
Started by killa, November 01, 2004, 10:55:22 PM

Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Gilvar"
Quotei was thinking more along the lines of a hunting post where hunters can go get scrab and stuff and chill in a save spot for the night before going to nak or tuluk to sell the hides and shells off

Build your own.

already planning that

Good luck. =/
 was, am, and always will be. That which dwells under the cast shadows; my Heart of Darkness.

I don't see any reason why you can't now with the new policy changes. If you're not making a clan that expects immortal support, you're fine.

Quote from: "Agent_137"I don't see any reason why you can't now with the new policy changes. If you're not making a clan that expects immortal support, you're fine.

The policy changes have affected more than just creating new clans. For those that -are- coded and awaiting implementation of their camp, this poses a problem.

At least, it's a problem as I see it.
 was, am, and always will be. That which dwells under the cast shadows; my Heart of Darkness.

If you can't have a custom item, there is no way in hell they are giving you a cabin, let alone an outpost.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Master craftsmen can still submit one custom item per month, so all you need to do is find a merchant who has mastered wagon making.  What is a building but a wagon without wheels?  :D  

Each building and each major feature (like a wall or fence around the outpost) would probably count as a seperate custom item.  If so, then a walled compound with a stable and a cabin would take three RL months to finish (assuming it wasn't attacked and destroyed durring the construction process) that is 2 IC years.  That seems like a reasonable amount of time to me.  Heck, if you could hire 3 master Merchants you might even finish a basic walled outpost with a cabin and stable in a single OOC month!  Of course finding a maxxed out Merchant would be challenging, and finding and hiring 3 would be nearly impossible and prohibitively expensive, but you can dream.  :twisted:

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I think perhaps rather than focusing on ways around the new policy changes, as a playerbase we should be taking a look at the reasons WHY these new policy changes are in place.

I've been away from the game for close to 10 months, and one thing I noticed around February before I left is the increasing focus on Stuff, and I personally am glad to see that something is being done about it. Yeah, it's too bad that it's going to take the Staff revoking privileges, but dammit, it's for our own good!

This thread is a prime example of what the Staff is trying to counter, at least from my perspective. The playerbase is getting lazy, and instead of banding together as players to make things happen, we're letting the world happen to us. If we continue leaning too heavily on the code and staff assistance (from implementing special items to starting plotlines), we're going to continue to be bored. Yes, there are those of you that do take matters into your own hands, and you are the ones that make Armageddon what it is - but I'm talking about the playerbase as a whole.  There needs to be a shift in focus from "here, let me do it for you", to "do it yourself", because the only way to do it yourself is through roleplay.

Agent_137 is right: there isn't any reason why you can't still have that hunting post.  True, the save spot might be a bit tricky, but does that really matter?  Meet other hunter characters in game that are interested, band together, and make it happen.  But the point here is, the focus should be on the hunt, rather than the appeal and convenience of your surroundings and how extravagant your blade is.

I don't have a character as of yet, but when I do, I'll be coming back for the roleplay, and not for the aesthetics. I'll see you all in Zalanthas...

Fuckin' A, Aruna,


It said no new clans, no custom items besides the 1 per month for masters.

It did not say that if you put in all this IC effort into zalanthas you won't get shit. Now, you're not entitled to anything, but they aren't saying you -can't- have it either.

Build up your idea IG, have some support, then email some staffers and see if they're interested in working with you on it. They may or may not be. I bet if you tried to build a hunting outpost, did some nice preliminary work on it, and then email gilvar and politely reminded him of his post, he might be inclined to help. Even if he doesn't, and -no- other staffer does, you can still default to AC's route.

A lot of you are taking the changes too far. To me, it seems, they are there to stop this trend of entitlement, help the staff refocus on their particular areas of responsiblity (clans and projects), and stop the flow of new custom pretty swords and panties.

u guys are getting 2 serious for this thread. i just wondered if we can get more places to go to so we can explore the world. Its sorta a wast of rooms if we cant go everwhere i been all over what i can alone and in groups i seen all i can with in the safty of the main posts and city i wish to see more but thats impossible to do with out magick. yes it should be very hard to see the rest of the world but not impossibl.

Nothing is impossible, but it's a dangerous world and one must always be prepared.
Also, don't forget that hiring magickers to help you, while a devious and horrifyingly scary (and possibly stupid :P) act, is still possible.  Luck out and maybe they'll lend you and your friends some of their power.

Some places will also require some skill-based prowess.  If there's a secret cave with an iron crown inside, there will probably be something guarding it.  Just remember the three P's - Patience, Planning and, uhh, Pickles.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "killa"u guys are getting 2 serious for this thread. i just wondered if we can get more places to go to so we can explore the world. Its sorta a wast of rooms if we cant go everwhere i been all over what i can alone and in groups i seen all i can with in the safty of the main posts and city i wish to see more but thats impossible to do with out magick. yes it should be very hard to see the rest of the world but not impossibl.

I agree with killa.

Does anyone remember Mal Krian?  If memory serves, unless you were a citizen you could not even quit out in that town (not even in a tavern).  Thus, it didn't detract from the playerbase, yet it made a nifty place to visit for the "travelling adventurer".

Though some people argue that there are already plenty of unused villages (Cenyr and Red Storm East) maybe it's time for one or two of those to get nuked, allowing a couple newer ones to appear.

Quote from: "Larrath"Nothing is impossible, but it's a dangerous world and one must always be prepared.
Also, don't forget that hiring magickers to help you, while a devious and horrifyingly scary (and possibly stupid ) act, is still possible. Luck out and maybe they'll lend you and your friends some of their power

Larrath!  Shame on you!  What would the Roleplay Fascists think!?  Open mindedness towards magick is not acceptable under any circumstances.  None whatsoever.  I mean that's why we have magick in this game, so that nobody can use it!  :roll:   (That was me being sarcastic towards all the anti-magick fanatics, by the way).

Quote from: "Pantoufle"
Quote from: "Larrath"Nothing is impossible, but it's a dangerous world and one must always be prepared.
Also, don't forget that hiring magickers to help you, while a devious and horrifyingly scary (and possibly stupid ) act, is still possible. Luck out and maybe they'll lend you and your friends some of their power

Larrath!  Shame on you!  What would the Roleplay Fascists think!?  Open mindedness towards magick is not acceptable under any circumstances.  None whatsoever.  I mean that's why we have magick in this game, so that nobody can use it!  :roll:   (That was me being sarcastic towards all the anti-magick fanatics, by the way).

I'm at least a partial member of the Roleplay Fascistic Group (FGP), and I think that I speak for every single member when I say that it is absolutely alright for a PC to hire a magicker if it is IC for them to do so and as long as they understand why everyone should, and will, stay away from them as a result.  Nobody wants this to become the rule, either, but at least a moderately rare exception.

Honestly, I never mind it when a PC trusts an elf, loves halfbreeds, hugs magickers and helps mindbenders hide themselves.   I mind it when these people fail to understand the social implication of these things.

When people look funny at my PCs for running away when they see a magicker, or start ignoring them socially because they aren't nice to half-elves, that's when I really draw the line.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "killa"u guys are getting 2 serious for this thread. i just wondered if we can get more places to go to so we can explore the world. Its sorta a wast of rooms if we cant go everwhere i been all over what i can alone and in groups i seen all i can with in the safty of the main posts and city i wish to see more but thats impossible to do with out magick. yes it should be very hard to see the rest of the world but not impossibl.

Ah, but sir, you are missing the underlying structure of our thoughts.

You see, the world is not there for you, the player, to explore. The world is there as a stage to play your character in. Don't sweat the exploring, don't sweat running about and seeing things. The fun in this game is roleplaying your character, not watching your skills increase and seeing neat lines of text that no one else has seen.

Plus, if it's easy to explore, it becomes far less impressive when you do it.