code suggestion: make spice come from a variety of sources

Started by 650Booger, January 05, 2019, 05:34:55 PM

As far as I know all spice that is generated by PCs is gotten through (redacted).  I think different types of spices should come from different sources.  Maybe some come from plants that grow in hard to reach locations.  or maybe some come from deep inside the sewers.

just a thought I've been having.
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

There are substances in the Known that have spice like effects that aren't spice.

This is like asking for raptor flesh to come out of elves when you skin their corpses or a ginka to be foraged from an obsidian deposit. For the very limited amount of spice usage by PCs in game I don't think it's necessary or realistic. Think of spice like any normally occurring natural resource (gold, oranges, truffles, alaskan salmon), it's very much regional.

I would 100% back if we could find in game another spot to find it in. #spicewars2019
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