Coded Delivery System

Started by Seriously Calm Kank, November 03, 2004, 01:59:46 PM

Hello, this is Seriously Pissed Kank, after I've calmed down.

The other night I had a little problem with my Arming that was exascerbated (sp?) by the lack of a coded delivery stysem.

You know what I'm talking about.  You're in House Salaar, working as a Merchant.  You've finally landed this big contract where you sold forty hunting spears to House Kadius.  You get the spears crafted, you collect the money....and you think you're doing pretty good, right?  Well when you go to deliver the spears, you can't make the delivery, because no one in House Kadius is online to take it.  You wait around.  For two real life days.  Finally, you can make the delivery!  But what a hassle!

Now let's look at the options.  You can get an Imm to help with the delivery.  But Imms are busy people, and don't always have time to help with this.  Another option is that you can break into the Kadius compound and deliver the goods by force.  But the last time you did this, you had to kill five or six House Kadius guards in the process, and ever since then the Templarate has been looking at you funny.

So what to do?

After all, this isn't really a game/social issue.  House Kadius has slaves.  These slaves would be happy to stand at the gates sometimes and make deliveries into the Kadius warehouse.

So this is really a playability/coding issue.  I think that each House should have a coded Dude near their gates.  

IF you give the Dude something.
THEN the Dude
TELL giver "House Kadius thanks you for your delivery."

Meanwhile at the Kadius warehouse:
ROOM ECHO = "Some slaves walk in and drop off X"

IF someone in House Kadius TELL Dude list
THEN Dude tell Kadian
"the tall lanky man delivered a big shiny spear
the tall lanky man delivered a big shiny spear
the tall lanky man delivered a short pointy spear
the short fat dwarf delivered a handful of rubbies"

And then the Kadian has the option to go pay the people if wants (or not pay them) according to any prior agreement.

By the way, I'm not picking on House Salaar or Kadius, they seem pretty good about having people online lately.

Naw, just go store them somewhere until you find the recipient of the delivery.

QuoteRENT  (General)  

You do not need to rent out in order to quit the mud.

This command is used in special circumstances where a specific service or storage is required. For instance, one might rent an animal in the stables, or one might rent the back room of a tavern. The exact syntax is situation-dependent and must be determined for each individual use.

The typical counterpart to the rent command is the offer command. In many instances, a ticket or token will be issued and can be offered back to the issuing person to retrieve rented things.


rent <animal>
rent <person 1> <person 2> ...
rent <object>


> rent kank
(When used in a stable, this will store a kank there.)

> rent ur nessalin
(When used in an inn with the facilities, this will put Ur and Nessalin
in a private room, where no one else can intrude.)

> rent necklace
(When used in a Nenyuk bank, this will store the object in their vaults,
and you will be given a claim ticket for the item, which can be presented
when you want to reclaim. Be aware that Nenyuk charges 100 obsidian for
such a service.)


When your character goes to sleep at night, there is no need to rent a
room to do so, just role-play sleeping (e.g., use the sleep command in
an appropriate place, such as a communal sleeping chamber), but beware
that thieves operate almost everywhere, so take turns keeping watch with
a friend if you can.

A fee is charged for retrieving a mount from a stable, and also for
renting a room. You will need to have a certain number of coins in your
character's inventory for these commands to work.

Either that or get yourself an apartment or something.

Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I liked this idea as well as another idea which was to have a gate person at major houses be able to take messages, so a pc could walk to Salarri gates and leave a message then like you suggested

Ask dood list

The dood says
    "Merchant Popadopalus says that there is an order ready and waiting for delivery"
    "Hunter Gabable says he has brought back eight scrab shells and two tendons"

Or something of the like, it would be easier to code then an actual delivery system and would help to breech the subject of offline pc's which can make a house essentially rather unrealistic.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

I like it.  It's unfair how only 1% of the population can leave messages with their reading and writing and the rest of us who aren't nobles have to sit around waiting for people to log on.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Hmm.  jhunter's idea would involve more interaction (renting a place from Nenyuk).  Leaving things with NPCs takes away interaction.  Therefore, I agree with jhunter.


Of course it's unfair that nobles and templars can write and no one else can.  You say that like it's a bad thing.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Quote from: "jhunter"RENT  (General)
> rent necklace
(When used in a Nenyuk bank, this will store the object in their vaults,
and you will be given a claim ticket for the item, which can be presented
when you want to reclaim. Be aware that Nenyuk charges 100 obsidian for
such a service.)

Just an FYI, you can only rent jewelry & keys (to my recollection).
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Also the "rent" system with Nenyuk charges 100 sids per item. If you're trying to store logs that are worth 50 sids each, why in hell would you want to pay 100 sids for the privilege?

Reading and writing gives them a huge advantage when it comes to delivering messages.  While someone who isn't allowed to read/write has to rely on the way or talking to someone themself to deliver a message, while they could just send a slave/guard/runner that they have rank over.
I am sure you can see the reason, of course reading and writing allows the delivering of messages for nobility, but what does that captain of kadius have to do to get a message to the only salarr pc around? Wait for him to log on.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"Reading and writing gives them a huge advantage when it comes to delivering messages.

I wasn't disagreeing.  It is an advantage, as it should be.  But it probably isn't as much of one as you think.  Noble A wants to get a note to Noble B.  Either they have to see them in person, or they have to pass the note to Noble B's aide.  Or possibly they pass it to their aide, who passes it to another aide, who passes it on to the other noble.  There's no real postal system, and letter delivery is remarkably unreliable.  With one major exception, there is no difference between that and an oral delivery of a message from person to person - and this happens all the time.  The difference?  The chances of delivery are otherwise virtually identical, but the number of people who know what the message was is reduced.  That's the advantage, and to restate myself, it's exactly what it should be.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Quote from: "RunningMountain"I like it.  It's unfair how only 1% of the population can leave messages with their reading and writing and the rest of us who aren't nobles have to sit around waiting for people to log on.

It's a culture kept illiterate through oppression.  That's just the way it is, and it more than likely is not going to change.

All those people who can read and write are still dependent on their couriers to deliver their written messages.  If they can't find a courier, they have to wait just like everyone else.

Edit:  That 1% of the population is also better than the other 99%, and therefore, have every right to have their messages delivered more quickly.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I understand that, but from a realistic point of view, messages should be able to be delivered by the illiterate without using the Way.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"I understand that, but from a realistic point of view, messages should be able to be delivered by the illiterate without using the Way.
Guess what, there are. Find someone to pass the message along and then log off.

Waiting for people to login and not having people around to deliver goods to are both OOC problems. But I'm going to say suck it up. I would -love- to be in a similar position. Trying to work out how to get around it would spurn quite a bit of roleplay and be enjoyable. Things aren't easy in this game, that's an attraction. Dealing with people not being logged in is an OOC problem, but not such a big one. I would have organised a time to deliver the goods, and if he didn't keep up his time I'd be most angry and then I'd work on a place to store the goods, which in turn would spawn more RP. I'm seeing very little of the disadvantage of having more RP spawned in this situation.

That has nothing to do with what I was proposed.  The idea they wanted was some sort of way to leave messages for people, whether or not you're a high-ranking Tor officer leaving a message to an NPC to give to your noble lord, or a simple woodcrafter looking to leave a message for his kadius connection.  It would eliminate the excuses of why you can't seem to find so and so who posted a rumor on the board to look for them, instead of trying to contact them every 15 minutes to see if they log on.  Have a little imagination.

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"That has nothing to do with what I was proposed.  The idea they wanted was some sort of way to leave messages for people, whether or not you're a high-ranking Tor officer leaving a message to an NPC to give to your noble lord, or a simple woodcrafter looking to leave a message for his kadius connection.
Oh I got that fine, but I think it's unnecessary. If you're a high ranking officer and you can't tell anyone but the high ranking officer, tell some PC to let the lord know that you have a message for him but have been unable to find him and will do so as early as possible. If you're the woodcrafter tell another Kadian to pass on the message. Tell a friend to tell the Kadian the message. Pay someone to tell the Kadian a message.

I just don't think some infallible (and whatever coded solution you create it will be infallible) delivery system is required to fix this problem.

Then tell me why we need message boards for gossip if we can all just spread the word icly to pcs?
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Gah, I was waiting for someone to say "well fine, if that's okay for system X why not have it for system Y."

We've lived with things the way they are for a while now, I've never seen it as such a major problem as requiring a coded solution. That's all I'm saying, mixed in with advantages to not having a coded solution.

QuoteJust an FYI, you can only rent jewelry & keys (to my recollection).

If that's the case then the helpfile should say something about it IMO.

QuoteAlso the "rent" system with Nenyuk charges 100 sids per item. If you're trying to store logs that are worth 50 sids each, why in hell would you want to pay 100 sids for the privilege?

Does that count if the items are stored in a closed container? Or just the container of objects itself?

Anway, if you don't want to spend the money...or it's not profitable to do so...then just deal with it. It's really not that big of a deal to merit adding things to the game to accomodate. Besides your just cutting off interaction with others by not sticking it out.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

This problem effects more then just hunters, but I don't think an automated system should be put in place.  Limits roleplaying.  I know waiting around sucks, but during that waiting time you can be roleplaying with others instead of hunting, and you also have a face-to-face sale of your goods with a real PC rather then some NPC.  I strongly recommend that the "storage" fee of 100 sid that House Nenyuk charges be reduced down to 10 sid per item to solve the problem of being unable to walk around because of weight.

I don't like that item storing idea, I like the idea of being able to leave messages to NPCs for a PC.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."