week because his voice is the same."  I only have access to your mdesc to match against what I remember of the guy's mdesc that I talked to the day before or whenever.

I'm strongly against allowing something as simple as raising a hood or putting on a facewrap to prevent you from identifying someone.  I think people should be expected to exercise a bit of restraint when trying to identify people, but I'm more than willing to let people police themselves on that issue.

That being said, a disguise skill of some kind would be nifty, but given the frequency of these kinds of threads, I think it would be horribly abused.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

The staff have explained this, I'm sure it is still in the archives somewhere, maybe Lazloth will find it.  ;)

Anyway, there have been mdesc hiding items in the past (and there are still a few custom items designed for one specific character from time to time, when a specific character has an excellent reason to need one).  The staff giveth and the staff taketh away, I guess.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I see what you mean, but this is more for those who abuse the code and actually look at a hooded figure and use the main description displayed although certain areas of it would not be visible. Other than that, I think this is still a good idea...yet not having unique voices is a good point as well. If this idea was submitted into the game, people would be a little more cautious when they approach hooded figures, which is realistic, whether they're a close friend or deadly enemy.

Also, being able to 'look (name)' and knowing that the hooded figure in the black cloak is that person because of keywords also bugs me, but I'll stick to one rant a week.  :twisted:


QuoteAnyway, there have been mdesc hiding items in the past (and there are still a few custom items designed for one specific character from time to time, when a specific character has an excellent reason to need one). The staff giveth and the staff taketh away, I guess.

-Sweet, another good reason to pester the staff for unique items! Jk  :wink:

Nope... You're not wearing the cloak of shadows on yourself. My char would probably emote leaning forward focusing on your face, then 'look' to examine your mdesc and see if I recognize you. If you want to be unrecognizable, close your face with a veil; I'll obey and ask you IC: "Lemme see yer face fekker! Remove tha' shitty cloth off yer fekkin' face!". Still, if you have strange eyes like almond-shaped eyes with square pupils, be sure my char would still recognize you.
Temporary mdesc changes would take a lot of time, perhaps. I'm still in for trusting the players and ask the imms to fry anyone who uses the OOC information with a logfile.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Rhyden"
QuoteAnyway, there have been mdesc hiding items in the past (and there are still a few custom items designed for one specific character from time to time, when a specific character has an excellent reason to need one). The staff giveth and the staff taketh away, I guess.

-Sweet, another good reason to pester the staff for unique items! Jk  :wink:

I think they have to be character-specific unique items because the mdesc hiding item will include elements of the character's appearance that ought to be visible into it.  Or something.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick and tired of this conversation.  I've seen it 20 times.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Well, IMHO, if the PC looking at you can't roleplay the situation out that they can't recognize you, they shouldn't be playing arm. Looking into hoods, sure, its possible, looking through a facewrap/veil, no.. you shouldn't be able to see their face at all.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

Indeed.  The 'instant knowledge' of all of a person's characteristics through hoods, veils, and other similar items is one of the largest instances of abuse in the game.

Even more abused, than say...masks.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

So, AC, I'll just make some sort of superhero like batman and wear a suit that gives my character a compeltely new mdesc! That'd be great. (Kankman)

-Oh, Tamarin, I foresaw that this has been brought up before, I just don't know where, plus we get new players all the time, so popular questions and posts should be continuously brought back up, for those newer players to take a first look upon and for older players to share their wisdom with.
