Shops being closed

Started by wizturbo, September 02, 2004, 06:09:58 AM

I can understand shops being closed at night, but the afternoon?  And then not opening until early morning?  How do these shops stay in business, restricting their hours to only being open half the time?

I'd really love to see shops be open between dawn and dusk.  This only open for a narrow gap of time stuff isn't too fun.

I'm completely agree with you. I tried to buy a tool from a shop, but it is open only at before dawn. I tried 3 times, and I bought the tool at fourth time. One time, I went there, and start to choose a tool form list, and I choosed one, and write buy ## command, guess what happenned!

Damn shopkeeper told me that "COME BACK A LITTLE BEFORE DAWN".

If it would have been a real shop, believe me that could have been my last appreance at that shop. But, that shop is monopoly at tool sale, I have to go there.
Quote from: Sir DiealotHow 'bout, instead of stopping app special apps, because some people are morons, you just stop those accounts from Special Apping? It would stop the mongoloids from constantly bugging you...

Some shops may not have the coin to stay open all the time. That merchant may have to work on his own goods at times. Do other jobs. Search for materials and such.

That, and people probably don't shop all the time. I could see shops being open only in the morning, or only at night. Depending on when people are about.

Sure, it's annoying from an OOC standpoint, but not all shops are that way. So you can ussually get by. Thats all I got.

21sters Unite!

There's one shop I know that's only open AT dawn. Not before, not early morning - JUST dawn. That's 10 minutes. Newbies are the most likely people to need to go to this place on any regular basis, and I'm guessing it's frustrating as hell to newbies who finally learn where it is, only to discover they can only be there 10 minutes out of every RL hour.

Personally I think it's ridiculous, that narrow a window. Have it open all morning - from dawn to high sun. All those clans that are trying to recruit people - they all have schedules. And most of those schedules require that their recruits NOT be wandering around town at dawn - except on their days off.

Setting hours on shopkeepers is problematic, and it's being worked on, I believe.  If you notice a shopkeeper is open only at dawn and you think it shouldn't be, bug it (if you haven't already).  Similarly, if a shopkeeper isn't open when it says it will be, bug it.  It's possible that someone set the custom 'say' message, but the hours were set incorrectly.

I should note that repeatedly bugging the same shopkeeper will only serve to annoy us. ;)  Thanks for your help.

It costs them coins to stay open longer?

They're the labor.  They pay rent on the building (if any) on a monthly basis, no matter how often they're open.  They don't pay for water, electric, or any other sort of utility bill.

I don't see any reason why they'd close early unless they wanted to go -home- early.  That the case?

Edited:  I'm a moron who just woke up and didn't read the rest of creeper's post.  Sorry, heh.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "creeper386"Some shops may not have the coin to stay open all the time. That merchant may have to work on his own goods at times. Do other jobs. Search for materials and such.

I think this is a good answer here.  ICly I've noticed that it seems some of the bigger merchants stay open 24x7, which would probably be in keeping with the way they have people who do the selling, another bunch of people to do the gathering, and another to do the crafting.