Ansi and the bar

Started by Anonymous, September 18, 2004, 07:51:14 AM

I cant seem to get it to work. Have tried with both Mushclient and Gmud.
I choose V at the first menu but I seem to remember that the kankhead should be green... Also, the bar might come in handy.

Make sure your client emulation is set at VT100.
Set your pagelength (24).
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

The mantis head (not kank) just as everything else in the game is uncolored.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

The only thing turning on Ansi does on Arm is make hits in combat show as a dark grey which helps them stand out.

Infobar you just type 'infobar' I think, or 'set infobar'

To add a prompt use help prompt to figure it out.

Thanks. Once the servers online again Ill try it out.