non-crafter + crafting = ?

Started by , August 29, 2006, 10:06:25 PM

At this point I'm A Ranger Linguist. If I wanted to try my hand at floristry or any of the other crafts, could I do it and how? Thank you

That would involve making a new char...crafting skills can't be learnt by non-crafters.

Hehe, my first char was a ranger linguist too. :D

Yeah, you have to have the craft skills to try them.  Cooking is a type of craft skill, you could play around with that.  But if you want more, then you'd have to start a different character.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

your current character will be limited to what you have and what you branch, at least, without significant time investment, RP logs, and immortal intervention. (which is not guaranteed by your time investment and rp logs)

Thank you :-) I'll try out cooking then.

Rangers have a few craftery tricks up their sleeves - at least, experienced ones do. Browse the ranger helpfiles carefully and you will get some idea what they are.