King's Age Festival Schedule (may change slightly)

Started by Valkyrja, September 25, 2024, 03:04:21 AM

September 25, 2024, 03:04:21 AM Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 10:24:32 AM by Valkyrja
Find in game rumor boards for more info! The King's Age Festival kicks off with House Tor hosting a dueling event in the Arena followed by some grub generously offered to the masses - cooked by House Kadius! All times EST (server).

Remember that you can mark "interested" on Discord for these events so that you get a ping in our Discord when it starts!

Wednesday 25th

9pm - Opening Event, Hosted by Tor

Thursday 26th

6pm - Byn Tournament

9pm - Kurac Auction

Friday 27th

3pm - Kadius Auction/Event

Sat 28th

2pm - Salarri Auction

7pm - Gladiator Finale

10pm - Shady Oasis Event!

Sun 29th

2pm - Closing Ceremony and Prizes

Today's event will start an hour later than originally anticipated, so 3pm EST (server) instead of 2pm.