
Started by cisalus, October 30, 2004, 06:02:30 PM

Deformations in Zalanthas, apparently, seem to be quite the fashion these days.

How far is TOO far in PC deformation(s)? How far have you gone?

I would say that just about anything that doesn't required coded support is fair game for PCs.  Though, anything beyond weird skin, hair, and eye color will probably get you called a mutant.  Of course, where you live determines how well you are (mis)treated as a mutant.

The helpfile on Mutations, which we mentioned at the last Player/Staff meeting should be comming out by next week, hopefully. With luck, that should help give you some guidelines to go by (in terms of mutations).

If you're talking about simple 'deformations'...anything 'minor' will likely be alright, but it might be best to check with the Mud account - - before you try anything really freaky.

I think you mean deformities.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"I think you mean deformities.

Nooooooo....he said Deformations.

Bastard. ;)  jk.

On topic:        I don't think I've played many character with outright genetic deformities, but I really put a lot into my descriptions. Often, some from their background, I love to tie that into their description...have something creepy even, or striking. Etc.  Mutation document would be cool though.
Veteran Newbie

Just a note, I wasn't really asking for help on the subject.  :lol:

I was just seeing how big of a (semi)original conversation I could start.

That put aside, thanks for the help, either way. :twisted:

Deformities are the fashion nowadays?

Looks like my last PC started a trend. Copycats, all of you.  :wink:

Akaramu: Ha!  Ahem.  Sorry.

Seriously, though, deformities/mutations have been around for a while.  A year ago had a brother/sister pair of silver-skinned mutants.  There have been a few people with non-functional wings.  People with technicolor skin/hair.  People with the feline vertical-slit pupil eyes.  There's an NPC that looks like Cthulu.  There are a HOST of crippled, through injury or mutation, people out there.

Okay, as has been stated in the past, if you want no coded benefit out of a mutation, go for it.  If you have a crippling injury, and you don't roleplay its effects, however, you may be inviting some eating of the brainz.  If you go to wacky with your mutation, don't expect others to treat you like you might be hoping.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I noticed that when I played my mutant, suddenly there were a bunch more being created afterwards and stuff. Maybe it's cause people remember that they can play a mutant when they see one.

Things do come and go in phases.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I'd like to make a human with the genetic misfortune of pointy ears. Mmm ... but what would the sdesc say? That he was a halfie?

Or would his parents have trimmed them when he was a kid anyhow? So he'd just be a human with scarred ears? >ponder<

Quote from: "Anonymous"I'd like to make a human with the genetic misfortune of pointy ears. Mmm ... but what would the sdesc say? That he was a halfie?

Or would his parents have trimmed them when he was a kid anyhow? So he'd just be a human with scarred ears? >ponder<

Ponder no more, anonymous one.
Quote from: "help race human"
Aeons of life on Zalanthas has warped the human appearance
enough so that physical anomalies are somewhat commonplace: webbed fingers or toes, hairlessness, pointed ears, long or short limbs, or skin tones in the faint blues or greys are all possible mutations upon the basic human form.

Pointed ears are one of the somewhat commonplace anomalies for humans.  That could be because a lot of humans have a bit of elf in 'em and aren't admitting it, or simply that humanoids on Zalanthas have a predisoposition toward ear-pointyness, since many of the humanoid races do have pointy ears.  You may run into misunderstandings since pointy ears would be considered a "low-class" mutation by many humans because of the connection to elves, dwarves and other lower races.  Naturally some people may believe that you are a half-elf or part-elf and trying to hide it.   But I think you would be a-ok to use "human" in your description.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins