Spam Hunters.

Started by Moofassa, September 06, 2004, 01:02:12 PM

Quote from: "Ayashah"Oh, yea. Skin that rotted, left for weeks corpse that's filled with maggots and stuff now.  *wink*

Really, just because a corpse is there doesnt mean its a fresh kill. I could see someone going to try and see if the hide is salvagable but any meat I got off something like that I would toss away. Someone might have shot it with a poisoned arrow or cut it with a poisoned blade.

I think that those of you that responded to my post with that quoted and said to go ahead and SKIN the corpse, didnt read where I said go ahead and try to salvage the hide??  So I wasnt saying I wouldnt SKIN it but that I, myself, as a pc, wouldnt trust that some elf or psycho hunter/mage didnt poison the meat. My pc would rather not take a gamble with its life unless starvation or death was approaching due to hunger.
 staff member sends:
    "The mind you are trying to reach is disconnected or no longer in service.
If you feel you have reached this recording in error... trust us. We know. = message A-16"

Well, if you dry and salt meat, and keep it covered, or in a barrel or somthing - it can last awhile, dont let that fool you, i think salted and dried meat can last like, two three months.

If you tan a skin/hide, it lasts.

Overhunting is a half in half thing. I mean, tribal people will not over hunt. Because they arn't that ignorent, they have most likely felt the
sting of a food source running thin. - City dwellers have NOT. Tribals often move around - they dont grow things, they cant. City dwellers can.
Its like the Native Amercian's and the English settlers with the bufflo, why would the cities care about some animals? What would the cities care about some savages starving? Hell, to the cities killing off the savages would be a good thing. Or do what the romans did, draw them into the cities, help boost the population of their state - more population - more taxes, more bodies, larger army, and all they had to do was wipe out a stupid animal, none of their soldiers are going to die in minor wars/raids, etc.
on't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.


"I have more hit points that you can possible imagine." - Tek, Muk and my current PC.

the docs say zalanthans are ecologically aware, as stated here under the heading "overhunting"

Therefore, overhunters are abnormal, and your average zalanthan will look down on that to varying degrees.

I encourage every player to tend to this in an IC manner, be it killing the bitch because he's going to end up starving YOU out at some point, or offering friendly hunter encouragement...whatever.

I don't know how much a problem this -really- is, so i'm not going to advocate any more immortal action than already happens.

Hmm, that sounds like fun, if you suspect he is overhunting, hunt him :)  Ironic, yet efficient.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Quotethe docs say zalanthans are ecologically aware, as stated here under the heading "overhunting"

There are a few things wrong with that doc as I have pointed out to the imms before. I disagree with some of it and believe it to be an extremely one-sided point of view.

I really think it should be edited to correct a few things about it and to represent more of an opinion that Anarchy had stated.

I doubt that those from the cities would give a fuck about overhunting unlesss someone else's was preventing them from getting what they need, tribals might feel that way however.

I find it absolutely ridiculous that in a "harsh" world -everyone- is going to be so environmentally conscious, the whole notion is rather absurd IMHO.

Also the comparision that a human hunter taking down a tembo is equivalent to a human hunter taking down a grizzly bear...THERE IS AN ENORMOUS SIZE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO...a tembo assess about the size of a human...a bear...even a black bear is nearly twice the size of a human. Killing a tembo with a melee weapon is equivalent to taking out a large dog, not completely unrealistic at all.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"More conflict?
Well there you go people, a perfectly good IC reason to have more conflict and people are whining about it OOCly and passing the opportunity up.

I really do see why imms sometimes get a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" feeling when it comes to trying to please the players.


Do you even read what I write? I don't know how the hell you came up
with the response you did. By IC drawbacks by IMMORTALS I mean if
players overhunt, reduce the number of certain kinds of animals
respawning in that area next Saturday.

Auto-answer people like you make me sick,
- Ktavialt

That wouldnt make any difference at all, as first of all, there are enough people scouring the hunting areas, so every day, almost exactly the same amount of prey die.  If they reduce spawning quantity, all that will do is make everyone get less prey, but, all the animals players can see, will still be killed at exactly the same rate.  Overhunting?  Then according to your logic, they had better reduce spawn times again.  And it will be a pretty much circular route, till there are no animals left at all, and no animals are spawned at all.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

The only thing that players consider overhunting, basically, is some people kill the animals before they do leaving them not a lot left to kill.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Killing everything non-uber within 20 rooms of Allanak, in my book, is overhunting.

If you ride out of your city-state half a day after a crash or a reboot and barely find anything within fifteen rooms or so, this is overhunting.  If the same number of creatures is killed over a period of five RL days, this is not overhunting.

And if the number of animals is reduced, hunters will hopefully play with enough realism to decide that this particular type of animal has been hunted too much, and that it needs some time off to breed again.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Let me toss my idea here.

Answering it "Deal with it IC" is not the best solution.  Alright, it would be IC if it was not in playability terms.
What if the guy is not playing the game at the time I log in?

I have a similar problem there.  Not hunting, but shopping.  I need to collect X amount of a good that is only sold at one shop, and a guy keeps logging in just after reboots and buy all of that good that the NPC sells.  Once I even logged in after the reboot (Which is 3 AM in the morning here) and the guy even beat me in that even with a few seconds. (yeah I should not emote all the way through).  And that just made me want to kill him, but the guy ran away. I followed him, hunted down his tracks but he was spam RUNNING away.  Hmmphh..  I could of course kill him later if he was not "The figure in the most commonly worn cloak around the local area".  So I could not.  [/story]

Relate this to overhunting, and you get the idea.

EDIT:  Well, I just tossed my idea for "Deal with it IC: Kill the motherfucker" idea.  If you are referring it for RPing not to be able to find meat, or anything to live on, then it is fine for me though.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Then talk to other hunters and get *everyone* to want to get this guy down.  You can hire an assassin if you know who it is, or bribe a templar.

There was ways to deal with this ICly, but this does not mean there should not be OOC results to this.  I think that the whole view here is wrong; staff members removing a couple of tandu spawning points are not punishment to everyone in the MUD.  (For some reason, I can see Carnage and Callisto snickering already).  This is simply the realism of - "If you kill something, it will not reproduce, as it is dead.".

About the character logging in just after reboot and buying all of the Item X's from a store...find out as much as you can about this character.  His name, sdesc, equipment, mdesc if you can, the thing that he bought and where and which room he quit in, if any.

Put all this in an email.  If he is hiding in a room somewhere, you can wish up for someone to find the PC/account name, send them the complaint with everything you know, and then have the whole thing forwarded to the MUD account.

This is blatant bastarding and I see no reason why people should not complain against repeated offenders.  There is no reason why they cannot leave one or two of these items for someone else, or to just not log in and immediately grab the one item from the store.  When I had a character who needed items that only sold one per crash, I sometimes grabbed them two hours after reboot (I log in two minutes after the MUD is up, normally), sometimes I waited for a few days, and sometimes I didn't get them at all.  Fortunately, the competition was scarce on this item, but the point stands.

If someone is twinking or powergaming repeatedly, dig up as much information as you can, make a log if possible and appropriate, and mail the staff.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Well, for some reason, Larrath, I can not find much about that guy.  Most of the reasons are about the log in times and all.  And I have already emailed at least twice about this shopping.  But I dont think with such little information, Staff can do anything at all.  The only time I had chance to see him was the time I saw him shopping, and he did run away that.  I believe he can run away any later incident, and I have no ways to recognize the guy.  Since I dont even get a "look" chance before he enters "e".

Well, what I am doing now is waiting for the crashes.  Then I spam walk and get as much as I can, because, there are MANY things to do for me waiting in line, and I need to buy as much as those goods right away.

Now about spam hunting, this can be related as the same.  If hunters are logging in in different times, then they may not be able to recognize who is wiping the desert out, and who is not.  And if they can not know who, they can not kill the guy.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "jhunter"
Quotethe docs say zalanthans are ecologically aware, as stated here under the heading "overhunting"

There are a few things wrong with that doc as I have pointed out to the imms before. I disagree with some of it and believe it to be an extremely one-sided point of view.

I really think it should be edited to correct a few things about it and to represent more of an opinion that Anarchy had stated.

Hm. Yes, I could see that being the case also. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with the docs over your (albeit seemingly solid) logic.

And twinking spam hunting should be emailed to the mud account, and left to be tended by the immortals. Only they know the whole story, or at least, most of it. This is the OOC part of the solution.

As suggested before, the IC part of the solution is killing the bastard. You don't need solid evidence. You don't have to be right. You just do it if it's something your char would do. Hell, it'd be funny (OOC wise) to see a guy beg for his life, pleading that he wasn't overhunting at all, and making excuses.

Of course, if you are going to hunt this guy down, make an good chapter out of it, eh?

I could see a dwarf ranger with a focus of cleaning the wastes of filthy city dwellers who come out and disrupt the carefully balanced eco system. He'd take just what he needed to survive, and eventually die to a Byn troop or something. Heh.

Quote from: "Ghost"Well, for some reason, Larrath, I can not find much about that guy .. The only time I had chance to see him was the time I saw him shopping, and he did run away that.  I believe he can run away any later incident, and I have no ways to recognize the guy.
(a.) You're assuming it's the same dude boot after boot.
I won't argue with you, but I can't think of a helluva lot to buy right after a boot that you could possibly need that badly (or that there's such a fight for).  If you've never seen it in 'list', (b.) how do you even know it's [still] sold in the same place?

Alternately, if it's such a big deal, why not (c.) wish up for the vendor to be animated and plead your case that way?
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Quote from: "Lazloth"
(a.) You're assuming it's the same dude boot after boot.

I may be wrong with that assumption.  I agree. But if there are a few more dudes like that, I am going to cry.
Quote from: "Lazloth"(b.) how do you even know it's [still] sold in the same place?
I know because if I witness a crash and go there, it is there.

Quote from: "Lazloth"Alternately, if it's such a big deal, why not (c.) wish up for the vendor to be animated and plead your case that way?

Did that and not just once.  No answer.  But it is OK, I am playing it out, as if the order has not arrived yet.  (I will stil kill the guy if I find out though, so no more delays in order's arrival)

Well.. I feel the thread is getting derailed into "spam shopping." Which I believe, is not a problem of more that a few guys like me.  And if I am right, there is no solution to it as far as I can see.
*shrug*  And if I am right, spam hunting might have some problems that can not be solved that easily.

EDIT: Because I felt like it.
some of my posts are serious stuff

An entire 3 pages of this thread, and no mention of Vikings yet?

LOVELY SPAM, wonderful spam!
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]