Connection Wonkiness

Started by Saikun, October 18, 2004, 12:54:13 PM

As you're aware, there have been some connection issues with Ginka this past weekend, continuing into now. I have no idea what's wrong. It isn't a router issue. The line has been tested right into Ginka from SBC and there's no problem there. I can get in to the machine from all of my Linux servers at work, with no problem at all. Web, game, mail, and so on. Yet, my Windows desktop at work adamantly refuses to connect in any fashion. Yet they're all on the same local switches here (at work - not local to Ginka).

However, there have been some awful DNS issues internet-wide, at least today. I don't know if once again that is causing us trouble, or what. SBC has done all they can do for us, which is to say they've tested the lines. They see the network fine, and so do I from some computers. Please don't call them. It only makes them cranky, and causes me to be on hold longer.

Anyway... I'm looking into it. Those of you who can play, have at it.

Also, as an experiment, if any of you have access to a Windows box and a Linux box, please try to connect from both. If it works from one and not the other, let me know, in this thread. Perhaps Ginka has finally decided to make a stand against Redmond.


Wait, I take that back. It might be a router issue after all.

Stand by, I have a cunning plan...


OK. It was/is a router issue. Just not a router issue even remotely close to Ginka. One of SBC Global's core routers seems to have a problem where depending on where you come from, it sends you down one of two paths. Luckily for me, I have two computers, one that goes down one path, and a second that goes down another.

One path leads to Ginka's cold, mechanical embrace. The other, only madness.

SBC's network engineers are now aware of the problem, and they should have it tweaked today sometime. Those of you playing, may continue to play. Those of you who can't, try every so often.
