Gurth's and stuff

Started by Kade, March 19, 2004, 10:53:54 PM

I once had a pet Gurth (before I ate Erget).  Well at one point he woke up, leapt from my lap in a tavern, and went nuts in there.  Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew If a gurth could wake up inside, and open, and leave a closed backpack?

Autarch Kade

I dislike this thread for the same reason I disliked the other thread about gurth.

That post tells people about an aspect of the code I think most people should find out in-game (whether it be on IC message boards via rumours, talking to people in-game or codedly finding it out yourself). This is after all only my opinion, I'm sure there are many people who disagree with it.

ICly, yes that should be able to happen. Although I'd see it more as somehow breaking it. Codedly, I don't know. I'd either e-mail a helper or e-mail the mud account.

Would a gurth even fit in a backpack?

How about we try not talking code, and talking RP instead. Maybe that will help our friend here decide.

You've got this gurth. It's not REALLY big, but it's pretty big. Maybe barely big enough to fit into a backpack. Let's pretend it is, just so we can see the picture here.

So now, this gurth is sitting dormant in your backpack. Maybe, your waterskin leaked a little and got into the gurth's nostrils and woke him up. Or maybe that piece of bone jiggled around and stuck him in the belly.

So, he starts going nuts, gets all annoyed and shit because he was just sitting there nice and peaceful and enjoying the relaxing ride in your pack.

He goes apeshit on you, and gets out of your pack. Oh but wait, your pack is closed. HOW does he do this? Does he deftly reach through the tiny opening in the pulled string-flap and untangle the rope that closes it? Hm.. well, I don't think a gurth has opposable thumbs, so I'm not sure that would work.

Does he chew through the fabric/leather? A definite possibility. Does he poke that bone that was poking in his belly through and tear a hole? Doubtful, that whole thumb thing would probably hinder his efforts. So, IF he manages to get out, whether the code provides clothing breakage or not, you kinda have to assume he damaged your pack.

Now, you could RP quickly sliding that bone through the rip to keep all the rest of your stuff from falling out, and pretend that all is well in gurth-land. Or, you could "junk pack" knowing that your pack is now useless, if the code doesn't junk it for you..

Or, you could - check this out, you'll love it: try not to bring home untamed animals and treat them as pets. They tend to break backpacks and other assorted things, and they're a bitch to potty train.

I like all your sugestions but the last one.. I really always wanted a pet gurth. I think they are awsome. So what if it causes a rucus every now and again.. Big deal..

But I would maybe tie a rope to it's shell or something instead of carring it around in my pack. I would suck when it got spooked the though, because you would have to carry it..

Then again.. maybe a pet gurth is not such a good idea.

Get a bird or something.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Just get a pet giant or mul.   Easier to clean up after most of the time.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

I want a pet uberjazz.


Anyway, I wouldnt be surprised if the poor thing went nuts after being kept in a backpack. I would, too.