Hated Trends

Started by Trenidor, February 25, 2004, 08:22:21 PM

Quote from: "Angela Christine"Even those with several outfits and a place to store them don't change clothes as often as they might realistically be expected to do. Changing clothes is a pain in the ass, and takes longer than it should
I actually use this to stop myself from changing my character's mind on what he is going to do. If he has changed into his city clothes he isn't going to suddenly go hunting cause no PCs are in taverns. I also don't have macros, and can get changed within 2 OOC minutes :)

Quote from: "SpyGuy"for those that do see this ingame (handsome, ugly, pretty, beautiful, whatever) is to OOCly view it as conforming to earth standards of beauty (which are more the standards of Zalanthian nobles I would think) and leave it at that.  ICly let your character make up their own mind.
Ultimately I wish I could do that. But in all likelihood I'm going to find that character ugly just to spite them. Thankfully I make all my character's see Earth-beauty types as ugly. I like to have my characters see more unique aspects as beautiful (I just feel sorry for those who try to be ugly and don't have flawless skin but instead have scars covering them in head-to-toe).

Yes, it's OOC. But damnit, I find it difficult to stop myself, and luckily I often don't have an IC reason TO stop myself.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"Are you saying that only rich people can be attractive?  That makes about as much sense as a raving spice whore.

Uhm. Obviously I was referring to good looking in the sense of personal hygiene. Yeah. So shhh... Silence.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"They are dark skinned because they are born dark skinned.  It's a hereditary trait that would prove extremely useful to them due to the fact that it protects them from the full force of the sun.

Read the docs, people are born with all sorts of weird genetic traits. If someone can have purple eyes, I'd say its safe that they might be born a little bit paler than other people. Not to mention, even if you are born dark skinned... If you spend all your time in big Houses and very little time exposed to the sun you will be LIGHTER SKINNED than the rest of the population.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"On Zalanthas, piercings and tattoos are what make people beautiful, and not skin texture.

And you'd know how? I think the issue here is with people using the WORD beautiful in their sdesc.

Anyway, ERS rants aside, it comes down to a fairly big problem with descriptions. At some point, everything is subjective. Some of it is more blatant than other things but in general its tough to come across a description that isn't subjective. If you're a half giant that dwarf is hardly broad-shouldered now is he? Don't stress about it. If it miffs you, ok, move on. Enjoy the game.

Quote from: "Pungee"Read the docs, people are born with all sorts of weird genetic traits. If someone can have purple eyes, I'd say its safe that they might be born a little bit paler than other people. Not to mention, even if you are born dark skinned... If you spend all your time in big Houses and very little time exposed to the sun you will be LIGHTER SKINNED than the rest of the population.

And yet, despite genetic aberrations, logic would dictate that dark skin would the default skin tone of a Zalanthian.

Quote from: "Pungee"
Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"On Zalanthas, piercings and tattoos are what make people beautiful, and not skin texture.

And you'd know how? I think the issue here is with people using the WORD beautiful in their sdesc.

I know because that's what the documentation states.  No, don't ask me to find the link, from what I remember it was a quote originating the GDB.  Hell, it could have been a forgery.  But it does put things together nicely.  Not everyone can be supple and pale.

Quote from: "Pungee"Anyway, ERS rants aside, it comes down to a fairly big problem with descriptions. At some point, everything is subjective. Some of it is more blatant than other things but in general its tough to come across a description that isn't subjective. If you're a half giant that dwarf is hardly broad-shouldered now is he? Don't stress about it. If it miffs you, ok, move on. Enjoy the game.

Yes, I agree.  I personally would draw the line at forcing reactions on other players.  And I'd add that the mark of an experienced player is being able to project a feeling such as "handsome" "beautiful" "intimidating" without actually coming out and saying it.
Back from a long retirement

QuoteAnd yet, despite genetic aberrations, logic would dictate that dark skin would the default skin tone of a Zalanthian.

Quote from: "help_human"...and vary
tremendously in skin and eye colour (hair colour tends to range between
light blonde to black, but peculiar variations on even this feature are
entirely possible). Aeons of life on Zalanthas has warped the human
appearance enough so that physical anomalies are somewhat commonplace:
webbed fingers or toes, hairlessness, pointed ears, long or short limbs, or
skin tones in the faint blues or greys are all possible mutations upon the
basic human form.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


You know...

...what we need to do is stop worrying about short descriptions and long descriptions and just play the damned game. Everyone is going to have words they like or dislike, and the staff is going to let some of those in and others, they won't. Does it really matter, I mean, REALLY matter? No. Do you know why? Because, in this game, where there are no pictures, and there are no images, and where there are only words which the PLAYER uses to describe THEIR character as THEY see them, we use a little nifty tool called imagination.

Imagination is a real cool thing. If you don't imagine the handsome guy as handsome, then the MOTHAFUCKA IS NOT HANDSOME. Realistically, if the Immortals allowed it throw, let it go. He may be handsome to that PC's player, but for you, he can be butt-ugly and worthy of gang raping by mekillots.

Take, for instance, me personally. Some females think that I am close to the hottest thing to walk the earth, and some don't think so at all. I'm postiive that there are some think that I'm the ugliest thing to ever see the light of Sol. So, some of those females would describe me as the young, handsome, goateed man, and some would describe me as the dark-haired, rugged young man, and some would describe me as the lithe, goat-faced young n-word, and some would simply describe me as that mothafucka or that dog. Why? Because it is what THEY see that matters to THEM.

But with text, your vision can vary even more. And that's the beauty of imagination, and the beauty of Armageddon. What you see in your mind's eye is what is concrete, in terms of descritpions, and noting else is. It simply does not matter what the words say, because everyone has a different image of what that character or sword or club looks like.

Truthfully, this is the bottom line. You can argue if you like, but it's still true. It simply does not matter what the words say, it matters what YOU see.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: "The7DeadlyVenomz"You know...

...what we need to do is stop worrying about short descriptions and long descriptions and just play the damned game.

Right there with ya.

What is it with people putting stuff about what they look like they could or could not do in their main descs?  Stuff like, "He looks like he's suited to life outdoors" or "She looks like she would be a good lay" just annoy the hell out of me if I see them in someone's main desc.  That's just leaving too little to the imagination, if you ask me.  You just as soon run around town yelling "Hey, I'm a hunter!" or "Hey, I'm a prostitute!" instead.

If you ask me, that's just plain lack of creativity.  I'd much rather draw my own conclusions about a character rather than having them drawn out for me.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

QuoteHe looks like he's suited to life outdoors"..."Hey, I'm a hunter!"

Because every character with a weathered and rugged appearance is a hunter.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Wow, you must really hate my character then. 1) My character works for a house that uses everything you can get from any animal in the wilderness. There for, we hunt whatever.
2) My character wears whatever they damn well please. And yes, that is a crap load of armor. It was a gift and it is well appreciated. So therefore it is, worn.
3) Every character I hunt with uses what they are comfortable with. No one wants to die to the hands of a beast. I would think the skins and such would still be able to be used or repaired while being crafted.
4)  It's very realistic. I think you've just got a lot of anal retention.
5) If it's a common enough language, perhaps you did learn how to speak it. *shrug* Who knows.
6) I think it's a good thing you can add an action to the look command. But I would be checking out everyone, especially if I had the duty to make sure somebody was safe. Some people are alittle more alert and wary of their surroundings than others. That's part of rp-ing.
7) Resources can be scarce. Maybe you need a little 'sid and the skin from that animal is the way to get it. It's just the way armageddon is.
8) Sometimes everyone needs a suprise. NPC's attack you without warning sometimes, based on how agressive they are. What the differenece if it's a PC?
9) Chill, just relax and play the game. It's meant to be fun. Not to stress you out. Geez.

No offense.. take it easy, kids.

:roll:  :x
Actually, I know who you are guest...and as a mater of fact; I -DO- hate you, you and your friends inspired me to start this topic in fact.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Quote from: "Anonymous"Wow, you must really hate my character then. 1) My character works for a house that uses everything you can get from any animal in the wilderness. There for, we hunt whatever.  

Good, that must mean that you aren't one of the dumbasses that are going around killing everything that moves and LEAVING THE MEAT LAYING ON THE SAND.  That just burns me up.  I assume these jokers belong to a clan with a cook-o-matic that produces infinite food from nothing, because ICly this seems absolutely insane.  Who throws away food?

Maybe all the cook-a-matics should be abolished, creating a market for hunters to sell their extra meat?  Buying, and perhaps cooking, food would give aides and servants in the clan something to do.

QuoteNo offense.. take it easy, kids.

Way to be condesending and alienate people.  People don't love being called even when they are kids, and Armageddon has a large population non-kids.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

QuoteAnonymous wrote:
Wow, you must really hate my character then. 1) My character works for a house that uses everything you can get from any animal in the wilderness. There for, we hunt whatever.  

Good, that must mean that you aren't one of the dumbasses that are going around killing everything that moves and LEAVING THE MEAT LAYING ON THE SAND. That just burns me up. I assume these jokers belong to a clan with a cook-o-matic that produces infinite food from nothing, because ICly this seems absolutely insane. Who throws away food?

I agree AC, this pisses me off as well, it's sooo unrealistic in a harsh world such as this to waste food or water.

Along the lines of people going out into the desert and forgetting water...this is one of my pet peeves, how could -ANYONE- in a world such as this -forget- water of all fucking things.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"
I agree AC, this pisses me off as well, it's sooo unrealistic in a harsh world such as this to waste food or water.

Along the lines of people going out into the desert and forgetting water...this is one of my pet peeves, how could -ANYONE- in a world such as this -forget- water of all fucking things.

I have had characters that threw away meat.  Why?  Because they were so damned good and had so damned much they didn't need it.  Hell, if you are rich enough to throw away meat, why the hell not?  If I have the choice between dragging back a few pounds of meat I don't need or another hide I can sell for 'sid that I do need, guess which one I will pick?  That is right, he would kill thing for the hide and not give a damn about over hunting, wasting, or anything of that manner.  He wasn't a tree hugger, he didn't give a shit about his fellow men, he was out to make 'sid.

If there is a problem, it is a larger problem with the economy and the general economic status of most poeple in the game.  If food is abundent then OF COURSE people are going to just throw it away.  That is the realistic thing to do.  Putting a rich American in a starving nation isn't going to cause him to go eat out of a trash can.  It it the same way in Zalanthas.  If everyone is rich, it doesn't matter what the environment is, peopel are going to act like they are rich.

Good point, but that should be the exception not the norm.

I've been running into the meat just lying around too often it seems...sometimes the hides and all lying there as well.

I don't give a shit how rich you are, if you go into the desert...you should have water with you.

Seems to me that would be the MOST IMPORTANT thing for anyone who lives in a desert environment, to make certain of if they were heading into the desert, just in case.

I don't know how many times people have asked one of my pcs for water while out in the wilds, saying that they had forgotten theirs.

I'd still like to see the price of water go up even further and the thirst code a little bit tougher than it is, basically enough so that if you go out into the wilds your going to be dehydrated as hell by the time you get back if you don't have water with you, but that's probably just me. *shrugs*
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

You must be playing in Tuluk currently.

My characters do make it the most important thing, becuase there have been serious problems before concerning a lack of water. If someone asks you for water next time just say tough shit.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

I actually have, basically sorry...perhaps if you keel over and I'm not too dehydrated myself then maybe...but otherwise, I brought enough only for me.

:strokes his smooth leather waterskin, then tips it back downing it greedily.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm the same hunter. But generally I bring more then enough for me. I don't take so much that it's too heavy, but you never know a mission might go for longer then usual, you might get poisoned, one of your waterskins might get a leak (okay, so it's never gunna happen code-wise), you might get caught in a sandstorm. Anything can happen, which is why I won't give you my food or water. Basically it's your responsibility, stiff shit if you don't prepare (IC opinion as well as OOC opinion. If I have someone who doesn't live in the desert, then I am likely to have different opinions, but I probably still wont' give you anything cause who knows when I'll need it in the big scary desert ;)).

forgetting water is possible only because we are only playing this game. We can't feel how thirsty our character is automatically. It has to be relayed to us through text.

But sure don't give me water. Just don't get mad when I kill you. Strip you naked and sell all your gear so I can buy lots of delicious water when I get back to town. Oh I'll win because I use very heavy armor and non hunting weapons. Mostly because I am not a weakling human and its light to me ;). I might stop on the way and skin a dead animal and use its chitin but not meat. I might use the hide if my hunting skills say the battle was recent. Then I'll walk into a bar and look at people without emoting since look echo should be taken off unless i actually attatch an emote to it. I can't remember what else I shouldn't be doing so I'll go to sleep.

Its possible to forget water. Mainly because the player of the character isn't perfect. I haven't done it here, but I've played games where you need to drink and eat every so often and there were times I completely forgot to stop by the locale well and fill up.  Well, I'm a forgetfull person, so I guess this might not apply to everyone.
 got caught at school with my hands down my pants and had to keep it down there for  a whole week.......What a week!
~Chris, Family Guy

Quote from: "Rindan"Because they were so damned good and had so damned much they didn't need it.  Hell, if you are rich enough to throw away meat, why the hell not?  If I have the choice between dragging back a few pounds of meat I don't need or another hide I can sell for 'sid that I do need, guess which one I will pick?  

I don't know, if you don't need the 3-79 'sid you can get a for a hunk of meat, then how much could you need the money from a hide?  Most hunters I've seen in-game are fabulously wealthy.  (Quite unlike my own grandfather who was a proffesional hunter and trapper in northern Alberta, and cleared $800 a year in cash income for hides and things back in the early 1980s.  Well, that's what he claimed anyway, I'm sure he had some things going on under the table.  They weren't exactly poor, just terribly rustic.)  

Think about people that lived through the Great Depression, your grandparents maybe.  These suckers often continue to go to absurd lengths to "clean their plates" or or preserve left-overs.  They have been hungry before, and even 50 years later they were pinching pennies and scrimping because it had such a profound affect on them.  I think this would affect most Zalanthan hunters too.  Even if you aren't hungry, you have probably been hungry before.  You've probably seen starving people in the city.  Just because there isn't a food shortage today doesn't mean that there won't be a city-wide famine tommorow.  It simply seems unusuall to me that anyone that grew up in an area subject to periodic famine and food shortages would wontonly waste food.

If the code encourages unrealistic food wasting, in opposition to the setting, then perhaps the code should be changed.  

    Food stores should buy unlimited quantitites of food, or at least unlimited quantities of basic raw ingredients, rather than just 5 of anything.  I can see them only wanting a few chocolate eclairs or ginka mousse truffles, because there isn't a huge market for those  items, but raw meats, fruits and vegetables should always be in demand.  If the code requries a limit, maybe the limit could be upped to 99, or some other number that won't be reached within a few hours of a reboot.

    NPC cooks that prepare unlimited amounts of food from nothing, without any ingredients, should be recognised as the magicking bastards they are and killed.  :P  Either eliminate them, or set up some system where the clan has to collect X amount of food to produce X amount of food.  Maybe the NPC cooks on the Noble estates would continue to provide food
for the nobles themselves, but the barraks and satalite compounds at least should have to suppy food to get food.  They don't have to kill it themselves, they could buy it instead.  This would give hunters, quartermasters, servants and aides another avenue of roleplay.  [/list]

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

8. Hmmm... Lately X attacked me without noticing, even tried to subdue me while I just pass by the room. So what? If you would be shattered with only one hit then I don't think you've business in the desert.
And Y (KUDOS ELF!) came in calmly, moved closer, waited till I emoted shivering as I had to turn my back to him circling around the prey. So I would be pleased if I could say KUDOS OOC, but sorry, I fled three rooms first, THEN started emoting looking west panting, then fled to the city with little or no emotes to the place where I can sleep. I didn't want to die. We HAVE TO spam directions after fleeing, if we don't want to lose our newbie hunter to that tough bastard. So I believe it's great if he emotes, but I'll be contented if he emotes after the kill command's lag.
But when it's just;
>k abc
>get sword
... you'd better send the log to the MUD.
And for the others I haven't mentioned any; relax man... :)

EDIT: Eek! Wasn't this thing about a few things the first poster hated? I feel off topic... Or maybe you are :twisted: . Sorry I had an urgent thing to do when I responded, so read only the first page and posted the reply.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Angela Christine"\NPC cooks that prepare unlimited amounts of food from nothing, without any ingredients, should be recognised as the magicking bastards they are and killed.  :P  Either eliminate them, or set up some system where the clan has to collect X amount of food to produce X amount of food.  Maybe the NPC cooks on the Noble estates would continue to provide food for the nobles themselves, but the barraks and satalite compounds at least should have to suppy food to get food.  They don't have to kill it themselves, they could buy it instead.  This would give hunters, quartermasters, servants and aides another avenue of roleplay.
I've always wanted to see a legitimate economy on arm, and this is a good (if primative) suggestion.  Thumbs up.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

I guess there's no way arguing with you guys, we all have different theories, mine is mainly based on a utopia secioty, but I guess there's no use fighting fools.

Trenidor's Theory: If everyone Role Played, and if everyone accepted losses, we'd all have a hellova time.

The rest of the world's theory as seen from Trenidor's eyes: Screw the man! I'm still alive and with a great deal of coins in my purse, guess I'll survive.

MY PROPOSAL: Too many people are attached to imaginary things, ARM IS A GAME, A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION that causes fictional storylines and plots to occur. I'll take a step you take a step and we can meet half way, you agree to have shit happen to ya, and I'll agree to....what is it your fighting for?

Anyway, I'll be a little less tollerant if you guys think things out before doing them; Make decisions before actions.

Note: I've become less tolerant of those people that do stuff I don't like and I've seen the goods and bads to all arguments, I can understand why some people don't want things to happen and respect them; I also would like to see you guys respect why I don't like some of the things that you do.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

My most hated trend at this very moment?  People disliking or being aggressive towards a character when they find out who plays that character or what other character that person has played in the past.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "spawnloser"My most hated trend at this very moment?  People disliking or being aggressive towards a character when they find out who plays that character or what other character that person has played in the past.

Reason #1 why I don't tell people who I play, change emoting styles between PCs and choose alernate spellings of words when I can.

Not saying it works or I'm good, but it's why I try.