Super Duper Secret Role Call Fresh off the Press!

Started by Brokkr, April 26, 2021, 12:57:50 AM

This role call is a secret.  Don't tell anyone!

Details:  Entirely *ahem* secret!  Except expect that it be based north of Luirs.  Due to recent events.

What we need in a PC: Need one PC for something entirely *ahem* secret!  Except that Northern knowledge would be a plus.  This may end up being a very short term role, or it may play out as something longer.

Due Date:  Open until filled.

Include with Role Application for "Secret Role Call": Please let us know how familiar with the North you are.

Do not Include with Role Application for "Secret Role Call": Any sort of background, for now.

Errrr.  So to be clear, when I said:

QuotePlease let us know how familiar with the North you are.

I meant culture more than geography.

Super Sekretly closed!

Thank you for all the interest!