Backgrounds for animals

Started by wizturbo, October 20, 2004, 06:29:54 PM

Backgrounds for NPC creatures?!  ROFL

Silt horror:

This silt horror has lead a colorful and interesting life.  The pride of the spawn since birth, it has devoured countless humanoids and has a special taste for elves.  It once even devoured the renowned Templar Bozo of the Red!  It enjoys long walks on the silt sea, and fresh blood after dawn.

The rusty brown kank:

Many a bynner have fallen off the shield wall.

A brown Carru

Starting his life as a young buck, he gradually began to grow, fending off predators of all size through brute and the occasional luck.  Now large and in charge he relies on would-be hunters with images of killing Bullwinkle in their minds to come to him, as a sort of meals on kank wheels program.

A giant silt-horror

Born into a school of silt-horrors, this paritcular horror became somewhat of a black sheep.  At an early age, it began to display abnormally fond tendencies towards the other male horrors, as well as a general apathy for the stray humans who would venture to close to the silt.  It instead preferred to munch on dropped travel-cakes while it fussed over the length, shape, bounce, oomph, body, curls, and cleanliness of its tentacles.  When confronted with another horror sporting clashing shell colors such as obsidian black and mud brow, it would roll its scores of eyes and give an abnormal shimmy of its gargantuan head.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

What I'd like to know is that if we're submitting new animal NPCs to the game, should we include a background as well?
I once submitted a few kank descriptions, and I also gave a few notes as to their effectiveness in various situations, the likely price they'd bring, and on their likely origins. I wonder if this is what was meant by 'animal backgrounds'.
But, like the Tootsie Pop, the world may never know.
Not until I get that special app for 'the obese, brown kank' approved, anyway.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

When I submit new animals, I like to put a few paragraphs in about where they are found, what they eat, how they act and generally what they are all about.

Then, don't forget, to add the stuff you get from skinning them.

And if you want to go all the way, write up a few craftable items tha can be made from these parts and other things already in games.