Idea: Fixed mount strength

Started by williamson, May 26, 2004, 11:30:54 PM

I have an idea for a problem that is at best slightly annoying. I assume several of you have played rangers over the years that have quit with a mount out in the dessert.  Sometimes when you log back into the game, your kank is weaker than the kank you originally quit the game riding. You notice this when you unpack something from the kank and are unable to re-pack it onto the same kank.  Usually this is not much of a problem, the character can quit and log back into the game until his kank has rerolled its original strength (eg, your able to re-pack your original load). However, if you have more than one kank with you, sometimes it becomes difficult to get anything repacked onto all of your mounts.

My suggested solution is to change the racial stats on mounts from randomly generated numbers such as 6d6 to fixed numbers such as 30d1.  This would correct the problem with reloading mounts out in the desert as well as make it easier for PC's to tell which kanks are stronger, carry more, travel farther, ect...

"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen

Yeah, do it up.

Don't fix the rolls for stables though, right?

I'm wondering... if they can save the kank, its position, who has it hitched, and what it's got packed on it, could its strength be carried over from a crash? That might be cool. Then let it get rolled again once it's gone to a stable. I've always kinda passed off the random factor out of a stable for how the kank was handled while there... sometimes better, sometimes worse.

Edit: I actually based my answer as if the Mud had crashed but could be applied to rangers in the wild.
color=darkred][size=9]Complaints of unfairness on the part of
other players will not be given an audience.
If you think another character was mean
to you, you're most likely right.[/color][/size]

Everything can be stored as stats on the ticket. The issue is with the time it would take. Nothing more, and nothing less.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.
