Tuluki Sergeant Rolecall

Started by Caverin, April 03, 2023, 04:11:30 AM

As a Sergeant of the Utep Sun Clan Legions, your primary duty is to eliminate any threats to the Ivory City. You will be equipped with arms, armor, and comprehensive training to ensure your success. You are a Sergeant of the sun legions. Your mandate is this: root out the enemies of the state. Kill in the name of the Sun King Muk Utep, Conqueror of the Twelve Tribes, and apply the law of his kingdom under His Faithful.

In your off-time? Walk those steamy-fresh boots into the nearest tavern and mingle with commoner and noble alike over tea, for you are a refined Northern Sergeant... or perhaps a gritty Warrens-born thug who prefers to chug down that swill. Either way you'll crush heads.

A brief background in the form of a short description of your character and their subguild would be useful. It would also be helpful to include your general ambitions and goals for the role. While knowledge of sponsored roles is encouraged, it is not required at all and I'm willing to give anyone a good crack! The usual rules apply, PCs must be a mundane human.

Please provide information on your playtimes, including your time zone and when you anticipate being available to play. We are willing to assist new players in settling into Tuluk, so please let us know if you require any assistance. With the role comes staff support and a whole lotta fun.

Get your applications in by the 10th of April.

A reminder that this will be closing in a couple of days.