The Sun King calls, will you answer?

Started by Myrdryn, December 22, 2003, 04:25:24 PM

I'm looking for applicants for Nothern Templars.  Both Jihae (male) and female (Lirathu) templars.

If you have:
No recent history of game abuse
Have the desire to play a templar
Confidence that you'd play a templar well
Some experince playing a PC in a leadership role

Then you're probably what I'm looking for.  Please e-mail inquires to me.

-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.

These roles have been filled.  Thanks to all those that applied.

Untill next time.

-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.