Sure, I'll buy all those daggers, but not at that price.

Started by Anonymous, September 05, 2004, 09:07:20 PM

Any thoughts about expanding how many a merchant will buy of a given item, but at a reduced price for each similar item (copy) they have?

Take a merchant who crafts up 20 daggers.  He goes to Salarr and the first 3 he gets regular price.  Then the next 5 at 20% sid less, 20% sid further reduced for the next 5, etc, etc, up to a the ceiling number I've arbitrarily decided should be 20 total of any item.

This is something I would consider doing if I was playing a merchant PC who was buying things.

Weeeelllll.... buying in bulk is usually done for a variety of economic reasons.  Given the lack of a fully functional economy, though, and that each mercant house (virtually) employs in-house crafters to create its products, I find the idea a little far-fetched.  I mean, sure, if markets started fluctuating by supply and demand, but...

Incidentally, one of the things that I'd love to see in game is some type of conversion rate between various areas as well as currency markets.  Of course, it might be a little TOO realistic if, as soon as you enter a new city, you end up wandering around for a few hours trying to find the best conversion rate.
The one-celled, sultry amoeba says: "Oooh, baby. Yeah."
The one-celled, sultry amoeba moans in ecstasy.
The one-celled, sultry amoeba splits in half, shuddering with pleasure.[/quote]