When you were new...

Started by Raesanos, October 31, 2004, 01:15:38 AM

I voted earlier for a staff approved mentorship system, and I'm voting for it twice.  Looks like someone else put up a thread about it.  This would be awesome.
'm helpful to noobs, ask me questions, totally noob friendly.

"Mail mud@ginka.armageddon.org if you think you've crashed the game."


When I was new, I wanted to have known pretty much everything else everyone has said. One other thing I would have liked though (I don't think anyone else said this, but I may have missed it) is to have know the 'sav' command. I must've lost a lot of my character's equipment, experience, and so on because of crashes.  :evil:
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

I am still half new so here's some opinions:

- The communication targetting stuff.  I didn't look too much at it before and paid for it before my first death.

- Way around.  I have problems with this every MUD.  I'm supposed to know my way around the city but couldn't find a suitable outhouse, much less find where to get needed goods.

- text editor.

- The Way.

I am skeered at looking at the other responses in this post because ksome of those things I haven't met with yet O_o