
Started by Lotion, June 17, 2024, 07:10:56 PM

would they have invented mancala in zalanthas? I think so

I think the answer is that no, mancala (or bao) specifically has not been developed in Zalanthas, at least it hasn't been represented in any way that I know of. That doesn't mean it couldn't be or couldn't be part of a tribe's culture. I'm not sure how it could actually be played in game either codedly or otherwise (just trying to follow along?), I feel like it would be very difficult to follow and represent, especially as it can be quite fast and there's lots of changing variables. Potentially that is why it doesn't exist already.

It'd probably be easy to look at what code can represent well, and what's already been imitated somewhere, and form a new game based on what's available. Sure wish Mancala was already programmed and loaded in though, that's a fun game and simple to get. I have never found a partner for Spice Run, despite being down with every single char ever, ever. I hope you find a partner.
FN: VooDoo_Tree, Arm: Kevo, Raptor_Dan, Discord: Ain_Soph, Walter_Schmalter, RL: Kevin, Blue Sky, Alex Marzenia.

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